科研成果 by Type: Conference Paper
Yang K, Xu Y, Zou P, Ding H, Zhao J, Wang Y, Xie B
KerPrint: local-global knowledge graph enhanced diagnosis prediction for retrospective and prospective interpretations
, in
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
.Vol 37.; 2023:5357–5365.
Xu Y, Chu X, Yang K, Wang Z, Zou P, Ding H, Zhao J, Wang Y, Xie B
Seqcare: Sequential training with external medical knowledge graph for diagnosis prediction in healthcare data
, in
Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023
.; 2023:2819–2830.
Chu X, Jin Y, Wang X, Zhang S, Wang Y, Zhu W, Mei H
Wasserstein barycenter matching for graph size generalization of message passing neural networks
, in
International Conference on Machine Learning
. PMLR; 2023:6158–6184.
Chu X, Jin Y, Zhu W, Wang Y, Wang X, Zhang S, Mei H
Dna: Domain generalization with diversified neural averaging
, in
International conference on machine learning
. PMLR; 2022:4010–4034.
Zhang C, Chu X, Ma L, Zhu Y, Wang Y, Wang J, Zhao J
M3care: Learning with missing modalities in multimodal healthcare data
, in
Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
.; 2022:2418–2428.
Zhang C, Gao X, Ma L, Wang Y, Wang J, Tang W
GRASP: generic framework for health status representation learning based on incorporating knowledge from similar patients
, in
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence
.Vol 35.; 2021:715–723.
Feng Y, Wang J, Wang Y, Helal S
Completing missing prevalence rates for multiple chronic diseases by jointly leveraging both intra-and inter-disease population health data correlations
, in
Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021
.; 2021:183–193.
Ma L, Ma X, Gao J, Jiao X, Yu Z, Zhang C, Ruan W, Wang Y, Tang W, Wang J
Distilling knowledge from publicly available online EMR data to emerging epidemic for prognosis
, in
Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021
.; 2021:3558–3568.
Gao J, Xiao C, Wang Y, Tang W, Glass LM, Sun J
Stagenet: Stage-aware neural networks for health risk prediction
, in
Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020
.; 2020:530–540.
He Y, Chu X, Wang Y
Neighbor profile: Bagging nearest neighbors for unsupervised time series mining
, in
2020 IEEE 36th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE)
. IEEE; 2020:373–384.
Chu X, Lin Y, Wang Y, Wang X, Yu H, Gao X, Tong Q
Distance metric learning with joint representation diversification
, in
International Conference on Machine Learning
. PMLR; 2020:1962–1973.
Gao J, Lin Y, Wang Y, Wang X, Yang Z, He Y, Chu X
Set-sequence-graph: A multi-view approach towards exploiting reviews for recommendation
, in
Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management
.; 2020:395–404.
Yang K, Liu S, Zhao J, Wang Y, Xie B
COTSAE: co-training of structure and attribute embeddings for entity alignment
, in
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
.Vol 34.; 2020:3025–3032.
Ma L, Gao J, Wang Y, Zhang C, Wang J, Ruan W, Tang W, Gao X, Ma X
Adacare: Explainable clinical health status representation learning via scale-adaptive feature extraction and recalibration
, in
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
.Vol 34.; 2020:825–832.
Ma L, Zhang C, Wang Y, Ruan W, Wang J, Tang W, Ma X, Gao X, Gao J
Concare: Personalized clinical feature embedding via capturing the healthcare context
, in
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
.Vol 34.; 2020:833–840.
Conference Paper
Fused gromov-wasserstein graph mixup for graph-level classifications
KerPrint: local-global knowledge graph enhanced diagnosis prediction for retrospective and prospective interpretations
Seqcare: Sequential training with external medical knowledge graph for diagnosis prediction in healthcare data