
Nonsequential double ionization of alkaline-earth metal atoms by intense mid-infrared femtosecond pulses. Optics Express [Internet]. 2020. 访问链接
Gao X, Coull B, Lin X, Vokonas P, Schwartz J, Baccarelli AA. Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs Modify the Effect of Short-Term Air Pollution on Lung Function. Am J Respir Crit Care Med [Internet]. 2020;201:374-378. 访问链接
Zhu W, Guo S, Lou S, Wang H, Yu Y, Xu W, Liu Y, Cheng Z, HUANG X, He L, et al. A novel algorithm to determine the scattering coefficient of ambient organic aerosols. Environmental PollutionEnvironmental Pollution. 2020.
Wang Y, Ji H, Liu W, Xue T, Liu C, Zhang Y, Liu L, Wang Q, Qi F, Xu B, et al. Novel CuCo2O4 Composite Spinel with a Meso-Macroporous Nanosheet Structure for Sulfate Radical Formation and Benzophenone-4 Degradation: Interface Reaction, Degradation Pathway, and DFT Calculation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces [Internet]. 2020;12:20522-20535. 访问链接Abstract
A series of CuCo2O4 composite spinels with an interconnected meso-macroporous nanosheet morphology were synthesized using the hydrothermal method and subsequent calcination treatment to activate peroxymonosulfate (PMS) for benzophenone-4 (BP-4) degradation. As-prepared CuCo2O4 composite spinels, especially CuCo-H3 prepared by adding cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, showed superior reactivity for PMS activation. In a typical reaction, BP-4 (10.0 mg/L) was almost completely degraded in 15 min by the activation of PMS (200.0 mg/L) using CuCo-H3 (100.0 mg/L), with only 9.2 μg/L cobalt leaching detected. Even after being used six times, the performance was not influenced by the lower leaching of ions and surface-absorbed intermediates. The possible interface mechanism of PMS activation by CuCo-H3 was proposed, wherein a unique interconnected meso-macroporous nanosheet structure, strong interactions between copper and cobalt, and cycling of Co(II)/Co(III) and Cu(I)/Cu(II) effectively facilitated PMS activation to generate SO4•– and •OH, which contributed to BP-4 degradation. Furthermore, combined with intermediates detected by liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry and density functional theory calculation results, the degradation pathway of BP-4 involving hydroxylation and C–C bond cleavage was proposed.
Han WB, Chen XY. A novel micro-nanofluidic preconcentrator with Koch fractal nanochannel surface. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology. 2020:13.Abstract
With the development of the times, the demand for rapid detection of trace toxic and harmful components and circulating tumor cells is increasing and it is urgent to develop portable specialized detection instruments. Since it is difficult to directly measure the sample material in the trace amount detection, the method of high-enrichment of the trace substance based on the ion concentration polarization principle can make the trace substance easy to be determined. In this paper, a novel micro-nanofuidic preconcentrator with Koch fractal nanochannel surface is proposed. By coupling the Poisson-Nernst-Planck equation and the Navier-Stokes equation, the influence of Koch fractal parameters on ion enrichment was studied by numerical simulation. The results show that increasing the unit length L, increasing fractal time n, using the unstraggered structure and increasing the fractal angle theta can significantly increase the ion enrichment ratio. In addition, we found that the above means can reduce the fluid flow velocity in the nanochannel and thus reduce the negative influence of electroosmotic flow on ion enrichment. This work provides a theoretical basis for the design of trace detection instruments based on micro-nanofluidic platform.
Yang Y, Zhu D, Ren F, Cheng C. A novel self-taught learning framework using spatial pyramid matching for scene classification. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. 2020:725–729.
ZHANG L, Wang Y, HE Y. A Novel Technique to Suppress Multiple-Triggering Effect in Typical DTSCRs under ESD Stress. IEICE Transactions on Electronics [Internet]. 2020;E103-C(5):274-278. 访问链接
Fang X, Hu M, Shang D, Tang R, Shi L, Olenius T, Wang Y, Wang H, Zhang Z, Chen S, et al. Observational Evidence for the Involvement of Dicarboxylic Acids in Particle Nucleation. Environmental Science and Technology LettersEnvironmental Science and Technology LettersEnvironmental Science and Technology Letters. 2020;7:388-394.Abstract
Gaseous dicarboxylic acids (diacids) are suggested to participate in atmospheric new particle formation via bonding with sulfuric acid (SA), ammonia (NH3), amines, and other molecules. However, there is a lack of observational evidence for the involvement of diacids in particle nucleation. Comprehensive measurements were conducted at a rural site of the North China Plain in winter, and unexpectedly high nucleation rates (JOBS, 30.5-839.7 cm-3 s-1) were observed under low SA levels (0.7 × 106 to 4.4 × 106 cm-3). Neither SA-NH3 nor SA-dimethylamine (DMA) mechanisms could fully explain the JOBS. Gaseous diacid monomers and dimers and diacid-SA-DMA clusters were identified in this study. The JOBS values were enhanced by a factor of 5 to 10 as the signal intensities of diacids increased 4-fold. Products of diacid signals and SA concentrations showed a positive correlation with the JOBS (Pearson's correlation coefficient = 0.72). Experimental evidence was found that succinic acid competes with the second SA molecule for addition to the SA·DMA cluster. The concentrations of diacids were estimated to be 1-3 orders of magnitude higher than those of SA. We propose that diacids could actively participate in particle nucleation and may dominate the initial steps under high [diacids]/[SA] ratios. Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society.
