
Bai D, Wang H, Tan Y, Yin Y, Wu Z, Guo S, Shen L, Zhu B, Wang J, Kong X. Optical properties of aerosols and chemical composition apportionment under different pollution levels in wuhan during january 2018. AtmosphereAtmosphereAtmosphere. 2020;11.Abstract
To clarify the aerosol optical properties under different pollution levels and their impacting factors, hourly organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), and water-soluble ion (WSI) concentrations in PM2.5 were observed by using monitoring for aerosols and gases (MARGA) and a semicontinuous OC/EC analyzer (Model RT-4) in Wuhan from 9 to 26 January 2018. The aerosol extinction coefficient (bext) was reconstructed using the original Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environment (IMPROVE) formula with a modification to include sea salt aerosols. A good correlation was obtained between the reconstructed bext and measured bext converted from visibility. bext presented a unimodal distribution on polluted days (PM2.5 mass concentrations > 75 μg•m-3), peaking at 19:00. bext on clean days (PM2.5 mass concentrations < 75 μg•m-3) did not change much during the day, while on polluted days, it increased rapidly starting at 12:00 due to the decrease of wind speed and increase of relative humidity (RH). PM2.5 mass concentrations, the aerosol scattering coefficient (bscat), and the aerosol extinction coefficient increased with pollution levels. The value of bext was 854.72 Mm-1 on bad days, which was 4.86, 3.1, 2.29, and 1.28 times of that obtained on excellent, good, acceptable, and poor days, respectively. When RH < 95%, bext exhibited an increasing trend with RH under all pollution levels, and the higher the pollution level, the bigger the growth rate was. However, when RH > 95%, bext on acceptable, poor and bad days decreased, while bext on excellent and good days still increased. The overall bext inWuhan in January was mainly contributed by NH4NO3 (25.2%) and organic matter (20.1%). The contributions of NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4 to bext increased significantly with pollution levels. On bad days, NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4 contributed the most to bext, accounting for 38.2% and 27.0%, respectively. © 2019 by the authors.
Bai DP, Wang HL, Tan Y, Yin Y, Wu ZJ, Guo S, Shen LJ, Zhu B, Wang JH, Kong XC. Optical Properties of Aerosols and Chemical Composition Apportionment under Different Pollution Levels in Wuhan during January 2018. Atmosphere. 2020;11.Abstract
To clarify the aerosol optical properties under different pollution levels and their impacting factors, hourly organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), and water-soluble ion (WSI) concentrations in PM2.5 were observed by using monitoring for aerosols and gases (MARGA) and a semicontinuous OC/EC analyzer (Model RT-4) in Wuhan from 9 to 26 January 2018. The aerosol extinction coefficient (b(ext)) was reconstructed using the original Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environment (IMPROVE) formula with a modification to include sea salt aerosols. A good correlation was obtained between the reconstructed b(ext) and measured b(ext) converted from visibility. b(ext) presented a unimodal distribution on polluted days (PM2.5 mass concentrations > 75 mu g.m(-3)), peaking at 19:00. b(ext) on clean days (PM2.5 mass concentrations < 75 mu g.m(-3)) did not change much during the day, while on polluted days, it increased rapidly starting at 12:00 due to the decrease of wind speed and increase of relative humidity (RH). PM2.5 mass concentrations, the aerosol scattering coefficient (b(scat)), and the aerosol extinction coefficient increased with pollution levels. The value of b(ext) was 854.72 Mm(-1) on bad days, which was 4.86, 3.1, 2.29, and 1.28 times of that obtained on excellent, good, acceptable, and poor days, respectively. When RH < 95%, b(ext) exhibited an increasing trend with RH under all pollution levels, and the higher the pollution level, the bigger the growth rate was. However, when RH > 95%, b(ext) on acceptable, poor and bad days decreased, while b(ext) on excellent and good days still increased. The overall b(ext) in Wuhan in January was mainly contributed by NH4NO3 (25.2%) and organic matter (20.1%). The contributions of NH4NO3 and (NH4)(2)SO4 to b(ext) increased significantly with pollution levels. On bad days, NH4NO3 and (NH4)(2)SO4 contributed the most to b(ext), accounting for 38.2% and 27.0%, respectively.
