科研成果 by Year: 2014>

Yang H, Yang C, Cai X-C. Parallel domain decomposition methods with mixed order discretization for fully implicit solution of tracer transport problems on the cubed-sphere. Journal of Scientific Computing [Internet]. 2014;61:258–280. 访问链接
Patterson RF, Zhang QF, Zheng M*, Zhu YF*. Particle Deposition in Respiratory Tracts of School-Aged Children. Aerosol Air Qual. Res. 2014;14(1):64-73.Abstract
Exposure to ultrafine particles poses a potential health risk to school children. While many studies have focused on measuring ultrafine particle (UFP) concentrations in environments where children are at risk of high exposure, few studies have examined the particle deposition in the respiratory tract of children. This study aims to examine the particle deposition in the respiratory tract of school children in different microenvironments. UFP size distribution data were collected in residential homes, school buses, school classrooms, and from school outdoor air in both rural and urban areas of South Texas. The size distribution data were input to the Multiple Path Particle Dosimetry model to calculate regional and total particle deposition fraction. A 24-hour-school-day exposure was simulated by adding the time children spend in each microenvironment. The maximum pulmonary deposition fraction occurs at a diameter ranging from 18 to 40 nm, depending on condition. Age mostly affected the pulmonary region and the total lung deposition with the highest deposition fraction observed for younger children. In addition, comparison of size-dependent regional deposition and particle concentration establishes an accurate depiction of children's exposure and dose profiles. While children only spend 4% of the day in the home source environment, that environment may account for up to 77% of total daily dose intake. Higher deposition fraction occurs at smaller particle size. Younger children show increased levels of particle deposition than older children. Exposure period does not correlate to daily percentage of dose intake. This research can be used to assess children's accumulative exposure to UFPs.
Sun X, Zheng Y, Peng X, Li X, Zhang H. Parylene-based 3D high performance folded multilayer inductors for wireless power transmission in implanted applications. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2014;208:141-151.
Lei M, Luo L, Qu TS, Jia HX, Li L. Perceived location specificity in perceptual separation-induced but not fear conditioning-induced enhancement of prepulse inhibition in rats. Behavioural Brain Research. 2014;269:87-94.
Li M, Liu F, Juusola M, Tang S. Perceptual color map in macaque visual area V4. Journal of Neuroscience. 2014;(1):202-217.
Zhang J-Y, Cong L-J, Klein SA, Levi DM, Yu C. Perceptual learning improves adult amblyopic vision through rule-based cognitive compensation. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science [Internet]. 2014;(4):2020-2030. 访问链接
Kawato M, Lu ZL, Sagi D, Sasaki Y, Yu C, Watanabe T. Perceptual learning--the past, present and future. Vision Research. 2014;99:1-4.
Liu S, Yang S, Tang Z, Jiang Q, Liu C, Wang M, Chen KJ. Performance Enhancement of Normally-Off Al2O3/AlN/GaNMOS-Channel-HEMTs with an ALD-Grown AlN Interfacial Layer, in 2014 IEEE 26TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON POWER SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES & IC'S (ISPSD). IEEE; 2014:362-365.Abstract
In this work, the performance of GaN-based MOS-Channel-HEMTs (MOSC-HEMTs) are shown to be greatly improved by a thin ALD-grown AlN interfacial layer inserted between the amorphous Al2O3 gate dielectric and GaN-channel. The single-crystalline AlN interfacial layer effectively blocks oxygen from the GaN surface and avoids the formation of detrimental Ga-O bonds. Frequency-dispersion in C-V characteristics has been effectively suppressed. The maximum drain current and field-effect mobility are boosted from 410 mA/mm and 98 cm(2)/V.s in a conventional Al2O3/GaN MOSC-HEMT to 660 mA/mm and 165 cm(2)/V.s in an Al2O3/AlN/GaN MOSC-HEMT, owing to improved interface quality. The devices also deliver a high ON/OFF current ratio of similar to 10(10), and significantly reduced dynamic on-resistance degradation.
Hou Y, Ghosh P, Wan R, Ouyang X, Cheng H, Mattson MP, Cheng A. Permeability transition pore-mediated mitochondrial superoxide flashes mediate an early inhibitory effect of amyloid beta1-42 on neural progenitor cell proliferation. Neurobiology of Aging. 2014;(5):975-989.
Gao T, Han L, Wang B, Yang G, Xu Z, Zeng L, Zhang J. Peroxyacetyl nitrate observed in Beijing in August from 2005 to 2009. Journal of Environmental Sciences [Internet]. 2014;26(10):2007-2017. 访问链接Abstract
Measurements of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) were made at a Beijing urban site each August from 2005 to 2009. Over this 5-year period, the average PAN concentration for August in each year increased from 3 (2005) to 11.7 μg/m3 (2007); however, it decreased rapidly in 2008 (4.1 μg/m3). Generally, the variation over the 5 years showed a rise in the first part of the study period, followed by a decline. We considered two categories of local and regional air masses in this study, which revealed that the PAN concentration in Beijing was affected mainly by southeastern air masses. The August PAN variation was influenced predominantly by local air masses in 2005, but by 2009 regional air masses had become more important. This study showed the level and variation of PAN in the month of August in 5 consecutive years for the first time, and proved that control measures are useful in decreasing photochemical pollution; hence, these measures are probably feasible for other megacities too. Furthermore, this method of analyzing regional and local impacts might be useful for other studies as well.
Sun G, Tangpanitanon J, Shen H, Wen B, Xue J, Wang E, Xu L. Physisorption of molecular hydrogen on carbon nanotube with vacant defects. Journal of Chemical Physics. 2014;(20).
