科研成果 by Type: 期刊论文

Jin Y, Andersson H, Zhang S. Air Pollution Control Policies in China: A Retrospective and Prospects. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2016;13(12).Abstract
With China's significant role on pollution emissions and related health damage, deep and up-to-date understanding of China's air pollution policies is of worldwide relevance. Based on scientific evidence for the evolution of air pollution and the institutional background of environmental governance in China, we examine the development of air pollution control policies from the 1980s and onwards. We show that: (1) The early policies, until 2005, were ineffective at reducing emissions; (2) During 2006-2012, new instruments which interact with political incentives were introduced in the 11th Five-Year Plan, and the national goal of reducing total sulfur dioxide (SO₂) emissions by 10% was achieved. However, regional compound air pollution problems dominated by fine particulate matter (PM) and ground level ozone (O₃) emerged and worsened; (3) After the winter-long PM episode in eastern China in 2013, air pollution control policies have been experiencing significant changes on multiple fronts. In this work we analyze the different policy changes, the drivers of changes and key factors influencing the effectiveness of policies in these three stages. Lessons derived from the policy evolution have implications for future studies, as well as further reforming the management scheme towards air quality and health risk oriented directions.
张世秋. 绿色发展的制度和政策改革分析. 环境保护. 2016;44(11):34-37.Abstract
黄德生、张世秋. 大气能见度的环境经济价值评估:研究评述与展望. 生态经济. 2016;32(12):135-141.Abstract
赵东阳、靳雅娜、张世秋. 燃煤电厂污染减排成本有效性分析及超低排放政策讨论. 中国环境科学. 2016;36(09):2841-2848.Abstract
张世秋. 环境税:箭在弦上、尚需有的放矢——环境税若干问题讨论. 环境保护. 2015;16:31-35.
穆泉、张世秋. 中国2001—2013 年PM2.5 重污染的历史变化与健康影响的经济损失评估. 北京大学学报(自然科学版. 2015;51(4).
张世秋、万薇、何平. 合理构建区域大气环境管理与合作机制. 中国环境管理. 2015;2.
etl Oran R. Young DG. Institutionalized governance processes: comparing environmental problem solving in China and the United States. Global Environmental Change. 2015;31.
Dan Wu, Yuan Xu SZ. Will Joint Regional Air Pollution Control be More Cost-effective? An Empirical Study of China's Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region. Journal of Environmental Management. 2015;149:27-36.