Yu J, Wang H, Ai M, Zhang H. Optimal Distributed Subsampling for Maximum Quasi-Likelihood Estimators with Massive Data. Journal of the American Statistical Association [Internet]. 2020. 访问链接Abstract
Nonuniform subsampling methods are effective to reduce computational burden and maintain estimation efficiency for massive data. Existing methods mostly focus on subsampling with replacement due to its high computational efficiency. If the data volume is so large that nonuniform subsampling probabilities cannot be calculated all at once, then subsampling with replacement is infeasible to implement. This paper solves this problem using Poisson subsampling. We first derive optimal Poisson subsampling probabilities in the context of  quasi-likelihood estimation under the A- and L-optimality criteria. For a practically implementable algorithm with approximated optimal subsampling probabilities, we establish the consistency and asymptotic normality of the resultant estimators. To deal with the situation that the full data are stored in different blocks or at multiple locations, we develop a distributed subsampling framework, in which statistics are computed simultaneously on smaller partitions of the full data. Asymptotic properties of the resultant aggregated estimator are investigated. We illustrate and evaluate the proposed strategies through numerical experiments on simulated and real data sets.
Ai M, Yu J, Zhang H, Wang H. Optimal Subsampling for Big Data Regressions. Statistica Sinica [Internet]. 2020. 访问链接
Ai M, Wang F, Yu J, Zhang H. Optimal subsampling for large-scale quantile regression. Journal of Complexity [Internet]. 2020. 访问链接Abstract
To deal with massive data sets, subsampling is known as an effective method which can significantly reduce computational costs in estimating model parameters. In this article, an efficient subsampling method is developed for large-scale quantile regression via Poisson sampling framework, which can solve the memory constraint problem imposed by big data. Under some mild conditions, large sample properties for the estimator involving the weak and strong consistencies, and asymptotic normality are established. Furthermore, the optimal subsampling probabilities are derived according to the A-optimality criterion. It is shown that the estimator based on the optimal subsampling asymptotically achieves a smaller variance than that by the uniform random subsampling. The proposed method is illustrated and evaluated through numerical analyses on both simulated and real data sets.
Zhang K, Li S, Liu L. Optimized foam-assisted CO2 enhanced oil recovery technology in tight oil reservoirs. Fuel [Internet]. 2020;267:117099. 访问链接Abstract
In this paper, foam-assisted CO2 EOR and anti-gas channelling technology are investigated and optimized to enhance tight oil recovery. A series of laboratory experiments, including pressure−volume−temperature, foam generation and evaluation, and coreflood tests, and phase behaviour theoretical mathematical models are performed to evaluate foam agent, analyze anti-gas channelling mechanisms and influential factors, and optimize foam-assisted CO2 EOR technique. The specific CO2 bulk fluid behaviour and phase behaviour in wellbore are determined through experimental and theoretical models. Two distinct stages are found to be divided prior to and after the CO2 gas breakthrough. Most oil productions, which is in the range of 28–40%, occur prior to the gas breakthrough, whereas only additional 5–8% oil is produced after the gas breakthrough. A higher injection rate and/or permeability ratio result in an earlier gas breakthrough and causes less oil to be produced before gas breakthrough while the oil recovery factor slightly increases after the breakthrough by increasing injection rate. Gas diffusion in water-saturated core reach equilibrium faster than that in the oil-saturated core. An overall evaluation parameter is developed to select foam agent. The optimized static condition for the selected foam agent here is approximately 9 MPa at low temperatures while dynamic performance is improved at a higher gas but lower liquid injection rate. The simultaneous water-alternating-gas injection scheme in subsequent of an initial gas injection with liquid−gas ratio of 1:1 performs better than the water-alternating-gas scheme, which is proven to be effective for the core samples with fracture width of 82.67 μm. Finally, the oilfield surface foaming operational system is designed to upscale laboratory research to practical applications with specific operating setup and procedures, which has been applied in the target oil reservoir and performs well as expected.
