科研成果 by Year: 2014

Dalsgaard B, Carstensen DW, Fjeldså J, Maruyama PK, Rahbek C, Sandel B, Sonne J, Svenning J-C, Wang Z, Sutherland WJ. Determinants of bird species richness, endemism, and island network roles in Wallacea and the West Indies: is geography sufficient or does current and historical climate matter?. Ecology and Evolution. 2014;4:4019-4031.
Kennedy JD, Wang Z, Weir JT, Rahbek C, Fjeldså J, Price TD. Into and out of the tropics: the generation of the latitudinal gradient among New World passerine birds. Journal of BiogeographyJournal of Biogeography. 2014;41:1746–1757.