Haixia (Alice) Zhang Ph.D,Professor, Peking University
Dr. Zhang is a pioneer and world leader for her outstanding research achievements and creativity in micro/nanotechnology, especially in high efficiency energy harvesting and self-powering devices & systems. Her research has impacted the field of MEMS field in a number of aspects, such as developing mass production technology of micro-nano structures with high surface charging density based on MEMS fabrication to enhance the performance of triboelectric nanogenerator, applying piezoelectric, magnetic and triboelectric principles for hybrid nanogenerator, and high efficiency energy management circuit to achieve long-term power supply for microsystems, her contributions of active sensing and smart skin also inspect the academic field worldwide.
Dr. Zhang has productive scientific output and won numbers of Awards/Honors. She authored and co-authored 250+ peer reviewed scientific articles on the prestigious journals such as, Energy & Environmental Science, Nano Energy, Nano Letters,ACS Nano,Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, et al. She edited and co-edited 8 books and book chapters, and held 42 patents including 3 US patents. She has delivered 100+ plenaries, keynotes, invited and seminar talks at international and national academic conferences as well as universities and research institutions. She is very active in academic service, was the founder and general Chair of IEEE NEMS conference, NTC Beijing Chapter Chair. She serves on editorial board of IEEE Tnano, JMEMS, Microsystem and Nanoengineering, et al.