Meng Y, Fan C, Sun Z, Hovy E, Wu F, Li J. Pair the dots: Jointly examining training history and test stimuli for model interpretability. arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.06943. 2020.
Huang J, Yang C, Wei Y. Parallel energy-stable solver for a coupled Allen-Cahn and Cahn-Hilliard system. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing [Internet]. 2020;42(5):C294-C312. 访问链接
Yin L, Yang C, Ma S-Z, Cai Y, Zhang K. Parallel finite volume simulation of the spherical shell dynamo with pseudo-vacuum magnetic boundary conditions. arXiv:2009.02171 [Internet]. 2020. 访问链接
ZHANG Y, WANG R, ZHANG X, Wang Y, HUANG R. Parallel Hybrid Stochastic-Binary-Based Neural Network Accelerators. IEEE Transactions on Circuit and Systems II: Brief Paper [Internet]. 2020;67(12):3387-3391. 访问链接
Li R, Yang H, Yang C. Parallel multilevel restricted Schwarz preconditioners for implicit simulation of subsurface flows with Peng-Robinson equation of state. Journal of Computational Physics [Internet]. 2020;422:109745. 访问链接
Song H, Zou Q, Lu K. Parameterization and Application of Hydroperoxyl Radicals (HO2) Heterogeneous Uptake coefficient. Progress in Chemistry -Beijing-. 2020;33:1175-1187.
Xuan XN, Chen ZM, Gong YW, Shen HQ, Chen SY. Partitioning of hydrogen peroxide in gas-liquid and gas-aerosol phases. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics [Internet]. 2020;20(9):5513–5526. 访问链接Abstract
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a vital oxidant in the atmosphere and plays critical roles in the oxidation chemistry of both liquid and aerosol phases. The partitioning of H2O2 between the gas and liquid phase or the aerosol phase could affect its abundance in these condensed phases and eventually the formation of secondary components. However, the partitioning processes of H2O2 in gas-liquid and gas-aerosol phases are still unclear, especially in the ambient atmosphere. In this study, field observations of gas-, liquid-, and aerosol-phase H2O2 were carried out in the urban atmosphere of Beijing during the summer and winter of 2018. The effective field-derived mean value of Henry’s law constant ( , 2.1 × 105 M atm−1) was 2.5 times of the theoretical value in pure water ( , 8.4 × 104 M atm−1) at 298 ± 2 K. The effective derived gas-aerosol partitioning coefficient ( , 3.8 × 10−3 m3 mg−1) was four orders of magnitude higher on average than the theoretical value ( , 2.8 × 10−7 m3 mg−1) at 270 ± 4 K. Beyond following Henry’s law or Pankow’s absorptive partitioning theory, the partitioning of H2O2 in the gas-liquid and gas-aerosol phases in the ambient atmosphere was also influenced by certain physical and chemical reactions. The average concentration of liquid-phase H2O2 in rainwater during summer was 44.12 ± 26.49 mM. In 69 % of the collected rain samples, the measured level of H2O2 was greater than the predicted value in pure water calculated by Henry’s law. In these samples, 41 % of the measured H2O2 was from gas-phase partitioning, while most of the rest may be from residual H2O2 in raindrops. In winter, the level of aerosol-phase H2O2 was 0.093 ± 0.085 ng mg−1, which was much higher than the predicted value based on Pankow’s absorptive partitioning theory. The contribution of partitioning of the gas-phase H2O2 to the aerosol-phase H2O2 formation was negligible. The decomposition/hydrolysis rate of aerosol-phase organic peroxides could account for 11−74 % of the consumption rate of aerosol-phase H2O2, and the value depended on the composition of organic peroxides in the aerosol particles. Furthermore, the heterogeneous uptake of HO2 and H2O2 on aerosols contributed to 22 % and 2 % of the aerosol-phase H2O2 consumption, respectively.
