科研成果 by Year: 2011

Cui F, Wu B. Berry connection in atom-molecule systems. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2011;(2). SCI被引用次数:4.
Wu B, Zhang Q, Liu J. Anomalous monopoles of an interacting boson system. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. 2011;(3):545-548. SCI被引用次数:9.
Jia Y, Wu B, Li C, Einstein TL, Weitering HH, Zhang Z. Erratum: Strong quantum size effects in Pb(111) thin films mediated by anomalous friedel oscillations (Physical Review Letters (2010) 105 (066101)). Physical Review Letters. 2011;(6). SCI被引用次数:3.
Xiong HW, Wu B. Universal behavior in quantum chaotic dynamics. Laser Physics Letters. 2011;(5):398-404. SCI被引用次数:11.
Mao L, Wu B. Quantum size effects in Friedel oscillations inside films. Surface Science. 2011;(13-14):1230-1235. SCI被引用次数:3.
Chen Z, Wu B. Bose-Einstein condensate in a honeycomb optical lattice: Fingerprint of superfluidity at the Dirac point. Physical Review Letters [Internet]. 2011;(6). 访问链接