In this work, a direct correlation between the properties of border traps and the recessed surface condition is obtained in gate recessed normally-off GaN MOSFET. We show that the wet etching based gate recess technique leads to lower trapping effect and better reliability for GaN MOSFET.
In this work, a record low on-resistance and turn on voltage uniformity in recessed anode GaN SBD have been demonstrated with the proposed self-terminated gate recess process and advanced material structure.
In this work, we have solved the remaining issues in conventional self-terminated recess with SiO2 passivation, such as second gate opening and low channel mobility. Record low normally-off channel on-resistance is obtained for GaN MOSHEMT.
Jingnan won the National Scholarship and got a title of "Excellent Students Model" in Peking University. Taoming won the May Fourth Scholarship. Shaofei won the Suzhou Industrial Park Scholarship. Congratulations.