科研成果 by Year: 2009

S Li, Kay S, Porter S. A visualization tool for augmenting assessment of ankylosing spondylitis. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2009;150:821-825.
Shao M, Lu SH, Liu Y, Xie X, Chang CC, Huang S, Chen ZM. Volatile organic compounds measured in summer in Beijing and their role in ground-level ozone formation. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres. 2009;114:D00G06.
Baenitz M, Lüders K, Maurer D, Barišić N, Cho Y, Li Y, Yu G, Zhao X, Greven M. Vortex dynamics in single crystal Hg-1201. Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications. 2009;(15-20):1126-1128.
Wang F, Wu S, Song Y, Tang X, Marshall R, Liang M, Wu Y, Qin X, Chen D, Hu Y. Waist circumference, body mass index and waist to hip ratio for prediction of the metabolic syndrome in Chinese. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases. 2009;19:542-7.Abstract
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: To explore the ability of waist circumference (WC), body mass index (BMI) and waist to hip ratio (WHR) to predict two or more non-adipose components of the metabolic syndrome (MetS) among individuals aged 18-85 in North China. METHODS AND RESULTS: This study is a cluster sample survey of 101,510 individuals, complete data are 75,788 subjects, 59,874 males and 15,914 females. Their ages were 51.9+/-12.7 years (males) and 48.7+/-11.5 years (females). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was used to examine discrimination and find optimal cut off values of WC, BMI and WHR to predict two or more non-adipose components of MetS. The area under the ROC curve (AURC) for WC (0.694) and BMI (0.692) in females showed no difference. In males BMI (0.657) had a better discrimination than WC (0.634). WHR was weaker in both sexes. The optimal cut off value of WC in males (86.5 cm) was higher than in females (82.1cm); and that of BMI was about 24 kg/m(2) in both genders. The optimal cut off values of WC, BMI, and WHR, increased with age in both sexes. CONCLUSIONS: BMI and WC are more useful than WHR for predicting two or more non-adipose components of MetS. Cut off values for WC in males, and those of BMI and WHR in both sexes are lower than that in present MetS criteria; WC in females is slightly higher. Cut off values of WC, BMI and WHR were increased with age in the Chinese.
Wang D.S.*, Yan M.Q., Ye C.Q., 2009. Advances in coagulation interfacial process: Role of particle/AOM-IPF-aqueous solution interactions. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae 29: 42-49. (in Chinese). 2009.
Ma J, Alf̀ D, Michaelides A, Wang E. The water-benzene interaction: Insight from electronic structure theories. Journal of Chemical Physics [Internet]. 2009;(15). 访问链接
Kang H, Yao X-Q, She Z-S, Zhu H. Water-protein interplay reveals the specificity of α-lytic protease. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications [Internet]. 2009;(2):165-169. 访问链接
Podolyák Z, Steer SJ, Pietri S, Xu FR, Liu HL, Regan PH, Rudolph D, Garnsworthy AB, Hoischen R, Górska M, et al. Weakly deformed oblate structures in $_76^198$$\mathrmOs_122$. Phys. Rev. C [Internet]. 2009;79:031305. 访问链接
Liu Z, Deibler RW, Chan HS, Zechiedrich L. The why and how of DNA unlinking. Nucleic Acids Research [Internet]. 2009;(3):661-671. 访问链接
Yan M.Q.*, Liu H.L., Wang D.S., Ni J.R., Qu J.H., 2009. Natural organic matter removal by coagulation: Effect of kinetics and hydraulics. Water Sci Technol:WS 9, 21-30. 2009.
Yan M.Q.*, Yu J.F., Wang D.S., Ni J.R., Qu J.H., Tang H.X., 2009. Natural organic matter (NOM) removal in a typical North-China water plant by enhanced coagulation: Targets and techniques. Sep Purif Technol 68, 320-327. . 2009.
Wang F, Vishwanath A. Z2 spin-orbital liquid state in the square lattice Kugel-Khomskii model. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2009;(6).
Zhou P, Zhao Y-T, Guo Y-B, Xu S-M, Bai S-H, Lakatta EG, Cheng H, Hao X-M, Wang S-Q. β-Adrenergic signaling accelerates and synchronizes cardiac ryanodine receptor response to a single L-type Ca2+ channel. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America [Internet]. 2009;(42):18028-18033. 访问链接
Liu Y, Mziaut H, Ivanova A, Solimena M. β-cells at the crossroads: Choosing between insulin granule production and proliferation. [Internet]. 2009;(SUPPL. 4):54-64. 访问链接
姚洋. 一个中美经济双赢方案. 中国市场. 2009;(16):10-11.Abstract
学术研究. 一个巴西环境史学家的拉美环境史研究体验. 2009.
厉以宁, 刘琼. 一场改革带来的飞跃. 今日中国(中文版). 2009;(7):30-35.Abstract
蔡丽娜, 隋迎玖, 刘大庆, 王爽, 刘伟, 王天奎. 一次爆发性气旋引发的罕见暴风雪过程分析. 北京大学学报(自然科学版). 2009;45(4):693-700.Abstract
冬季温带气旋强烈的发展会带来大范围严重的暴风雪天气.针对2007年3月3-5日一次气旋爆发性发展所造成的暴雪、大风和低能见度给辽宁省的交通,特别是航空带来的巨大影响,从大尺度环流背景、气旋移动路径和强度、水汽条件、冷暖空气活动及多种物理量场,对这次气旋的强烈发展及其相关联的垂直环流进行了动力学和热力学的诊断分析.结果表明,大气的强斜压性和其所伴随的冷、暖平流是气旋爆发性发展的主要原因; 平流层高位势涡度的下传促进了气旋的强烈发展; 气旋中心附近最强的上升运动区基本上是上下垂直的; 高、低空急流及相关的高、低空散度场和垂直运动构成了气旋所伴随的强大次级环流; 沈阳地区强暴风雪的产生与气旋的强烈发展、偏南风低空急流的水汽输送及气旋内部垂直运动的强弱等密切相关.
胡泳. 一款软件何以管理复杂的社会?. 中国企业家. 2009;(12):37.Abstract
吴玺宏, 迟惠生, 曲天书, 万广鲁.; 2009. 一种多层索引语音文档检索方法. China patent CN ZL200910131828.X.
