科研成果 by Year: 2009

Fuhrer MS, Chen J-H, Jang C, Cho S, Xiao S, Ishigami M, Cullen WG, Williams ED. Scattering mechanisms in graphene. Device Research Conference - Conference Digest, DRC. 2009:193-.
Wang Q, Wan L, Li D, Zhu L, Qian M, Deng M. Searching for bidirectional promoters in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Bioinformatics [Internet]. 2009;(SUPPL. 1). 访问链接
Han F, Wu J, Xu J, Deng M. Searching for differentially expressed genes by PLS-VIP method. Beijing Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis. 2009;(1):1-5.
Liu Y*, Zheng L, Li X, Xie S. SEM/EDS and XRD characterization of raw and washed MSWI fly ash sintered at different temperatures. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2009;162:161 - 173.
Jian-Yu Z, Chong Q, Meng-Xi L, Xiao C, Fu-Rong X. Shape transitions in proton-rich Ho and Tm isotopes. CHINESE PHYSICS C. 2009;33:9-11.Abstract
Total Routhian Surface (TRS) calculations have been performed for even-even nuclei along proton drip line to study nuclear ground-state deformations; as well as the odd proton nuclei Ho and Tm isotopes. The drip line nuclei show the expected shape transition with the shell effects. Ground-state shape changes from prolate to oblate at (143)Ho and (145)Tm in these two isotopes, which is due to the gamma instability around N = 76.
Zhang N, Ma S, Gao W. Shape-Based Depth Map Coding, in Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP 2009), Kyoto, Japan, 12-14 September, 2009, Proceedings.; 2009:316–319. 访问链接
Yuan C-X, Chong Qi, Fu-Rong, Xu. Shell-model studies of the N=14 and 16 shell closures in neutron-rich nuclei. Chinese Physics C. 2009;33:55.
Hagihara K, Zhang EE, Ke Y-H, Liu G, Liu J-J, Rao Y, Feng G-S. Shp2 acts downstream of SDF-1α/CXCR4 in guiding granule cell migration during cerebellar development. Developmental Biology [Internet]. 2009;(1):276-284. 访问链接
Chen J, Wu X *, Li L, Chi H. Simulated phase-locking stimulation: An improved speech processing strategy for cochlear implants. ORL: Journal for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and its Related Specialties. 2009;71(4):221-227.
He Y, Zhao Y, Fan C, Liu X, Han R. Simulation of inhomogeneous strain in Ge-Si core-shell nanowires. Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China. 2009;4:342–347.
Massling A, Stock M, Wehner B, Wu ZJ, Hu M, Bruggemann E, Gnauk T, Herrmann H, Wiedensohler A. Size segregated water uptake of the urban submicrometer aerosol in Beijing. Atmospheric Environment. 2009;43:1578-1589.Abstract
Physical and chemical properties of submicrometer aerosol particles were measured in summer 2004 (June/July) and winter 2005 (January/February) in Beijing, Peoples Republic of China, using a Twin-Differential Mobility Particle Sizer (T-DMPS), a Hygroscopicity-Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer (H-TDMA), and a Micro Orifice Uniform Deposit Impactor (MOUDI). Particle number-size distributions were measured in the diameter range Dp=3-800 nm and hygroscopic properties were determined at initial dry particle diameters of Dp(j) (j =30, 50, 80, 150, 250, and 350 nm) at a relative humidity (RH) of 90%. Hygroscopic properties were compared with chemical analyses of aerosol samples taken with the MOUDI. Based on the hygroscopicity data, the total hygroscopic particle volume was modeled, including dependence on dry particle size, season and level of pollution using a simple approach. Overall, the chemical analysis showed ammonium sulfate to be the major inorganic component of the urban submicrometer aerosol in Beijing along with relatively high fractions of elemental carbon (10-25%) and organic matter (15-60%) depending on particle size and season. The hygroscopic growth distributions (H-TDMA) subdivided the aerosol population into three different groups of particles with varying growth factors depending on dry particle size, namely nearly hydrophobic (growth factor=0.96-1.07), less hygroscopic (1.06-1.29) and more hygroscopic (1.26-1.62). Hydrophobic particle fractions indicating freshly emitted soot/carbonaceous particles varied between 10 and 32% depending on dry particle size and season. During heavily polluted times, a decreasing number of hydrophobic particle fractions indicated that the urban submicrometer aerosol in Beijing was highly influenced by more aged aerosol transported from the industrial regions around Beijing containing sulfate as a major component. Based on model calculations, the urban submicrometer aerosol in Beijing showed strong compositional variations. The calculated total hygroscopic volume fractions varied between 16 and 65% depending on size, level of pollution and season. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sun Y, Zhang Q, Macdonald AM, Hayden K, Li SM, Liggio J, Liu PSK, Anlauf KG, Leaitch WR, Steffen A, et al. Size-resolved aerosol chemistry on Whistler Mountain, Canada with a high-resolution aerosol mass spectrometer during INTEX-B. ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 2009;9:3095-3111.Abstract
An Aerodyne High Resolution Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) was deployed at the peak of Whistler Mountain (2182 m above sea level), British Columbia, from 19 April to 16 May 2006, as part of the Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment Phase B (INTEX-B) campaign. The mass concentrations and size distributions of non-refractory submicron particle (NR-PM1) species (i.e., sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, chloride, and organics) were measured in situ at 10-min time resolution. The HR-ToF-AMS results agreed well with collocated measurements. The average concentration of non-refractory submicron particulate matter (NR-PM1; 1.9 mu g m(-3)) is similar to those observed at other remote, high elevation sites in North America. Episodes of enhanced aerosol loadings were observed, due to influences of regional and trans-Pacific transport of air pollution. Organics and sulfate were the dominant species, on average