科研成果 Publications

Cao S, Wu D, Liu L, S Li, Zhang S*. Decoding the effect of demographic factors on environmental health based on city-level PM2.5 pollution in China. Journal of Environmental Management. 2024;349:119380.
Xue T, Wang R, Wang M, Wang Y, Tong D, Meng X, Huang C, Ai S, Li F, Cao J, et al. Health benefits from the rapid reduction in ambient exposure to air pollutants after China's clean air actions: progress in efficacy and geographic equality. National Science Review [Internet]. 2024;57(13):5349-5357. 访问链接
Xue T, Tong M, Wang M, Yang X, Wang Y, Lin H, Liu H, Li J, Huang C, Meng X, et al. Health Impacts of Long-Term NO2 Exposure and Inequalities among the Chinese Population from 2013 to 2020 after China's clean air actions: progress in efficacy and geographic equality. Environmental Science & Technology. 2023;57(13):5349-5357.
Xue T, Geng G, Meng X, Ciao Q, Zheng Y, Gong J, Liu J, Wan W, Zhang Q, Kan H, et al. New WHO global air quality guidelines help prevent premature deaths in China. National Science Review [Internet]. 2022;9(4):55. 访问链接
Xue T, Zhu T, Peng W, Guan T, Zhang S, Zheng Y, Geng G, Zhang Q. Clean Air Actions in China, PM2.5 Exposure, and Household Medical Expenditures: a Quasi-Experimental Study [J]. PLOS Medicine. PLoS Medicine. 2021;18(1):1003480.
Wu D, S Li, Liu L, Lin J, Zhang S*. Dynamics of pollutants’ shadow price and its driving forces: An analysis on China’s two major pollutants at provincial level. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021;283:124625.
胡煜晗、靳雅娜、张世秋. 电动汽车替代燃油车的气候和健康影响及社会成本——基于单车视角的成本效益分析. . 北京大学学报(自然科学版). 2021;57(05):916-926.
Jin Y, Andersson H, Zhang S. Do Preferences to Reduce Health Risks Related to Air Pollution Depend on Illness Type? Evidence from a Choice Experiment in Beijing, China. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management [Internet]. 2020;103:102355. 访问链接
Wu D, Ma X, Zhang S*, Ma J. Are More Economic Efficient Solutions Ignored by Current Policy: Cost-Benefit and NPV Analysis of Coal-Fired Power Plant Technology Schemes in China. Ecological Indicators. 2019;103:105-113.
张翔, 戴瀚程 靳雅娜 张世秋. 京津冀居民生活用煤“煤改电”政策的健康与经济效益评估. 北京大学学报(自然科学版). 2019;55(02):367-376.
Jin Y, Zhang S. An Economic Evaluation of the Health Effects of Reducing Fine Particulate Pollution in Chinese Cities. Asian Development Review. 2018;35:58-84.
Ma X, Wu D, Zhang S. Multiple Goals Dilemma of Residential Water Pricing Policy Reform: Increasing Block Tariffs or a Uniform Tariff with Rebate?. Sustainability [Internet]. 2018;10(10). 访问链接Abstract
Water is a basic necessity and its allocation and utilization, especially pricing policies, impose various social, economic, and ecological impacts on social groups. Increasing block tariffs (IBTs) has gained popularity because it is expected to incentivize water conservation while protecting poor people benefiting from the redistribution effects because of its nonlinear tariff structure. However, it results in price distortion under certain circumstances. Researchers have also proposed an alternative practical price system and a uniform tariff with rebate (UTR), with the price level set equal to the marginal social cost and a fixed rebate allocated to the poor groups. This study proceeds with a simulation of the two pricing systems, UTR and IBTs, and empirically explores their fundamental merits and limitations. The results confirm the theoretical perspective that a water price system, compared with an optimal tariff system, simultaneously achieves multiple goals to the greatest possible extent.
Wu D, Ma X, Zhang S. Integrating synergistic effects of air pollution control technologies: More cost-effective approach in the coal-fired sector in China. Journal of Cleaner Production [Internet]. 2018;199:1035 - 1042. 访问链接
张世秋. 环境经济学研究:历史、现状与展望. 南京工业大学学报(社会科学版). 2018;17(01):71-77.Abstract
冯杰、张世秋. 基于DEA方法的我国省际绿色全要素生产率评估——不同模型选择的差异性探析. 北大学报(自然科学版). 2017;53(1).
Jin Y, Andersson H, Zhang S. China’s Cap on Coal and the Efficiency of Local Interventions: A Benefit-Cost Analysis of Phasing out Coal in Power Plants and in Households in Beijing. Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis. 2017;8:147–186.
谢鹏飞, 汤大刚 张世秋. 京津冀地区机动车燃油质量标准升级的环境经济分析. 中国环境科学 [Internet]. 2017;37:2352. 访问链接
Huang D, Andersson H, Zhang S. Willingness to pay to reduce health risks related to air quality: evidence from a choice experiment survey in Beijing. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management [Internet]. 2017:1-23. 访问链接
张世秋. 全球就HFCs提出减排要求,推动保护臭氧层和减缓气候变化协同应对. 世界环境. 2017;(01):27-28.Abstract
安树民、张世秋. 经济学可持续发展思想的历史追溯及中国的实践. 学海. 2017;(02):162-167.Abstract