Yan S, Gui L, Tang F, Liu J, Chen K, Lang L. Passive Millimeter-Wave Radiation Characteristic Analysis of Kelvin Wake, in IEEE International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT). Shanghai, China: IEEE; 2020. 原文链接Abstract
Passive millimeter-wave (PMMW) radiation of Kelvin wake is helpful for ship detection. A local coordinate system is established at each small facet to calculate the brightness temperature of Kelvin Wake. The influence of ship speed and draft on brightness temperature of Kelvin wake is simulated. An outdoor experiment was conducted to measure the brightness temperature of Kelvin wake. The experiment result verifies the theory and simulation.
Gu J. Perceived Social Discrimination, Socioeconomic Status, and Alcohol Consumption among Chinese Adults: A Nationally Representative Study Ming X. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health [Internet]. 2020;17(17):6043. 访问链接Abstract
Perceived social discrimination in China has significant effects on drinking behavior. This finding was reached through multivariate logistic regression analysis of a sample of 22,566 adults in the 2016 China Family Panel Studies (CFPS). This was a cross-sectional study conducted with computer-assisted face-to-face interviews to assess alcohol drinking problems and associated factors among Chinese adults. The proportion of adults prone to alcoholism tends to be higher in eastern than central China, and higher in central than western China. Furthermore, gender discrimination and delays in government interactions as a result of unfair treatment have a positive and significant effect on individuals’ drinking. The alcohol consumption rate among Chinese men is about 13 times that of Chinese women. Additionally, older people have a stronger tendency to drink alcohol. In terms of education, those with lower education levels are more prone to alcoholism than those with higher education levels. Regarding marital status, those who are married are more prone to alcoholism than those who are not. Further, those who have been diagnosed with a chronic disease within the past six months are less prone to alcoholism than those without such diagnosis. People with an annual income between 50,000 and 150,000 yuan are more prone to alcoholism than those with an income under 50,000 yuan. Groups that have experienced unequal treatment in public services are also more prone to alcoholism than those who do not suffer such unequal treatment.
Xie XY, Zhao XN, Yu C. Perceptual learning of motion direction discrimination: Location specificity and the uncertain roles of dorsal and ventral areas. Vision Research [Internet]. 2020;175:51-57. 访问链接Abstract
One interesting observation of perceptual learning is the asymmetric transfer between stimuli at different external noise levels: learning at zero/low noise can transfer significantly to the same stimulus at high noise, but not vice versa. The mechanisms underlying this asymmetric transfer have been investigated by psychophysical, neurophysiological, brain imaging, and computational modeling studies. One study (PNAS 113 (2016) 5724-5729) reported that rTMS stimulations of dorsal and ventral areas impair motion direction discrimination of moving dot stimuli at 40% coherent (“noisy”) and 100% coherent (zero-noise) levels, respectively. However, after direction training at 100% coherence, only rTMS stimulation of the ventral cortex is effective, disturbing direction discrimination at both coherence levels. These results were interpreted as learning-induced changes of functional specializations of visual areas. We have concerns with the behavioral data of this study. First, contrary to the report of highly location-specific motion direction learning, our replicating experiment showed substantial learning transfer (e.g., transfer/learning ratio = 81.9% vs. 14.8% at 100% coherence). Second and more importantly, we found complete transfer of direction learning from 40% to 100% coherence, a critical baseline that is missing in this study. The transfer effect suggests that similar brain mechanisms underlie motion direction processing at two coherence levels. Therefore, this study’s conclusions regarding the roles of dorsal and ventral areas in motion direction processing at two coherence levels, as well as the effects of perceptual learning, are not supported by proper experimental evidence. It remains unexplained why distinct impacts of dorsal and ventral rTMS stimulations on motion direction discrimination were observed.
