
Wang Y, Jiang T, Yan W. Suddenly enlightened: awe promotes wise reasoning via self-transcendence. The Journal of Positive Psychology [Internet]. 2025. 访问链接Abstract
Awe, a self-transcendent emotion, has been theoretically posited as a precursor to wise reasoning. However, direct empirical evidence supporting this relationship and the underlying mechanism has been limited. In four studies (N = 3700), we examined the relationship between awe and wise reasoning, as well as the mediating effect of self-transcendence, employing cross-sectional, longitudinal, and experimental designs. We consistently found that awe had a lagged effect on (Study 1), enhanced (Studies 2 & 3), and was associated with (Study 4) wise reasoning. Furthermore, self-transcendence mediated this relationship (Studies 3 & 4). The impact of awe on wise reasoning and mediating effect of self-transcendence could not solely be attributed to awe’s predominantly positive nature, and the mediation model was established beyond the influence of self-smallness (Studies 3–4). These findings contribute to understanding the emotional trigger of wise reasoning, the cognitive implications of awe, and its role in promoting wise conflict resolution.
Chen, A. ZJLCLYJM. A systematic review and meta-analysis of AI-enabled assessment in language learning: Design, implementation, and effectiveness. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning [Internet]. 2025;41(1):e13064. 访问链接
Yan W, Zhang X, Wang Y, Peng K, Ma Y. Unraveling the relationship between teachers’ and students’ mental health: A one-to-one matched analysis. The Journal of Experimental Education [Internet]. 2025;93(1):136-148. 访问链接Abstract
This study aims to identify the associations between teacher mental health and student mental health. Cross-sectional data were collected from 127,877 students aged 9–20 years and 2,759 teachers across 31 provinces in China. The mental health of students and teachers were assessed by well-being (life satisfaction and positive mental health), and psychological distress (depression and anxiety). Controlling for demographic variables, multilevel regression analyses suggest that higher teacher positive mental health was linked to higher student positive mental health and lower student depression; higher teacher depression were correlated with higher student depression; and teacher life satisfaction and anxiety were not correlated with any indicators of student mental health. The study highlights the significant association between teacher mental health and student mental health.
Wang H, Yuan B, Zhang X, Wang J, Chen X, Wang Y, Qin Y, Li X, Zhang C, Liu A. Vertical Gradient of Nitryl Chloride and Implications for Atmospheric Photochemistry in Pearl River Delta, China, during Wintertime. 2025.
杨锋. 国际关系测量研究中的人工智能方法. 世界经济与政治. 2025;(1):12-15.
金帆, 张鹏翼. 社交媒体中用户对人工智能生成图片的识别与认知研究——识别准确度、依据与态度探析. 情报理论与实践 [Internet]. 2025;2025. 访问链接
dos Santos* M C, Jia* T, J. Zuckerman*, M. Cochet*, D. Giri, Loscalzo E, K. Swaminathan, T. Tambe, Zhang J, A. Buyuktosunoglu, et al. A 12nm Linux-SMP-capable RISC-V SoC with 14 accelerator types, distributed hardware power management and flexible NoC-based data orchestration, in IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC).; 2024.
李雅瑄, 陈昂轩 贾积有. 2023中国教育技术研究前沿与热点年度报告. 中国电化教育. 2024;2024(3):121-126.
Liu# Y, Ma# Y, Shang N, Zhao T, Chen P, Wu M, Ru J, Jia T, Ye* L, Wang* Z, et al. A 22nm 0.26nW/Synapse Spike-Driven Spiking Neural Network Processing Unit Using Time-Step-First Dataflowand Sparsity-Adaptive In-Memory Computing. IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC 2024) [Internet]. 2024. Links
Y. Liu, Y. Ma, N. Shang, T. Zhao, P. Chen, M. Wu, J. Ru, T. Jia, L. Ye, Z. Wang, et al. A 22nm 0.26nW/synapse spike-driven spiking neural network processing unit using time-step-first dataflow and sparsity-adaptive in-memory computing, in IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC).; 2024.
