Theoretical Ecology (Fall)
This class emphasizes the application of mathematical concepts to ecology and evolution. It covers a variety of commonly used ecological and evolutionary models, ranging from individuals (metabolism) to populations (logistic growth, matrix models) to communities (competition, predation, parasitism, food webs) and ecosystems (functioning, stability, metacommunities, island biogeography). The focus will be on formalizing conceptual ideas into a mathematical framework, and will not deal heavily with mathematics. This course will give you the skills to help comprehend the theoretical background of naturally observed patterns.
Ecological Statistics (Spring)
This class introduces statistical approaches that are commonly used in ecological studies. It covers probability fundamental, parameter estimation, hypothesis testing, experimental design, ANOVA, linear regression, linear mixed-effects model, structural equation model (SEM), multivariate analysis, Bayesian statistics, causal inference, time series analysis, etc.