科研成果 by Year: 2011

Liu C, Cole M, Belkin N, Gwizdka J, Zhang X. Exploring the Effect of Task Difficulty and Domain Knowledge on Dwell times, in ; 2011.
Lixin X, Laiqiang D, Junyi C, Yun W, Zhijian C, Bo Q, Qihuang G. Fabrication of Large Area of Anodic Aluminum Oxide Ultrathin Film Directly onto an ITO Electrode with a Ti Buffer Layer. ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA. 2011;27:749-753.
Lixin X, Laiqiang D, Junyi C, Yun W, Zhijian C, Bo Q, Qihuang G. Fabrication of Large Area of Anodic Aluminum Oxide Ultrathin Film Directly onto an ITO Electrode with a Ti Buffer Layer. ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA. 2011;27:749-753.
Yang H, Shen J, Chen J, Fang F. Face adaptation improves gender discrimination. Vision Research [Internet]. 2011;(1):105-110. 访问链接
胡泳. Facebook的成功难以复制. IT时代周刊. 2011;(24):66-67.Abstract
Fang F. Fang Fang. Current Biology [Internet]. 2011;(12):R444-R446. 访问链接
Zhao L, Zhang L, Ma S, Zhao D. Fast mode decision algorithm for intra prediction in HEVC, in 2011 IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing, VCIP 2011, Tainan, Taiwan, November 6-9, 2011.; 2011:1–4. 访问链接
Koh D-S, Chen L, Ufret-Vincenty CA, Jung S-R. A fast solution switching system with temperature control for single cell measurements. Journal of Neuroscience Methods [Internet]. 2011;(1):35-42. 访问链接
Ding Q, Meng K, Yang H, Wang S, Gong Q. Femtosecond noncollinear parametric amplification for ultrafast spectral dynamics. Optics CommunicationsOptics Communications. 2011;284:3110-3113.
Ding Q, Liang F, Meng K, Chu S, Wang S, Gong Q. Femtosecond transient photophysics of polyfluorene copolymers tuned by carbazole side group. Chemical Physics LettersChemical Physics Letters. 2011;504:52-55.
Fu W, Qin S, Liu L, Kim T-H, Hellstrom S, Wang W, Liang W, Bai X, Li A-P, Wang E. Ferroelectric gated electrical transport in CdS nanotetrapods. Nano Letters [Internet]. 2011;(5):1913-1918. 访问链接
Jia S, Jiramongkolchai P, Suchomel MR, Toby BH, Checkelsky JG, Ong NP, Cava RJ. Ferromagnetic quantum critical point induced by dimer-breaking in SrCo 2 (Ge 1-x Px)2. Nature Physics. 2011;(3):207-210.
Jiang F, Dong Y, Wu C, Yang X, Zhao L, Guo J, Li Y, Dong J, Zheng G-Y, Cao H, et al. Fine mapping of chromosome 3q22.3 identifies two haplotype blocks in ESYT3 associated with coronary artery disease in female Han Chinese. Atherosclerosis [Internet]. 2011;(2):397-403. 访问链接
Jiang F, Dong Y, Wu C, Yang X, Zhao L, Guo J, Li Y, Dong J, Zheng G-Y, Cao H, et al. Fine mapping of chromosome 3q22.3 identifies two haplotype blocks in ESYT3 associated with coronary artery disease in female Han Chinese. Atherosclerosis [Internet]. 2011;(2):397-403. 访问链接
Gu JJ, Liu YQ, Wu YQ, Colby R, Gordon RG, Ye PD. First experimental demonstration of gate-all-around III-V MOSFETs by top-down approach.; 2011 pp. 33.2 (4 pp.)-33.2 (4 pp.). 访问链接
Gu JJ, Liu YQ, Wu YQ, Colby R, Gordon RG, Ye PD, Ieee. First Experimental Demonstration of Gate-all-around III-V MOSFETs by Top-down Approach.; 2011. 访问链接
Liu SH, Hamilton JH, Ramayya AV, Shi Y, Xu FR, Zhu SJ, Yeoh EY, Batchelder JC, Brewer NT, Hwang JK, et al. First identification of high-spin states in the odd-odd neutron-rich nucleus $^152$Pr. Phys. Rev. C [Internet]. 2011;84:044303. 访问链接
Wang Q, Lu G, Hou L, Zhang T, Luo C, Yang H, Barbillon G, Lei FH, Marquette CA, Perriat P, et al. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy near individual gold nanoparticle. Chemical Physics Letters. 2011;(4-6):256-261.
Wang L, Lai L, Ouyang Q, Tang C. Flux balance analysis of ammonia assimilation network in E. coli predicts preferred regulation point. PLoS ONE [Internet]. 2011;(1). 访问链接
Wang L, Lai L, Ouyang Q, Tang C. Flux balance analysis of ammonia assimilation network in E. coli predicts preferred regulation point. PLoS ONE [Internet]. 2011;(1). 访问链接
