Du C-H, Liu* P-K.
Loss-Induced Modal Transition in a Dielectric-Coated Metal Cylindrical Waveguide for Gyro-Traveling-Wave-Tube Applications. IEEE Electron Device Letters [Internet]. 2008;29(11):1256-1258.
访问链接AbstractThe mode identification principles, mode structures, and propagation characteristics of electromagnetic modes in a metal cylindrical waveguide coated with an inside layer of lossy dielectric have been investigated for gyro-traveling-wave-tube applications. For the first time, the loss-induced modal transition is revealed, in which the dispersion curves of a pair of nearby modes cross each other, and their mode structures interchange. The relations among the dispersion curves, mode structures, and propagation attenuations are also presented. The distinctive discriminations of propagation properties between different modes enable us to explore many promising applications using lossy dielectric-coated waveguides.