Characterization of the non-volatile organic compounds in the aerosols of Hong Kong— identification, abundance and origin


The non-volatile solvent-extractable organic compounds (lipids) of biogenic and anthropogenic origins were isolated from total suspended particulates (TSP) samples collected during the winter months of 1993 in Hong Kong. They were characterized and quantified according to the following classes: n-alkanes, polycychc aromatic hydrocarbons, n-alkanoic acids, n-alkanols, and biomarkers such as triterpanes. Flash column chromatography technique was used to effectively separate the PAH from the samples and a recovery of better than 90% was achieved. It was found that almost all samples contained anthropogenic contributions and the levels were relatively high compared to earlier studies carried out in China [Simoneit et al. (1991) Atmospheric Environment25A, 2111–2129]. The results from the six different sampling stations suggested that mobile combustion sources constituted 39–63% of all the non-volatile solvent-extractable organics. In addition, there is evidence that the contribution of emissions from kitchens is significant due to the characteristic Chinese stir-frying cooking process The six stations can be divided into three different categories: urban, rural and heavily influenced by traffic. The identification, abundance and source of these organic compounds are also discussed.