科研成果 by Year: 2021

Wu J, Ma J, Wang Y, Wang J. Understanding and predicting the burst of burnout via social media. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction. 2021;4:1–27.
Zhang C, Gao X, Ma L, Wang Y, Wang J, Tang W. GRASP: generic framework for health status representation learning based on incorporating knowledge from similar patients, in Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence.Vol 35.; 2021:715–723.
Feng Y, Wang J, Wang Y, Helal S. Completing missing prevalence rates for multiple chronic diseases by jointly leveraging both intra-and inter-disease population health data correlations, in Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021.; 2021:183–193.
Ma L, Ma X, Gao J, Jiao X, Yu Z, Zhang C, Ruan W, Wang Y, Tang W, Wang J. Distilling knowledge from publicly available online EMR data to emerging epidemic for prognosis, in Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021.; 2021:3558–3568.