科研成果 by Year: 2011

Chen Z, Wu Y, Liu Y, Yang S, Chen Y, Lai L. Discovery of dual target inhibitors against cyclooxygenases and leukotriene A4 hydrolyase. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry [Internet]. 2011;(10):3650-3660. 访问链接
Chen M, Wang K, Zhang L, Li C, Yang Y. The discovery of putative urine markers for the specific detection of prostate tumor by integrative mining of public genomic profiles. [Internet]. 2011;(12). 访问链接
Zhu X, Zhang J, Xu J, Li H, Wu X, Liao Z, Zhao Q, Yu D. Dispersion control in plasmonic open nanocavities. [Internet]. 2011;(8):6546-6552. 访问链接
Luo Y, Qin G, Zhang J, Liang Y, Song Y, Zhao M, Tsuge T, Aoyama T, Liu J, Gu H, et al. D-myo-inositol-3-phosphate affects phosphatidylinositol-mediated endomembrane function in Arabidopsis and is essential for auxin-regulated embryogenesis. Plant Cell [Internet]. 2011;(4):1352-1372. 访问链接
何柳, 唐迅, 胡永华. DNA混合分析技术的单体型频率估计方法. 中南大学学报(医学版)中南大学学报(医学版). 2011;36:457-461.Abstract
Yi H, Hare D, Zhang L. Does the Provision of Public Goods Correspond to Local Demand?. Contemporary Economic Policy. 2011;29:115-137.Abstract
Recently China's central government has promoted public goods investment in pursuit of rural development and poverty reduction. However, the top down nature of investment planning may lead to mismatches between public goods projects and the demands of local residents. Using village- and household-level survey data, this study seeks to identify the determinants of project implementation, focusing on investments in roads, drinking water, and irrigation. Contrary to some popular perception, our results suggest symmetry between farmers' reported demand and the types of projects implemented in their villages. The relative contribution of local demand to project implementation is seen to vary, however, across different types of public goods. (JEL D71, H41, H77, P35)
Nelson CT, Gao P, Jokisaari JR, Heikes C, Adamo C, Melville A, Baek S-H, Folkman CM, Winchester B, Gu Y, et al. Domain dynamics during ferroelectric switching. Science [Internet]. 2011;(6058):968-971. 访问链接
Ouyang Y, Song Y, Lu B. dp53 restrains ectopic neural stem cell formation in the Drosophila brain in a non-apoptotic mechanism involving archipelago and cyclin E. PLoS ONE [Internet]. 2011;(11). 访问链接
Xi D, Dong X, Deng W, Lai L. Dynamic behavior of small heat shock protein inhibition on amyloid fibrillization of a small peptide (SSTSAA) from RNase A. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications [Internet]. 2011;(1-2):130-134. 访问链接
Meacci G, Lan G, Tu Y. Dynamics of the bacterial flagellar motor: The effects of stator compliance, back steps, temperature, and rotational asymmetry. Biophysical Journal [Internet]. 2011;(8):1986-1995. 访问链接
Meacci G, Lan G, Tu Y. Dynamics of the bacterial flagellar motor: The effects of stator compliance, back steps, temperature, and rotational asymmetry. Biophysical Journal [Internet]. 2011;(8):1986-1995. 访问链接
Guo X, Shen S, Song S, He S, Cui Y, Xing G, Wang J, Yin Y, Fan L, He F, et al. The E3 ligase Smurf1 regulates Wolfram syndrome protein stability at the endoplasmic reticulum. Journal of Biological Chemistry [Internet]. 2011;(20):18037-18047. 访问链接
Yang P. Earnings Expectation and Graduate Employment:Evidence from Recent Chinese College Graduates. 中国教育学前沿. 2011;6(4):549-570.Abstract
Chinese college graduates have faced increasing labor market competition since the expansion of tertiary education. Given rigid market demand, graduates with realistic earnings expectations may experience a more efficient job search. Using the 2008 MYCOS College Graduate Employment Survey, this study finds that a 1 000 yuan reduction in a graduate鈥檚 reservation wage can significantly increase the probability of finding a job by 66% and increase the likelihood of being employed six months after graduation by 92%. In addition, the gap between the reservation wage and the market wage has a positive impact. By slightly adjusting earnings expectations, college graduates can significantly improve job search efficiency. Market wages should be seen as reference points when adjusting income expectations.
Austin RH, Crespi VH, Johnson CAT, Tanaka M, Wang EG. Editorial: Welcome to AIP Advances-a new open-access journal from the American Institute of Physics. AIP Advances. 2011;(1).
Magariños AM, Li CJ, Toth GJ, Bath KG, Jing D, Lee FS, McEwen BS. Effect of brain-derived neurotrophic factor haploinsufficiency on stress-induced remodeling of hippocampal neurons. [Internet]. 2011;(3):253-264. 访问链接
Wang D, Shi J. Effect of charged impurities on the thermoelectric power of graphene near the Dirac point. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2011;(11).
Zhou C, Ma Z, Ren Z, Mao X, Dai D, Yang X. Effect of defects on photocatalytic dissociation of methanol on TiO 2(110). Chemical Science. 2011;(10):1980-1983.
Zhang Y-T, Sun Q-F, Xie XC. The effect of disorder on the valley-dependent transport in zigzag graphene nanoribbons. Journal of Applied Physics. 2011;(12).
Jozwiak K, Plazinska A, Toll L, Jimenez L, Woo AY-H, Xiao R-P, Wainer IW. Effect of fenoterol stereochemistry on the β2 adrenergic receptor system: Ligand-directed chiral recognition. Chirality [Internet]. 2011;(1 E):E1-E6. 访问链接
Huang RC, Chen YQ. Effect of residual interface stress on effective thermal expansion coefficient of particle-filled thermoelastic nanocomposite. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2011;32:1377-1388.Abstract
The surface/interface energy theory based on three configurations proposed by Huang et al. is used to study the effective properties of thermoelastic nanocomposites. The particular emphasis is placed on the discussion of the influence of the residual interface stress on the thermal expansion coefficient of a thermoelastic composite filled with nanoparticles. First, the thermo-elastic interface constitutive relations expressed in terms of the first Piola-Kirchhoff interface stress and the Lagrangian description of the generalized Young-Laplace equation are presented. Second, the Hashin's composite sphere assemblage (CSA) is taken as the representative volume element (RVE), and the residual elastic field induced by the residual interface stress in this CSA at reference configuration is determined. Elastic deformations in the CSA from the reference configuration to the current configuration are calculated. From the above calculations, analytical expressions of the effective bulk modulus and the effective thermal expansion coefficient of thermoelastic composite are derived. It is shown that the residual interface stress has a significant effect on the thermal expansion properties of thermoelastic nanocomposites.
