Dr. Tang's research focuses on ferroelectric memory devices and novel sensing devices based on transition metal oxides. Within this field, his study includes mechanisms and modulation of materials, design and optimization of semiconductor devices, and novel applications in integrated circuits. Dr. Tang published more than 70 research articles in journals and conferences including Science, Science Advances, Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, IEEE IEDM, with more than 4400 citations and an h-index of 29. He is the head scientist of research projected funded by National Key Research and Development Program of China, and National Natural Science Foundation of China. He served as TPC members for VLSI-TSA and CSTIC, and reviews articles for Joule, ACS Nano, IEEE EDL and APL etc.
2017 Stanford University Robert A. Huggins Award (top 1 of MSE department)
Physics for Information Science (part 1), autumn semester, for undergraduates
主要研究方向为基于过渡金属氧化物的铁电存储器与新型传感器件,包括材料的物理原理与调控方法、器件的结构设计与性能优化、以及面向集成电路的新型应用。以第一/通讯作者在Science, Science Advances, Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, IEEE IEDM等期刊和会议发表学术论文,总文章数70余篇,google scholar总引用数4200余次,h因子28。作为项目负责人承担国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目等国家级项目。担任国际会议IEEE VLSI-TSA,CSTIC的技术委员会成员,长期为Joule, ACS Nano, IEEE EDL, APL等著名国际期刊审稿。
2017 斯坦福大学Robert A. Huggins奖(学院top 1)