Fang X, Hu M*, Shang D, Tang R, Shi L, Olenius T, Wang Y, Wang H, Zhang Z, Chen S, et al. Observational Evidence for the Involvement of Dicarboxylic Acids in Particle Nucleation. Environmental Science and Technology Letters [Internet]. 2020;7(6):388-394. 访问链接
Jingwei L, Xin L, Dongqing L, Rongjuan X, Yaqin G, Shiyi C, Ying L, Gang Z, Haichao W, Hongli W, et al. Observations of glyoxal and methylglyoxal in a suburban area of the Yangtze River Delta, China. Atmospheric Environment. 2020;238:117727.Abstract
Glyoxal (GLY) and methylglyoxal (MGLY), as tracers of oxidation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), play an important role in atmospheric chemistry. In this work, the concentrations of these two aldehydes were simultaneously measured online at a regional site in Jiangsu Province (China) during the 2018 EXPLORE-YRD campaign. The maximum measured concentration of GLY and MGLY was 0.47 and 6.68 ppb, respectively. As the campaign site was surrounded by farmland and the observations were recorded during harvest, significant enhancements to the concentration of GLY and MGLY were found owing to agricultural biomass burning. While the enhancement of MGLY relative to CO (0.0059 ± 0.0012) was found to be consistent with previous study, the corresponding enhancement ratios of GLY were lower (0.0003 ± 0.0001). The possibility of using the ratios between formaldehyde (HCHO), GLY, and MGLY concentrations as indicators of reactive VOC composition was investigated. Based on measured data and model simulation results, we found that the MGLY to HCHO ratio was sensitive to VOC precursors and reasonably well correlated with the reactivity of aromatics.
Liu JW, Li X, Li DQ, Xu RJ, Gao YQ, Chen SY, Liu Y, Zhao G, Wang HC, Wang HL, et al. Observations of glyoxal and methylglyoxal in a suburban area of the Yangtze River Delta, China. Atmospheric Environment. 2020;238.Abstract
Glyoxal (GLY) and methylglyoxal (MGLY), as tracers of oxidation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), play an important role in atmospheric chemistry. In this work, the concentrations of these two aldehydes were simultaneously measured online at a regional site in Jiangsu Province (China) during the 2018 EXPLORE-YRD campaign. The maximum measured concentration of GLY and MGLY was 0.47 and 6.68 ppb, respectively. As the campaign site was surrounded by farmland and the observations were recorded during harvest, significant enhancements to the concentration of GLY and MGLY were found owing to agricultural biomass burning. While the enhancement of MGLY relative to CO (0.0059 +/- 0.0012) was found to be consistent with previous study, the corresponding enhancement ratios of GLY were lower (0.0003 +/- 0.0001). The possibility of using the ratios between formaldehyde (HCHO), GLY, and MGLY concentrations as indicators of reactive VOC composition was investigated. Based on measured data and model simulation results, we found that the MGLY to HCHO ratio was sensitive to VOC precursors and reasonably well correlated with the reactivity of aromatics.
Yu Y, Notaro M. Observed land surface feedbacks on the Australian monsoon system. Climate Dynamics. 2020;54:3021–3040.
Kang JB, Rong X, Li Q, Wang XQ. Observing near-infrared/ultraviolet responses within GaN/AlN superlattice for dual-band detection. AOPC 2020: Infrared Device and Infrared Technology (EI, Conf. Paper, DOI: 10.1117/12.2579830). 2020:115630J.
