The recently issued "College English Curriculum Requirements"is a win-win game of a democratic process undergoing many rounds of discussions between government administrators and College English teachers in China. The theme of the paper is to discuss that the new "Requirements" reflects the findings and insights gained from those fields such as philosophy, linguistics, literary criticism, psychology, and pedagogy, which can be described in terms of individualization, collaboration, modularization, and hypertextualization. It is held that the "Requirements" is a milestone of China's College English teaching reform, and is sure to further push forward foreign language teaching reform in general.
提出一种个性化网络信息检索系统(Personalized Internet Information Retrieval System,简称PIIRS)。在分析PIIRS目标和业务流程的基础上,给出PIIRS的整体结构,并详细说明PIIRS各组成子系统的功能及其实现。最后总结PIIRS系统的特色,并指出今后的改进方向。