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Jiang Y, Wu K, Ma J, Wu B, Wang EG, Ebert P. Quantum size effects in the nonmetal to metal transition of two-dimensional Al islands. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2007;(23).
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Wang B, Fu P, Liu J, Wu B. Self-trapping of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2006;(6).
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Tang S-J, Shi J, Wu B, Sprunger PT, Yang WL, Brouet V, Zhou XJ, Hussain Z, Shen Z-X, Zhang Z, et al. A spectroscopic view of electron-phonon coupling at metal surfaces. Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research. 2004;(10):2345-2352.
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Shi J, Tang S-J, Wu B, Sprunger PT, Yang WL, Brouet V, Zhou XJ, Hussain Z, Shen Z-X, Zhang Z, et al. Direct extraction of the eliashberg function for electron-phonon coupling: A case study of be(1010̄). Physical Review Letters [Internet]. 2004;(18):186401-1. 访问链接
Liu J, Wu B, Niu Q. Nonlinear evolution of quantum states in the adiabatic regime. Physical Review Letters. 2003;(17):170404/1-170404/4.
Dudarev AM, Diener RB, Wu B, Raizen MG, Niu Q. Entanglement generation and multiparticle interferometry with neutral atoms. Physical Review Letters. 2003;(1):010402/1-010402/4.
Wu B, Niu Q. Superfluidity of Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice: Landau-Zener tunnelling and dynamical instability. New Journal of Physics. 2003:104.1-104.24.
Shi J, Wu B, Xie XC, Plummer EW, Zhang Z. Surface Phase Transitions Induced by Electron Mediated Adatom-Adatom Interaction. Physical Review Letters. 2003;(7):761031-761034.
Choi D-I, Wu B. To detect the looped Bloch bands of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. 2003;(6):558-563.
Li W, Reichl LE, Wu B. Quantum chaos in a ripple billiard. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2002;(5):056220/1-056220/9.
Diener RB, Wu B, Raizen MG, Niu Q. Quantum tweezer for atoms. Physical Review Letters. 2002;(7):070401/1-070401/4.