Chen X-X, Xiang K-H, Zhang H-P, Kong X-S, Huang C-Y, Liu Y-M, Lou J-L, Gao Z-H, Yan H-P. Occult HBV infection in patients with autoimmune hepatitis: A virological and clinical study. J Microbiol Immunol Infect . [Internet]. 2020;53(6):946-954. 访问链接Abstract
Background/purpose: Occult HBV infection (OBI) could have serious clinical consequences in patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy. We aimed to investigate the prevalence of OBI in Chinese patients with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) and to analyze its clinical and virological features. Methods: 103 AIH cases were enrolled. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) serological markers were screened by chemiluminescence. HBV-DNA were detected by nest-PCR and real-time PCR. HBV genotyping and mutation analysis were performed by Sanger sequencing. Results: Twenty-four out of 103 (23.30%) AIH patients had OBI as evidenced by positive HBV-DNA and negative hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). HBV genotype C is the predominant genotype (57.89%), which had more amino acid (AA) substitutions in S region than that of B-genotype group (P = 0.001). The distribution of AA substitution in the 'α' determinant region between genotype C and B were significantly different (P = 0.042). In addition to those already reported OBI-associated AA substitutions (e.g., sG145R and sV184A), some new OBI-associated AA substitutions (e.g., sV106A, sC137* and sL176P) were found in AIH patients in our study. Three out of 24 (12.50%) OBI patients were diagnosed as decompensated cirrhosis, one patient with S deletion mutation and two patients with HBV extensive AA substitutions. Conclusions: There was a higher proportion of AIH patients with OBI than the general population in China, which can be either seropositive or seronegative-OBI in AIH patients is associated with some specific AA substitutions. The presence of deletion mutations and the extent of AA substitutions in the HBV S region may have predictive clinical implications. Keywords: Amino acid substitution; Autoimmune hepatitis; Occult HBV infection.
Kuang Y, Guo X, Hu J, Li S, Zhang R, Gao Q, Yang X, Chen Q, Sun W. Occurrence and risks of antibiotics in an urban river in northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Scientific ReportsScientific Reports. 2020;10.Abstract
There is a dearth of information on the occurrence and risks of antibiotics in the urban rivers from plateau areas. This study investigated 83 antibiotics in water and sediments of an urban river and effluents of sewage treatment plants (E-STPs) in Xining, Qinghai (northeastern Tibetan Plateau). Fifty-three antibiotics were detected, and the concentrations of individual antibiotics varied in the range of undetected (ND)-552 ng/L in water, ND-164 ng/g in sediments, and ND-3821 ng/L in E-STPs. Seasonal differences of antibiotic concentrations were significant for water samples (p<0.05) but insignificant for sediments (p>0.05). In urban area, E-STP is the main source of antibiotics in the river, while runoff from manured cropland contributes partially to antibiotics in the river in the suburban area. The antibiotic compositions in water were different from those in sediments, but were similar to those in E-STPs. Notably, because of strong solar radiation and long sunshine hours in the plateau area, low levels of quinolones, which are sensitive to photolysis, were observed in river water. Moreover, norfloxacin and enrofloxacin, observed in urban river from other regions of China, were not detected in the Huangshui River water. The occurrence of ofloxacin, erythromycin, roxithromycin, clarithromycin, and trimethoprim in E-STPs may induce a possible risk to antibiotic resistance evolution. Trimethoprim, anhydroerythromycin, sulfamethoxazole, sulfapyridine, and clindamycin in river water could pose low to medium risks to aquatic organisms. Further investigation on the occurrence and distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in the Huangshui River is urgently needed.
Wu C-Y. Of Health or Savior? Emending the Herennia Hispana Inscription, in Association of Ancient Historians Annual Conference. Iowa City USA; 2020.Abstract
This paper discusses an accepted emendation to an earlier version of IG X 2.1 137. Early draft copies of the Herennia announcement show that Antoninus Pius was hailed as Σωτήρ by the city of Thessalonike, a rare epithet for this emperor. This reading was later replaced due to an expert's claim that σωτῆρος was σωτηρίας. Since this seems to conform to a well-known salutary formula, the emendation was adopted from then on. This paper wishes to suggest that the reading of σωτῆρος is based on reliable and published reports instead, and ought to be preferred over the expert claim. Empirical evidence is given to support reading σωτῆρος.
Yuan X, Zeng P, Gao M, Zhao Q. One-shot dynamical resource theory. arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.02781. 2020.
Sun Z, Pedretti G, Bricalli A, Ielmini D. One-step regression and classification with cross-point resistive memory arrays. Science Advances [Internet]. 2020;6(5):eaay2378. 访问链接
Wang T, Huang R-J, Li Y, Chen Q, Chen Y, Yang L, Guo J, Ni H, Hoffmann T, Wang X, et al. One-year characterization of organic aerosol markers in urban Beijing: Seasonal variation and spatiotemporal comparison. Science of the Total Environment. 2020;743.
Liu Y, Yuan X. Operational resource theory of quantum channels. Physical Review Research. 2020;2(1):012035.
