科研成果 by Year: 2008

Meng F, To WKL, Gu Y. Role of TRP channels and NCX in mediating hypoxia-induced [Ca2+]i elevation in PC12 cells. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology [Internet]. 2008;(3):386-393. 访问链接
SHEN SHUI-FA, Huang Y-W, ZHENG SHI-JIE, Fu-Rong, Xu. Rotational to vibrational evolution in some rotational-like nuclei. Chinese Physics C. 2008;32:146.
Yang S, M. WP, Fu-Rong X, Liu, Yu-Xin. Rotation-driven prolate-to-oblate shape phase transition in W-190: A projected shell model study. Physics Letters B. 2008;659:165.
Jin R, Lv Z, Chen Q, Quan Y, Zhang H, Li S, Chen G, Zheng Q, Jin L, Wu X, et al. Safety and Immunogenicity of H5N1 influenza vaccine based on baculovirus surface display system of bombyx mori. PLoS ONE [Internet]. 2008;(12). 访问链接
Chu S, Li F, Tao H, Yang H, Wang S, Lin C, Zhao X, Gong Q. SbS3 enhanced ultrafast third-order optical nonlinearities of Ge–S chalcogenide glasses at 820nm. Optical MaterialsOptical Materials. 2008;31:193-195.
Zheng F, Liu Z, Wu J, Duan W, Gu B-L. Scaling law of the giant Stark effect in boron nitride nanoribbons and nanotubes. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2008;(8).
Teng J, Wu K, Guo J, Wang E. Scanning-induced structure transformation between self-assembled phases of pentacene on Ag/Si(1 1 1). Surface Science. 2008;(1):358-364.
Cai W, Ji X, Sun J, Shao S. A Schwarz generalized eigen-oscillation spectral element method (GeSEM) for 2-D high frequency electromagnetic scattering in dispersive inhomogeneous media. Journal of Computational Physics [Internet]. 2008;227(23):9933-9954. 访问链接Abstract
In this paper, we propose a parallel Schwarz generalized eigen-oscillation spectral element method (GeSEM) for 2-D complex Helmholtz equations in high frequency wave scattering in dispersive inhomogeneous media. This method is based on the spectral expansion of complex generalized eigen-oscillations for the electromagnetic fields and the Schwarz non-overlapping domain decomposition iteration method. The GeSEM takes advantages of a special real orthogonality property of the complex eigen-oscillations and a new radiation interface condition for the system of equations for the spectral expansion coefficients. Numerical results validate the high resolution and the flexibility of the method for various materials.
Cai QX, Lin L, Pan W, Luo S, Zhang L. Screening microsatellite DNA markers and genetic variation analysis of wild Asian elephant population in Mengyang Nature Reserve. 2008;(2):126-134.
Jia J, Chen W. Script-based design for human-computer dialog in given scenarios for English learners, in Proceedings - The 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2008.; 2008:739-743. 访问链接
Kloster M, Tang C. SCUMBLE: A method for systematic and accurate detection of codon usage bias by maximum likelihood estimation. Nucleic Acids Research [Internet]. 2008;(11):3819-3827. 访问链接
Chen PR, He C. Selective recognition of metal ions by metalloregulatory proteins. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology [Internet]. 2008;(2):214-221. 访问链接
Lou XW, Deng D, Lee JY, Feng J, Archer LA. Self-supported formation of needlelike Co3O4 nanotubes and their application as lithium-ion battery electrodes. Advanced Materials. 2008;(2):258-262.
Lou XW, Deng D, Lee JY, Feng J, Archer LA. Self-supported formatnion of needlelike Co3O4 nanotubes and their application as lithium-ion battery electrodes. Advanced Materials [Internet]. 2008;20:258-+. 访问链接
Li S-X, Li J, Epstein DH, Zhang XY, Kosten TR, Lu L. Serum cortisol secretion during heroin abstinence is elevated only nocturnally. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse [Internet]. 2008;(3):321-328. 访问链接
Li Y-Q, Wang X-yi, Zhai H-F, Zhang XY, Kosten T, Lu L. Sex- and age-dependent effects of early postnatal sibling deprivation on spatial learning and memory in adult rats. Behavioural Brain Research [Internet]. 2008;(1):138-142. 访问链接
Fu-Rong; LIUH-L;XU. Shape coexistence of high-spin isomeric states in proton-rich A 190 nuclei. Chinese physics C [Internet]. 2008;32:131. 访问链接
Shape coexistence of superheavy nuclei. Chinese Physics C. 2008;32:152.
Shell-model study of spectroscopies and isospin structures in odd-odd N=Z nuclei employing realistic NN interaction. Nuclear Physics A. 2008;800:47.
Zhang P, Li J, Tan Z, Wang C, Liu T, Chen L, Yong J, Jiang W, Sun X, Du L, et al. Short-term BMP-4 treatment initiates mesoderm induction in human embryonic stem cells. Blood [Internet]. 2008;(4):1933-1941. 访问链接
