

2007 – 2013            PhD in Ecology, Peking University, Beijing, China

2010 – 2011            Visiting student, Princeton University, Princeton NJ, USA

2003 – 2007            BA in Statistics, Peking University, Beijing, China



2024 – present         Associate professor, Institute of Ecology, Peking University, Beijing, China

2017 – 2023             Assistant professor, Institute of Ecology, Peking University, Beijing, China

2015 – 2017             Postdoc, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), Germany

2013 – 2015             Postdoc, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Moulis, France



2022 – present        Ecological Monographs, Associate Editor

2022 – present        Grassland research, Associate Editor

2021 – present        植物生态学报 (Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology), Associate Editor

2021 – present        应用生态学报 (Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology), Associate Editor

2020 – present        Faculty Opinions (former Faculty of 1000), Faculty Member

2019 – 2021            Asian Ecology Section of the Ecological Society of America (ESA), Secretary

2019 – present         Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, Associate Editor

2019 – present         Journal of Plant Ecology, Associate Editor

2019 – present         生物多样性 (Biodiversity Sciences), Associate Editor

2018 – present         Ecology Letters, Associate Editor




2007 – 2013             北京大学,理学博士(生态学)

2010 – 2011             美国普林斯顿大学,访问学生

2003 – 2007             北京大学,理学学士 (统计学)



2024 – 今              北京大学,长聘副教授(研究员)

2017 – 2023          北京大学,预聘制助理教授(研究员)

2015 – 2017              德国整合生物多样性研究中心(iDiv),博士后

2013 – 2015              法国国家科学院(CNRS),博士后



2022 – present          Ecological Monographs, 编委

2022 – present          Grassland research,编委

2021 – present          植物生态学报,应用生态学报,编委

2020 – present          入选 Faculty Opinions (原 Faculty of 1000)

2019 – 2021              美国生态学会 (the Ecological Society of America) 亚洲分会, 秘书

2019 – present          Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 编委

2019 – present          Journal of Plant Ecology, 编委

2019 – present          生物多样性 (Biodiversity Sciences), 编委

2018 – present          Ecology Letters, 编委