Liu J, Liu C, Belkin NJ. Personalization in text information retrieval: A survey. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 2020;71(3):349-369.
Zhang D, Qi J, Ji H, Li S, Chen L, Huang T, Xu C, Chen X, Liu W. Photocatalytic degradation of ofloxacin by perovskite-type NaNbO3 nanorods modified g-C3N4 heterojunction under simulated solar light: Theoretical calculation, ofloxacin degradation pathways and toxicity evolution. Chemical Engineering Journal [Internet]. 2020;400:125918. 访问链接Abstract
Graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) is widely used as a visible-light-driven photocatalyst but limited by the rapid photoexcited electron-hole pairs recombination rate. To promote the photocatalytic activity of g-C3N4, a class of heterojunction photocatalysts, perovskite-type sodium niobate (NaNbO3) nanorods modified g-C3N4 (SNCN), was fabricated through a two-step hydrothermal and thermal polymerization method in this study. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) demonstrated the successful decoration of NaNbO3 onto g-C3N4, as well as the formation of material interface with high reactivity. The optimal material (SNCN-3) exhibited an extremely high degradation efficiency of ofloxacin (OFL) under simulated solar light, as the kinetic rate constant (k) was 29.6 and 10.4 times of that for the neat g-C3N4 and NaNbO3, respectively. Energy band structure analysis indicated that SNCN-3 was a type II heterojunction. Moreover, surface photovoltage (SPV), photoluminescence (PL) and transient photocurrent response measurements confirmed SNCN-3 had the highest electron-hole separation efficiency compared with NaNbO3, g-C3N4 and the other SNCN composites. Quenching tests indicated that O2– and holes were the primary reactive species for OFL degradation. Density functional theory (DFT) calculation on further revealed the atoms of OFL with high Fukui index (f 0) preferred to be attacked by the produced radicals. Cleavage of piperazine moiety and substitution of F were the key OFL degradation pathways. In addition, the reduced toxicity of transformation products after photocatalysis verified the proposed technique was a green method. This work provided the promising application of g-C3N4/NaNbO3 heterojunction photocatalysts for degradation of antibiotic pollutants in water.
Li S, Huang T, Du P, Liu W, Hu J. Photocatalytic transformation fate and toxicity of ciprofloxacin related to dissociation species: Experimental and theoretical evidences. Water Research [Internet]. 2020;185:116286. 访问链接Abstract
Chemical speciation of ionizable antibiotics greatly affects its photochemical kinetics and mechanisms; however, the mechanistic impact of chemical speciation is not well understood. For the first time, the impact of different dissociation species (cationic, zwitterionic and anionic forms) of ciprofloxacin (CIP) on its photocatalytic transformation fate was systematically studied in a UVA/LED/TiO2 system. The dissociation forms of CIP at different pH affected the photocatalytic degradation kinetics, transformation products (TPs) formation as well as degradation pathways. Zwitterionic form of CIP exhibited the highest degradation rate constant (0.2217 ± 0.0179 min−1), removal efficiency of total organic carbon (TOC) and release of fluoride ion (F−). Time-dependent evolution profiles on TPs revealed that the cationic and anionic forms of CIP mainly underwent piperazine ring dealkylation, while zwitterionic CIP primarily proceeded through defluorination and piperazine ring oxidation. Moreover, density functional theory (DFT) calculation based on Fukui index well interpreted the active sites of different CIP species. Potential energy surface (PES) analysis further elucidated the reaction transition state (TS) evolution and energy barrier (ΔEb) for CIP with different dissociation species after radical attack. This study provides deep insights into degradation mechanisms of emerging organic contaminants in advanced oxidation processes associated to their chemical speciation.
Luo Y, Shan H, Gao X, Qi P, Li Y, Li B, Rong X, Shen B, Zhang H, Lin F, et al. Photoluminescence enhancement of MoS2/CdSe quantum rod heterostructures induced by energy transfer and exciton–exciton annihilation suppression. Nanoscale Horizons. 2020;5:971–977.