accounting for 55% and 30%, respectively, of the NR-PM1 mass. The average size distributions of sulfate and ammonium both showed an accumulation mode peaking at similar to 500 nm in vacuum aerodynamic diameter (D-va) while those of organic aerosol (OA) and nitrate peaked at similar to 300 nm. The size differences suggested that sulfate and OA were mostly present in external mixtures from different source origins. We also quantitatively determined the elemental composition of OA using the high resolution mass spectra. Overall, OA at Whistler Peak was highly oxygenated, with an average organic-mass-to-organic-carbon ratio (OM/OC) of 2.28 +/- 0.23 and an atomic ratio of oxygen-to-carbon (O/C) of 0.83 +/- 0.17. The nominal formula for OA was C1H1.66N0.03O0.83 for the entire study. Two significant trans-Pacific dust events originated from Asia were observed at Whistler Peak during this study. While both events were characterized with significant enhancements of coarse mode particles and mineral contents, the composition and characteristics of NR-PM1 were significantly different between them. One trans-Pacific event occurred on 15 May 2006, during which ammonium sulfate contributed >90% of the total NR-PM1 mass. This event was followed by a high OA episode likely associated with regional emissions. In total, three enhanced regional OA events, each of which lasted 2 3 days, were observed during this study. In contrast to the two dust events, the regional OA events were generally characterized with higher OA/sulfate ratio, less oxidized OA, and lower OM/OC ratio.
Liu JF, Chen YQ, Sun SL. Small polyhedron reconnection for mesh improvement and its implementation based on advancing front technique. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 2009;79:1004-1018.Abstract
Local transformation, or topological reconnection, is one of the effective procedures for mesh improvement method, especially for three-dimensional tetrahedral mesh. The most frequently used local transformations for tetrahedral mesh are so-called elementary flips, such as 2-3 flip, 3-2 flip. 2-2 flip, and 4-4 flip. Owing to the reason that these basic transformations simply make a selection from several possible configurations within a relatively small region, the improvement of mesh quality is confined. In order to further improve the quality of mesh, the authors recently suggested a new local transformation operation, small polyhedron reconnection (SPR) operation, which seeks for the optimal tetrahedralization of a polyhedron with a certain number of nodes and faces (typically composed of 20-40 tetrahedral elements).This paper is an implementation of the suggested method. The whole process to improve the mesh quality by SPR operation is presented; in addition, some strategies, similar to those used in advancing front technique, are introduced to speed up the operation. The numerical experiment shows that SPR operation is quite effective in mesh improvement and more suitable than elementary flips when combined with smoothing approach. The operation can be applied to practical problems, gaining high mesh quality with acceptable cost for computational time. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Liu J, Chen YQ, Sun SL. Small polyhedron reconnection for mesh improvement and its implementation based on advancing front technique. International Journal for Numerical Methods in EngineeringInternational Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 2009;79:1004-1018.Abstract
Local transformation, or topological reconnection, is one of the effective procedures for mesh improvement method, especially for three-dimensional tetrahedral mesh. The most frequently used local transformations for tetrahedral mesh are so-called elementary flips, such as 2-3 flip, 3-2 flip. 2-2 flip, and 4-4 flip. Owing to the reason that these basic transformations simply make a selection from several possible configurations within a relatively small region, the improvement of mesh quality is confined. In order to further improve the quality of mesh, the authors recently suggested a new local transformation operation, small polyhedron reconnection (SPR) operation, which seeks for the optimal tetrahedralization of a polyhedron with a certain number of nodes and faces (typically composed of 20-40 tetrahedral elements).This paper is an implementation of the suggested method. The whole process to improve the mesh quality by SPR operation is presented; in addition, some strategies, similar to those used in advancing front technique, are introduced to speed up the operation. The numerical experiment shows that SPR operation is quite effective in mesh improvement and more suitable than elementary flips when combined with smoothing approach. The operation can be applied to practical problems, gaining high mesh quality with acceptable cost for computational time. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Uhl GR, Drgon T, Li C-Y, Johnson C, Liu Q-R. Smoking and smoking cessation in disadvantaged women: Assessing genetic contributions. [Internet]. 2009;(SUPPL. 1):S58-S63. 访问链接
Gong L, Luo Y, Zou H-fu. Social Status, the Spirit of Capitalism, and the Term Structure of Interest Rates in Stochastic Production Economies. Economic Dynamics: Theory, Games and Empirical Studies. 2009.Abstract
This paper studies capital accumulation and equilibrium interest rates in stochastic production economies with the concern of social status. Given a specific utility function and production function, explicit solutions for capital accumulation and equilibrium interest rates have been derived. With the aid of steady-state distributions for capital stock, the effects of fiscal policies, social-status concern, and stochastic shocks on capital accumulation and equilibrium interest rates have been investigated. A significant finding of this paper is the demonstration of multiple stationary distributions for capital stocks and interest rates with the concern of social status.