Zhao S, Lu Y, Zhang Y, Lu W, Liang W, Wang E. Piezo-antiferromagnetic effect of sawtooth-like graphene nanoribbons. Applied Physics Letters. 2014;(20).
Deng H, Bielicki JM, Oppenheimer M, Fitts JP, Peters CA. Policy implications of monetized leakage risk from geologic CO2 storage reservoirs. Energy Procedia. 2014;63:6852–6863.
Chen H, Wang J, Huang J. Policy support, social capital, and farmers’ adaptation to drought in China. Global Environmental Change. 2014;24:193–202.
Yang W, Zhang F, He W, Liu J, Hickner MA, Logan BE. Poly (vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) phase inversion coating as a diffusion layer to enhance the cathode performance in microbial fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources. 2014;269:379–384.
Yang W, Zhang F, He W, Liu J, Hickner MA, Logan BE. Poly (vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) phase inversion coating as a diffusion layer to enhance the cathode performance in microbial fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources. 2014;269:379-384.
Dong Y, Li L, Bie P, Jia S, Wang Q, Huang Z, Qiu X, Zhang J, Hu J. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in farmland soils: Source characterization, deposition contribution and apportionment. Science of the Total Environment. 2014;466:524-532.Abstract
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), a group of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), are caused for concern recently due to their adverse health effects and environmental ubiquity. In this study, atmospheric and soil PBDE levels in Taizhou, one of the largest WEEE dismantling areas in the world, were measured, ranging from 884 to 2791 pg m(-3) with an average of 1968 pg m(-3) for atmosphere and 2.96 to 200 ng g(-1) dry weight (dw) with the mean of 65.2 ng g(-1) dw for farmland soils, respectively. The close connection between soil PBDE accumulation and atmospheric deposition was also revealed by the estimation of the annual PBDE deposition flux (3.1 +/- 0.9 mg m(-2) a(-1)) and the similarity between deposited congener pattern and soil congener profile. Positive matrix factorization (PMF) was conducted to extract possible sources of farmland soil PBDEs and to calculate their contributions. Based on the measured source profiles of PBDE-related activities, five sources were identified representing WEEE dumping, WEEE dismantling, WEEE open burning, residential waste dismantling, and residential waste open burning. WEEE-related recycling activities contributed primary percentage (52%) to farmland soil PBDE concentration, and open burning was an important pathway for PBDEs entering the environment. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Dong Y, Li L, Bie P, Jia S, Wang Q, Huang Z, Qiu X, Zhang J, Hu J. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in farmland soils: Source characterization, deposition contribution and apportionment. Science of The Total Environment [Internet]. 2014;466–467:524-532. 访问链接Abstract
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), a group of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), are caused for concern recently due to their adverse health effects and environmental ubiquity. In this study, atmospheric and soil PBDE levels in Taizhou, one of the largest WEEE dismantling areas in the world, were measured, ranging from 884 to 2791 pg m− 3 with an average of 1968 pg m− 3 for atmosphere and 2.96 to 200 ng g− 1 dry weight (dw) with the mean of 65.2 ng g− 1 dw for farmland soils, respectively. The close connection between soil PBDE accumulation and atmospheric deposition was also revealed by the estimation of the annual PBDE deposition flux (3.1 ± 0.9 mg m− 2 a− 1) and the similarity between deposited congener pattern and soil congener profile. Positive matrix factorization (PMF) was conducted to extract possible sources of farmland soil PBDEs and to calculate their contributions. Based on the measured source profiles of PBDE-related activities, five sources were identified representing WEEE dumping, WEEE dismantling, WEEE open burning, residential waste dismantling, and residential waste open burning. WEEE-related recycling activities contributed primary percentage (52%) to farmland soil PBDE concentration, and open burning was an important pathway for PBDEs entering the environment.
Dong Y, Li L, Bie P, Jia S, Wang Q, Huang Z, Qiu X, Zhang J, Hu J. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in farmland soils: Source characterization, deposition contribution and apportionment. Science of The Total EnvironmentScience of The Total Environment. 2014;466-467:524-532.
Huang AY, Xu X, Adam YY, Wu Q, Yan L, Zhao B, Yang X, He Y, Wang S, Zhang Z, et al. Postzygotic single-nucleotide mosaicisms in whole-genome sequences of clinically unremarkable individuals. Cell research [Internet]. 2014;24:1311. 访问链接Abstract
Postzygotic single-nucleotide mutations (pSNMs) have been studied in cancer and a few other overgrowth human disorders at whole-genome scale and found to play critical roles. However, in clinically unremarkable individuals, pSNMs have never been identified at whole-genome scale largely due to technical difficulties and lack of matched control tissue samples, and thus the genome-wide characteristics of pSNMs remain unknown. We developed a new Bayesian-based mosaic genotyper and a series of effective error filters, using which we were able to identify 17 SNM sites from ∼80× whole-genome sequencing of peripheral blood DNAs from three clinically unremarkable adults. The pSNMs were thoroughly validated using pyrosequencing, Sanger sequencing of individual cloned fragments, and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification. The mutant allele fraction ranged from 5%-31%. We found that C→T and C→A were the predominant types of postzygotic mutations, similar to the somatic mutation profile in tumor tissues. Simulation data showed that the overall mutation rate was an order of magnitude lower than that in cancer. We detected varied allele fractions of the pSNMs among multiple samples obtained from the same individuals, including blood, saliva, hair follicle, buccal mucosa, urine, and semen samples, indicating that pSNMs could affect multiple sources of somatic cells as well as germ cells. Two of the adults have children who were diagnosed with Dravet syndrome. We identified two non-synonymous pSNMs in SCN1A, a causal gene for Dravet syndrome, from these two unrelated adults and found that the mutant alleles were transmitted to their children, highlighting the clinical importance of detecting pSNMs in genetic counseling.
