科研成果 by Type: Conference Paper

Zhang J, Ma S, Xiong R, Zhao D, Gao W. Image Primitive Coding and Visual Quality Assessment, in Advances in Multimedia Information Processing - PCM 2012 - 13th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, Singapore, December 4-6, 2012. Proceedings.; 2012:674–685. 访问链接
Zhang J, Zhao C, Xiong R, Ma S, Zhao D. Image super-resolution via dual-dictionary learning and sparse representation, in 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2012, Seoul, Korea (South), May 20-23, 2012.; 2012:1688–1691. 访问链接
Zhang Y. Y. Karsts-caved carbonate reservoir heterogeneity study by AVO/AVA inversion using a physical modeling data, in 74th EAGE Expanded Abstract.; 2012. 访问链接
Chen J, Pei J, Hussain F, She Z. Mach number similarity of large--scale structures in compressible channel flows, in ICTAM2012. Beijing; 2012:FM14-028.
Yu Q, Zhao L, Ma S. Parallel AMVP candidate list construction for HEVC, in 2012 Visual Communications and Image Processing, VCIP 2012, San Diego, CA, USA, November 27-30, 2012.; 2012:1–6. 访问链接
Qi F, Jiang T, Ma S, Zhao D. Quality of experience assessment for stereoscopic images, in 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2012, Seoul, Korea (South), May 20-23, 2012.; 2012:1712–1715. 访问链接
Zhang X, Xiong R, Ma S, Gao W. Reducing Blocking Artifacts in Compressed Images via Transform-Domain Non-local Coefficients Estimation, in Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, ICME 2012, Melbourne, Australia, July 9-13, 2012.; 2012:836–841. 访问链接
Wang M, Liao B. Research on Contribution of Information Productivity to Economic Growth, in 2012 International Conference on Management of e-Commerce and e-Government. Beijing, China: IEEE; 2012. 访问链接Abstract
This paper measures the contribution of information productivity to the economic growth by a revised Cobb-Douglas production function which takes capital, labor and information as three elements. The result shows that information productivity contributes the most to the economic growth. Meanwhile, we also compare China with other high income countries and find that information input has stronger multiplier effect in China than high income countries.
Liu C, Cole MJ, Baik E, Belkin NJ. Rutgers at the TREC 2012 Session Track., in TREC.; 2012.
Zhao L, Guo X, Lei S, Ma S, Zhao D. Simplified AMVP for High Efficiency Video Coding, in 2012 Visual Communications and Image Processing, VCIP 2012, San Diego, CA, USA, November 27-30, 2012.; 2012:1–4. 访问链接
Chi YQ, Xie S. Spatiotemporal inventory of biogenic volatile organic compound emissions in China based on vegetation volume and production, in Advanced Materials Research.Vol 356. Trans Tech Publ; 2012:2579–2582. 访问链接Abstract
To estimate the biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions in China, this study collected data on vegetation volume, production and distribution, converted into leaf biomass and then used BVOC emission model. In 2003, the annual BVOC emission in China was 12.83 Tg, composed of 7.45 Tg isoprene, 2.23 Tg monoterpenes, and 3.14 Tg other VOCs (OVOCs). Emissions varied significantly among plant species, with contributions ordered as follows: forests > shrubs > crops > grasslands. Southern and northeastern China were the main sources of BVOC emissions. Significant seasonal variation was found with summer contributing the most.
Wang Y, Jiang T, Ma S, Gao W. Spatio-temporal ssim index for video quality assessment, in 2012 Visual Communications and Image Processing, VCIP 2012, San Diego, CA, USA, November 27-30, 2012.; 2012:1–6. 访问链接
Han J, Jiang T, Ma S. Stereoscopic video quality assessment model based on spatial-temporal structural information, in 2012 Visual Communications and Image Processing, VCIP 2012, San Diego, CA, USA, November 27-30, 2012.; 2012:1–6. 访问链接
Ma S, Si J, Wang S. A study on the rate distortion modeling for High Efficiency Video Coding, in 19th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2012, Lake Buena Vista, Orlando, FL, USA, September 30 - October 3, 2012.; 2012:181–184. 访问链接
Qu TS, Hartmann W. Using low-frequency threshold interaural time differences to test models of binaural hearing, in J. Acoust. Soc. Am.Vol 131.; 2012:3270.
Yan M.Q., Characterize the interaction between natural organic matter and metal ions using UV-Vis spectroscopy. The 11th Conference of Water Treatment Chemistry, Tianjin, Aug, in ; 2012.
Yan M.Q., Safe drinking water supply challenges for large cities in China: Combined pollution. The 3rd Forum on Studies of the Environment and Public Health Issues in the Asian Mega-cities, Beijing, Jul, in ; 2012.
Yan M.Q., The challenge of the combined pollution of organic matters and heavy metals. IWA Conference for Young Scientist in China, Beijing, Mar, in ; 2012.
Ma S, Wang S, Gao W. Zero-synthesis view difference aware view synthesis optimization for HEVC based 3D video compression, in 2012 Visual Communications and Image Processing, VCIP 2012, San Diego, CA, USA, November 27-30, 2012.; 2012:1–6. 访问链接
林官明, 赵汝敖. 大型建筑物废气再吸入污染的风洞实验研究, in 2012年全国环境风工程学术会议. 厦门; 2012:153-159.Abstract