Wang Q, Shao M, Zhang Y, Wei Y, Hu M, Guo S. Source apportionment of fine organic aerosols in Beijing. Atmospheric Chemistry and PhysicsAtmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2009;9:8573-8585.Abstract
Fine particles (PM2.5, i.e., particles with an aerodynamic diameter of <= 2.5 mu m) were collected from the air in August 2005, August-September 2006, and January-February 2007, in Beijing, China. The chemical compositions of particulate organic matter in the ambient samples were quantified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The dominant compounds identified in summertime were n-alkanoic acids, followed by dicarboxylic acids and sugars, while sugars became the most abundant species in winter, followed by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, n-alkanes, and n-alkanoic acids. The contributions of seven emission sources (i.e., gasoline/diesel vehicles, coal burning, wood/straw burning, cooking, and vegetative detritus) to particulate organic matter in PM2.5 were estimated using a chemical mass balance receptor model. The model results present the seasonal trends of source contributions to organic aerosols. Biomass burning (straw and wood) had the highest contribution in winter, followed by coal burning, vehicle exhaust, and cooking. The contribution of cooking was the highest in summer, followed by vehicle exhaust and biomass burning, while coal smoke showed only a minor contribution to ambient organic carbon.
Wang Q, Shao M, Zhang Y, Wei Y, Hu M, Guo S. Source apportionment of fine organic aerosols in Beijing. Atmospheric Chemistry and PhysicsAtmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2009;9:8573-8585.Abstract
Fine particles (PM2.5, i.e., particles with an aerodynamic diameter of <= 2.5 mu m) were collected from the air in August 2005, August-September 2006, and January-February 2007, in Beijing, China. The chemical compositions of particulate organic matter in the ambient samples were quantified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The dominant compounds identified in summertime were n-alkanoic acids, followed by dicarboxylic acids and sugars, while sugars became the most abundant species in winter, followed by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, n-alkanes, and n-alkanoic acids. The contributions of seven emission sources (i.e., gasoline/diesel vehicles, coal burning, wood/straw burning, cooking, and vegetative detritus) to particulate organic matter in PM2.5 were estimated using a chemical mass balance receptor model. The model results present the seasonal trends of source contributions to organic aerosols. Biomass burning (straw and wood) had the highest contribution in winter, followed by coal burning, vehicle exhaust, and cooking. The contribution of cooking was the highest in summer, followed by vehicle exhaust and biomass burning, while coal smoke showed only a minor contribution to ambient organic carbon.
Wang Q, Shao M, Zhang Y, Wei Y, Hu M, Guo S. Source apportionment of fine organic aerosols in Beijing. Atmospheric Chemistry and PhysicsAtmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2009;9:8573-8585.Abstract
Fine particles (PM2.5, i.e., particles with an aerodynamic diameter of <= 2.5 mu m) were collected from the air in August 2005, August-September 2006, and January-February 2007, in Beijing, China. The chemical compositions of particulate organic matter in the ambient samples were quantified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The dominant compounds identified in summertime were n-alkanoic acids, followed by dicarboxylic acids and sugars, while sugars became the most abundant species in winter, followed by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, n-alkanes, and n-alkanoic acids. The contributions of seven emission sources (i.e., gasoline/diesel vehicles, coal burning, wood/straw burning, cooking, and vegetative detritus) to particulate organic matter in PM2.5 were estimated using a chemical mass balance receptor model. The model results present the seasonal trends of source contributions to organic aerosols. Biomass burning (straw and wood) had the highest contribution in winter, followed by coal burning, vehicle exhaust, and cooking. The contribution of cooking was the highest in summer, followed by vehicle exhaust and biomass burning, while coal smoke showed only a minor contribution to ambient organic carbon.
Qi L, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Gao Y, Song L. Spatial distribution of the inlinks to the Beijing tourist attractions' websites, in 2009 17th International Conference on Geoinformatics, Geoinformatics 2009.; 2009. 访问链接
