
Zhao Y, Chen ZM, Shen XL, Zhang X. Kinetics and mechanisms of heterogeneous reaction of gaseous hydrogen peroxide on mineral oxide particles. Environmental Science & Technology. 2011;45(8):3317-3324.
He SZ, Chen ZM, Zhang X. Photochemical reactions of methyl and ethyl nitrates: A dual role of alkyl nitrates in the nitrogen cycle. Environmental Chemistry. 2011;8(6):529-542.
Zhao Y, Chen ZM. Applications of FTIR spectroscopy in the study of atmospheric heterogeneous processes. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews. 2010;45(1):63-91.
Zhao Y, Chen ZM, Zhao JN. Heterogeneous reactions of methacrolein and methyl vinyl ketone on α-Al2O3 particles. Environmental Science & Technology,. 2010;44(6):2035-2041.
Li HJ, Zhu T, Zhang ZF, Zhao ZF, Chen ZM. Kinetics and mechanisms of heterogeneous reaction of NO2 on CaCO3 surfaces under dry and wet condition. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2010;10(2):463-474.
Zhang X, Chen ZM, Zhao Y. Laboratory simulation for the aqueous OH-oxidation of methyl vinyl ketone and methacrolein: Significance to the in-cloud SOA production. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2010;10(19): 9551-9561.
He SZ, Chen ZM, Zhang X, Zhao Y, Huang DM, Zhao JN, Zhu T, Hu M, Zeng LM. Measurement of atmospheric hydrogen peroxide and organic peroxides in Beijing before and during the 2008 Olympic Games: chemical and physical factors influencing their concentrations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres. 2010;115:D17307.
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Huang DM, Chen ZM. Reinvestigation of Henry's law constant for hydrogen peroxide with temperature and acidity variation. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2010;22(4):570-574.
Wang HL, Zhang X, Chen ZM. Development of DNPH/HPLC method for measurement of carbonyl compounds in the aqueous phase: application to laboratory simulation and field measurement. Environmental Chemistry. 2009;6(5):389-397.
Zhang X, Chen ZM, Wang HL, He SZ, Huang DM. An important pathway for ozonolysis of alpha-pinene and beta-pinene in aqueous phase and its implications. Atmospheric Environment. 2009;43(29):4465-4471.
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Chen ZM, Wang HL, Zhu LH, Wang CX, Jie CY, Hua W. Aqueous phase ozonolysis of methacrolein and methyl vinyl ketone: a potentially important source of atmospheric aqueous oxidants. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2008;8(8):2255-2265.
Jie CY, Chen ZM, Wang HL, Hua W, Wang CX, S Li. Atmospheric heterogeneous reaction of acetone: Adsorption and desorption kinetics on SiO2 particles. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2008;53(7):1004-1010.
Hua W, Chen ZM, Jie CY, Kondo Y, Hofzumahaus A, Takegawa N, Lu KD, Miyazaki Y, Kita K, Wang HL, et al. Atmospheric hydrogen peroxide and organic hydroperoxides during PRIDE-PRD’06, China: their concentration, formation mechanism and contribution to secondary aerosols. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2008;8(22): 6755-6773.
Xie X, Shao M, Liu Y, Lu SH, Chang CC, Chen ZM. Estimate of initial isoprene contribution to ozone formation potential in Beijing, China. Atmospheric Environment. 2008;42(24):6000-6010.
Wang CX, Chen ZM. An experimental study for rate constants of the gas phase reactions of CH3CH2OOH with OH radicals, O3, NO2 and NO. Atmospheric Environment. 2008;42(27):6614-6619.
Chen ZM, Jie CY, S Li, Wang HL, Wang CX, Xu JR, Hua W. Heterogeneous reactions of methacrolein and methyl vinyl ketone: kinetics and mechanisms of uptake and ozonolysis on silicon dioxide. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres. 2008;113:D22303.
Jie CY, Chen ZM, S Li, Wang HL. Heterogeneous reactions on the surface of atmospheric particles: A transmission FTIR spectroscopy study. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis. 2008;28(8):1753-1757.
Li L, Chen ZM, Zhang YH, Zhu T, S Li, Li HJ, Zhu LH, Xu BY. Heterogeneous oxidation of sulfur dioxide by ozone on the surface of sodium chloride and its mixtures with other components. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres. 2007;112:D18301.
