科研成果 by Year: 2009

Chen Q, Farmer DK, Schneider J, Zorn SR, Heald CL, Karl TG, Guenther A, Allan JD, Robinson N, Coe H, et al. Mass spectral characterization of submicron biogenic organic particles in the Amazon Basin. Geophysical Research Letters. 2009;36:L20806.Abstract
Submicron atmospheric particles in the Amazon Basin were characterized by a high-resolution aerosol mass spectrometer during the wet season of 2008. Patterns in the mass spectra closely resembled those of secondary-organic-aerosol (SOA) particles formed in environmental chambers from biogenic precursor gases. In contrast, mass spectral indicators of primary biological aerosol particles (PBAPs) were insignificant, suggesting that PBAPs contributed negligibly to the submicron fraction of particles during the period of study. For 40% of the measurement periods, the mass spectra indicate that in-Basin biogenic SOA production was the dominant source of the submicron mass fraction, contrasted to other periods (30%) during which out-of-Basin organic-carbon sources were significant on top of the baseline in-Basin processes. The in-Basin periods had an average organic-particle loading of 0.6 mu g m(-3) and an average elemental oxygen-to-carbon (O:C) ratio of 0.42, compared to 0.9 mu g m(-3) and 0.49, respectively, during periods of out-of-Basin influence. On the basis of the data, we conclude that most of the organic material composing submicron particles over the Basin derived from biogenic SOA production, a finding that is consistent with microscopy observations made in a concurrent study. This source was augmented during some periods by aged organic material delivered by long-range transport. Citation: Chen, Q., et al. (2009), Mass spectral characterization of submicron biogenic organic particles in the Amazon Basin, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L20806, doi: 10.1029/2009GL039880.
Cheng Y, He KB, Duan FK, Zheng M*, Ma YL, Tan JH. Measurement of semivolatile carbonaceous aerosols and its implications: A review. Environment International [Internet]. 2009;35:674 - 681. LINKAbstract
Measurement of carbonaceous aerosols is complicated by positive and negative artifacts. An organic denuder with high efficiency for removing gaseous organics is an effective approach to eliminate the positive artifact, and it is a precondition for the accurate determination of SVOC by an adsorbent backup filter. Evaluations of different configurations of the organic denuder, and SVOC determined by different denuder-based samplers, both integrated and semi-continuous, are reviewed. A new equation for determination of the denuder efficiency is estimated, considering the efficiency of removing both the gaseous organics that could be adsorbed by the quartz and the gaseous passing through the quartz that could be subsequently adsorbed by the backup adsorbent filter. The origin of OC on the backup quartz filter, behind either quartz or Teflon filter, is quantitatively evaluated by the denuder-based method based on the data published. The backup-OC is shown to be dominated by either gaseous organics passing through the front filter or the evaporated particulate organic carbon depending on the sampling environment.
Qu TS, Song Y, Li XD, Wu XH. A Measurement of Structural Head-related Transfer Functions in Proximal Region, in The 10th Western Pacific Acoustics Conference. Beijing China; 2009.
Jiang L, Ouyang Q, Tu Y. A mechanism for precision-sensing via a gradient-sensing pathway: A model of Escherichia coli thermotaxis. Biophysical Journal [Internet]. 2009;(1):74-82. 访问链接
Jiang L, Ouyang Q, Tu Y. A mechanism for precision-sensing via a gradient-sensing pathway: A model of Escherichia coli thermotaxis. Biophysical Journal [Internet]. 2009;(1):74-82. 访问链接
Jiang L, Ouyang Q, Tu Y. A mechanism for precision-sensing via a gradient-sensing pathway: A model of Escherichia coli thermotaxis. Biophysical Journal [Internet]. 2009;(1):74-82. 访问链接
Gao S, Fan Y, Chen L, Lu J, Xu T, Xu P. Mechanism of different spatial distributions of Caenorhabditis elegans and human STIM1 at resting state. Cell Calcium [Internet]. 2009;(1):77-88. 访问链接
Lan Y, Deng L, Liu J, Wang C, Wiest O, Yang Z, Wu Y-D. On the mechanism of the palladium catalyzed intramolecular Pauson-Khand-Type reaction. Journal of Organic Chemistry [Internet]. 2009;(14):5049-5058. 访问链接
Chakir K, Daya SK, Aiba T, Tunin RS, Dimaano VL, Abraham TP, Jacques K, Lai EW, Pacak K, Zhu W-Z, et al. Mechanisms of enhanced β-adrenergic reserve from cardiac resynchronization therapy. Circulation [Internet]. 2009;(9):1231-1240. 访问链接
胡泳. Meetup的故事. 商务周刊. 2009;(13):92.Abstract
Liu T-T, Shi J, Epstein DH, Bao Y-P, Lu L. A meta-analysis of acupuncture combined with opioid receptor agonists for treatment of opiate-withdrawal symptoms. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology [Internet]. 2009;(4):449-454. 访问链接
Liu T-T, Shi J, Epstein DH, Bao Y-P, Lu L. A meta-analysis of chinese herbal medicine in treatment of managed withdrawal from heroin. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology [Internet]. 2009;(1):17-25. 访问链接
Bao Y-P, Liu Z-M, Epstein DH, Du C, Shi J, Lu L. A meta-analysis of retention in methadone maintenance by dose and dosing strategy. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse [Internet]. 2009;(1):28-33. 访问链接
Chang PV, Chen X, Smyrniotis C, Xenakis A, Hu T, Bertozzi CR, Wu P. Metabolie labeling of sialic acids in living animals with alkynyl sugars. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition [Internet]. 2009;(22):4030-4033. 访问链接
Xu M, Wu YQ, Koybasi O, Shen T, Ye PD. Metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors on GaAs (111)A surface with atomic-layer-deposited Al2O3 as gate dielectrics. Applied Physics Letters [Internet]. 2009;94. 访问链接
Hu G-Q, Guo J-T, Liu Y-C, Zhu H. MetaTISA: Metagenomic Translation Initiation Site Annotator for improving gene start prediction. Bioinformatics [Internet]. 2009;(14):1843-1845. 访问链接
Peng XL, Huang JY, Qin L, Xiong CY, Fang J. A method to determine Young's modulus of soft gels for cell adhesion. Acta Mechanica SinicaActa Mechanica Sinica. 2009;25:565-570.
Park S, Ryan P, Karapetrova E, Kim JW, Ma JX, Shi J, Freeland JW, Wu W. Microscopic evidence of a strain-enhanced ferromagnetic state in LaCoO 3 thin films. Applied Physics Letters. 2009;(7).
Qi C, Xu FR, Liotta RJ, Wyss R, Zhang MY, Asawatangtrakuldee C, Hu D. Microscopic mechanism of charged-particle radioactivity and generalization of the Geiger-Nuttall law. Phys. Rev. C [Internet]. 2009;80:044326. 访问链接
Yang Z, Beyermann WP, Katz MB, Ezekoye OK, Zuo Z, Pu Y, Shi J, Pan XQ, Liu JL. Microstructure and transport properties of ZnO:Mn diluted magnetic semiconductor thin films. Journal of Applied Physics. 2009;(5).