Li S, Wang C, Xie G. 3D Circle Formation Control of VTOL Vehicles Without Distance Measurement. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles [Internet]. 2024;9:3305–3315. 访问链接
Loscalzo E, Cochet M, Zuckerman J, Zaliasl S, Lekas M, Cahill S, Jia T, Swaminathan K, dos Santos MC, Giri D, et al. A 400-ns-Settling-Time Hybrid Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling Architecture and Its Application in a 22-Core Network-on-Chip SoC in 12nm FinFET Technology, in IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology & Circuits (VLSI).; 2024.
Chen P, Wu M, Zhao W, Ma Y, Jia T, Ye L. A 44.3 TOPS/W SRAM Compute-in-Memory with Near-CIM Analog Memory and Activation for DAC/ADC-less Operations. IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters. 2024.
Chen P, Wu M, Zhao W, Ma Y, Jia* T, Ye L. A 44.3 TOPS/W SRAM Compute-in-Memory With Near-CIM Analog Memory and Activation for DAC/ADC-Less Operations. IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters [Internet]. 2024. Links
Ma L, Cai H, Ye X, Zhao S. Ability difference or gender symbolism? An empirical research on gender differences in academic career development of doctoral graduates in China. International Journal of Chinese Education [Internet]. 2024;13:2212585X241234347. 访问链接Abstract
The reform and opening-up of China have greatly improved the scale and quality of doctoral education for women. However, female doctors still face the “leaky pipeline” and the “unbreakable glass ceiling” in their development of academic careers. In this study, gender differences are investigated in doctoral graduates’ career choices, the level of educational institutions they attend, and their scientific research productivity after joining the institution. We analyzed the administrative data and scientific research publication information from ten years of doctoral graduates at a top research university in China. Results suggest that compared to their male counterparts, female doctors are more likely to pursue an academic career upon graduation, but they are also more likely to be employed in lower-level institutions as well as to publish Chinese scientific studies with lower influence and poorer quality. Moreover, gender differences in academic disciplines are heterogeneous. While academic career development for doctors in natural sciences is not gender-biased, female doctors in social sciences face the most significant challenges, and these results persist even after controlling for their scientific publications during graduate school. In other words, gender differences in academic career development are likely to result from gender symbols rather than differences in academic ability.
Jiao W, Wang K, Xu F. Absence of High-mass Prestellar Cores in the Orion Giant Molecular Cloud. The Astronomical Journal [Internet]. 2024;168:151. 访问链接Abstract
A fundamental difference between “core-fed” and “clump-fed” star-formation theories lies in the existence or absence of high-mass cores at the prestellar stage. However, only a handful of such cores have been observed. Here, different than previous search in distributed star-formation regions in the Galactic plane, we search for high-mass prestellar cores in the Orion GMC, by observing the seven most massive starless cores selected from previous deep continuum surveys. We present ALMA Atacama Compact Array Band 6 and Band 7 continuum and line observations toward the seven cores, in which we identify nine dense cores at both bands. The derived maximum core mass is less than 11 M ⊙, based on different dust temperatures. We find no high-mass prestellar cores in this sample, aligning with the results of previous surveys, thereby challenging the existence of such cores in Orion. Outside Orion, further detailed studies are needed for remaining high-mass prestellar core candidates to confirm their status as massive, starless cores.
Fan J, Li Z, Alcaide E, Ke* G, Huang* H, E* W. Accurate Conformation Sampling via Protein Structural Diffusion. J. Chem. Inf. Model. (Editors' Choice) [Internet]. 2024;64(22):8414–8426. 访问链接Abstract
Li X, Ye C, Lu K, Xue C, Li X, Zhang Y. Accurately Predicting Spatiotemporal Variations of Near-Surface Nitrous Acid (HONO) Based on a Deep Learning Approach. Environmental Science & Technology: ES&T. 2024;(29):58.
Tian Y, Chen N, Yang X, Zhang R, Xu J, Li C, Yang W, Ren N, Feng Y, He W. Achieved advanced wastewater phosphate removal via improved ionic interference resistance in a migration-electric-field assisted electrocoagulation (MEAEC) system with modified-biochar pseudocapacitor electrode. Separation and Purification Technology. 2024;328:124972.
Wei X, Hu J, Liu C, Xie X, Yin J, Guo S, Hu M, Peng J, Wang H. Advanced modeling of the absorption enhancement of black carbon particles in chamber experiments by considering the morphology and coating thickness. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering. 2024;18(9).
