JMEMS 2024 Accepted!Congratulations to Lei Zhao

五月 18, 2024

Our work, Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of High-Performance PMUT Arrays Based on Potassium Sodium Niobate, is accepted by JMEMS 2024.The first author of the paper is doctoral student Lei Zhao.

The abstract of this paper is as follows: 

The demand for high-performance lead-free piezoelectric ultrasound transducers has grown significantly, driven by their applications in implantable, biocompatible medical devices and environmentally friendly consumer electronics. In this study, we present the design, fabrication, and characterization of arrays of lead-free (K, Na)NbO 3 (KNN)-based piezoelectric micromechanical ultrasonic transducers (PMUTs) with a center frequency of 4.7 MHz in liquid and 5.85 MHz in air. High-quality KNN thin film (FWHM of 0.32  , e31,f=  12 C/m 2 , ϵr = 1200) was deposited via physical vapor deposition (PVD) and patterned using an optimized wet etching process with an oxide layer as a mask. Additionally, we obtained a  6 dB fractional bandwidth of 95.7% through optimizing layer stacks and transducers mutual acoustic impedance based on finite element model (FEM) and lumped element model (LEM) methods. We achieved high transmitting performance of 3.8 kPa/V at 3 cm away from a PMUT super-pixel (with an area of 0.278 mm 2 , consisting of 3×12 PMUTs). The measured transducer performance is comparable to previous PMUTs based on PZT (lead-included) thin films and demonstrates the potential of KNN-based PMUTs in future advanced applications.

Congratulations to Lei Zhao and the whole team for the achievement!