科研成果 by Year: 2011

Huang R-chao, Chen Y-Q. Effect of residual interface stress on effective thermal expansion coefficient of particle-filled thermoelastic nanocomposite. Applied Mathematics and MechanicsApplied Mathematics and MechanicsApplied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition. 2011;32:1377-1388.Abstract
The surface/interface energy theory based on three configurations proposed by Huang et al. is used to study the effective properties of thermoelastic nanocomposites. The particular emphasis is placed on the discussion of the influence of the residual interface stress on the thermal expansion coefficient of a thermoelastic composite filled with nanoparticles. First, the thermo-elastic interface constitutive relations expressed in terms of the first Piola-Kirchhoff interface stress and the Lagrangian description of the generalized Young-Laplace equation are presented. Second, the Hashin's composite sphere assemblage (CSA) is taken as the representative volume element (RVE), and the residual elastic field induced by the residual interface stress in this CSA at reference configuration is determined. Elastic deformations in the CSA from the reference configuration to the current configuration are calculated. From the above calculations, analytical expressions of the effective bulk modulus and the effective thermal expansion coefficient of thermoelastic composite are derived. It is shown that the residual interface stress has a significant effect on the thermal expansion properties of thermoelastic nanocomposites.
Sun Q, Hu X-H, Liu WM, Xie XC, Ji A-C. Effect on cavity optomechanics of the interaction between a cavity field and a one-dimensional interacting bosonic gas. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2011;(2).
Yu L-L, Zhou S-J, Wang X-Y, Liu J-F, Xue Y-X, Jiang W, Lu L. Effects of cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonist rimonabant on acquisition and reinstatement of psychostimulant reward memory in mice. Behavioural Brain Research [Internet]. 2011;(1):111-116. 访问链接
Gu JJ, Wu YQ, Ye PD. Effects of gate-last and gate-first process on deep submicron inversion-mode InGaAs n-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors. Journal of Applied Physics [Internet]. 2011;109. 访问链接
Liu HL, Xu FR, Walker PM, Bertulani CA. Effects of high-order deformation on high-$K$ isomers in superheavy nuclei. Phys. Rev. C [Internet]. 2011;83:011303. 访问链接
Chen L, Zhai H, Lu L, Chen S, Ning Y, Wang W. Effects of polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (Poly I:C) on naloxone-precipitated withdrawal in morphine-dependent mice. Neuroscience Letters [Internet]. 2011;(3):341-344. 访问链接
Wrachien N, Cester A, Wu YQ, Ye PD, Zanoni E, Meneghesso G. Effects of Positive and Negative Stresses on III-V MOSFETs With Al2O3 Gate Dielectric. Ieee Electron Device Letters [Internet]. 2011;32:488-490. 访问链接
Xia C, Liu JS, Wang W, Lu HY, Cheng W, Deng A, Li W, Zhang H, Liang X, Leng Y, et al. Effects of self-focusing on tunnel-ionization-induced injection in a laser wakefield accelerator. Physics of Plasmas. 2011;18:113101-6.Abstract
We report on the study of the self-focusing effects on the tunnel-ionization-induced injection in a laser wakefield accelerator. Targets composed of a gas mixture of 94% helium and 6% oxygen were used. The energy, energy spread, and charge of the generated electron beams can be adjusted by changing the input laser intensity and the plasma density, but the different aspects of the properties of the electron beams were not independent. It was inferred that the K-shell electrons of oxygen were ionized and injected into the plasma wake for acceleration when the laser intensity was increased beyond the threshold for generating O7+ by tunnel-ionization, due to the relativistic self-focusing in the propagation. Controlling the self-focusing of the laser beam by adjusting the input laser energy to shorten the distance over which the electrons were injected into the wake, quasi-monoenergetic electron beams were observed.
Shi H-S, Luo Y-xiao, Xue Y-X, Wu P, Zhu W-L, Ding Z-bo, Lu L. Effects of sleep deprivation on retrieval and reconsolidation of morphine reward memory in rats. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior [Internet]. 2011;(2):299-303. 访问链接
Yang SA, Qiao Z, Yao Y, Shi J, Niu Q. Effects of spin-flip scattering on gapped Dirac fermions. EPL. 2011;(6).
Yang SA, Qiao Z, Yao Y, Shi J, Niu Q. Effects of spin-flip scattering on gapped Dirac fermions. EPL. 2011;(6).
Zhang X-L, Shi J, Zhao L-Y, Sun L-L, Wang J, Wang G-B, Epstein DH, Lu L. Effects of stress on decision-making deficits in formerly heroin-dependent patients after different durations of abstinence. American Journal of Psychiatry [Internet]. 2011;(6):610-616. 访问链接
Yang J, Xu X, Du X, Shi C, Fang F. Effects of unconscious processing on implicit memory for fearful faces. PLoS ONE [Internet]. 2011;(2). 访问链接
Zhao L-Y, Sun L-L, Shi J, Li P, Zhang Y, Lu L. Effects of β-adrenergic receptor blockade on drug-related memory reconsolidation in abstinent heroin addicts. Drug and Alcohol Dependence [Internet]. 2011;(2-3):224-229. 访问链接
Li Z, Wei Z, Li X, Du Q, Liang Z. Efficient and high-throughput electroporation chips. 2011 16th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference, TRANSDUCERS'11. 2011:1825-1828.
Li Z, Wei Z, Li X, Du Q, Liang Z. Efficient and high-throughput electroporation chips. 2011 16th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference, TRANSDUCERS'11. 2011:1825-1828.
Huang H, Wei Z, Huang Y, Zhao D, Zheng L, Cai T, Wu M, Wang W, Ding X, Zhou Z, et al. An efficient and high-throughput electroporation microchip applicable for siRNA delivery. Lab on a Chip - Miniaturisation for Chemistry and Biology [Internet]. 2011;(1):163-172. 访问链接
Huang H, Wei Z, Huang Y, Zhao D, Zheng L, Cai T, Wu M, Wang W, Ding X, Zhou Z, et al. An efficient and high-throughput electroporation microchip applicable for siRNA delivery. Lab on a Chip - Miniaturisation for Chemistry and Biology [Internet]. 2011;(1):163-172. 访问链接
Huang H, Wei Z, Huang Y, Zhao D, Zheng L, Cai T, Wu M, Wang W, Ding X, Zhou Z, et al. An efficient and high-throughput electroporation microchip applicable for siRNA delivery. Lab on a Chip - Miniaturisation for Chemistry and Biology [Internet]. 2011;(1):163-172. 访问链接
Shi XL, Qin L, Zhang XJ, He KM, Xiong CY, Fang J, Fang XH, Zhang YY. Elasticity of cardiac cells on the polymer substrates with different stiffness: an atomic force microscopy study. Physical Chemistry Chemical PhysicsPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2011;13:7540-7545.
