
Kleinman L, Niu Q. Reply to "Comment on 'Fe magnon dispersion curve calculated with the frozen spin-wave method'". Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2003;(1):164021-.
Diener RB, Wu B, Raizen MG, Niu Q. Quantum tweezer for atoms. Physical Review Letters. 2002;(7):070401/1-070401/4.
Liu J, Fu L, Ou B-Y, Chen S-G, Choi D-I, Wu B, Niu Q. Theory of nonlinear Landau-Zener tunneling. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2002;(2):023404/1-023404/7.
Wu B, Liu J, Niu Q. Controlled generation of dark solitons with phase imprinting. Physical Review Letters. 2002;(3):034101/1-034101/4.
Wu B, Diener RB, Niu Q. Bloch waves and bloch bands of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices. Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2002;(2):025601/1-025601/4.
Wu B, Niu Q, Burger S, Cataliotti FS, Fort C, Minardi F, Inguscio M, Chiofalo ML, Tosi MP. Dynamical or Landau instability? (multiple letters). Physical Review Letters. 2002;(8):088901/1-088902/1.
Zhong J, Niu Q, Zhang Z. Imaging of polar surfaces: Atomic resolution with a charged tip. Surface Science. 2002;(3):L547-L552.
Liu WM, Wu B, Zhou X, Campbell DK, Chui ST, Niu Q. Interacting domain walls in an easy-plane ferromagnet. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2002;(17):1724161-1724164.
Wang EG, Liu BG, Wu J, Li MZ, Zhong JX, Wendelken J, Niu Q, Zhang Z. Novel formation and decay mechanisms of nanostructures on surface. Computational Materials Science. 2002;(1-4):197-203.
Yu H, Jiang CS, Ebert P, Wang XD, White JM, Niu Q, Zhang Z, Shih CK. Quantitative determination of the metastability of flat Ag overlayers on GaAs(110). Physical Review Letters. 2002;(1):161021-161024.
Shi Y, Niu Q. Quantization and corrections of adiabatic particle transport in a periodic ratchet potential. Europhysics Letters. 2002;(3):324-329.
Liu J, Wu B, Fu L, Diener RB, Niu Q. Quantum step heights in hysteresis loops of molecular magnets. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2002;(22):2244011-2244016.
Jungwirth T, Niu Q, MacDonald AH. Anomalous Hall effect in ferromagnetic semiconductors. Physical Review Letters [Internet]. 2002;(20):2072081-2072084. 访问链接
Niu Q, Sundaram G. Electron dynamics in slowly modulated crystals: Theorems of power and adiabatic drifting. Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. 2001;(3):327-332.
Wu B, Niu Q. Landau and dynamical instabilities of the superflow of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices. Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2001;(6):061603/1-061603/4.
Diener RB, Georgakis GA, Zhong J, Raizen M, Niu Q. Transition between extended and localized states in a one-dimensional incommensurate optical lattice. Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2001;(3):033416/1-033416/7.
Xiong G, Wang S-D, Niu Q, Tian D-C, Wang XR. Metallic phase in quantum hall systems due to inter-landau-band mixing. Physical Review Letters [Internet]. 2001;(21):2168021-2168024. 访问链接
Zhong J, Diener RB, Steck DA, Oskay WH, Raizen MG, Plummer WE, Zhang Z, Niu Q. Shape of the quantum diffusion front. Physical Review Letters [Internet]. 2001;(12):2485-2489. 访问链接
Bylander DM, Niu Q, Kleinman L. Fe magnon dispersion curve calculated with the frozen spin-wave method. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2000;(18):R11875-R11878.
Wu B, Niu Q. Nonlinear Landau-Zener tunneling. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2000;(2):234021-234024.
