
Zhang Z, Jia X, Gongbu Z, He D, Li W. Common pool resource governance in strong-government context: A case study of caterpillar fungus (Ophiocordyceps sinensis) on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Environmental Science and Policy [Internet]. 2024;152. 访问链接
Zhou Y, Shao H, Huang W, Zhu R, Zhang Y, HUANG R, Tang K. A Compact Writing Scheme for the Reliability Challenges in 1T Multi-level FeFET Array: Variation, Endurance and Write Disturb. IEEE Electron Device Letters. 2024:1-1.
Qiao R, Chen W, Shi Y, Chai Q, Fan Y, Hua Q, Li A, Li H, Li J, Meng X, et al. A Comparative Analysis on Indoor and Outdoor PM2.5 and Their Hourly Associations with Acute Respiratory Inflammation Among College Students in Lhasa. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2024;58:22668–22677. 访问链接
Jia. J., Zhang LYH. A Comparison of a Computerized Adaptive Test for Mathematics Instruction with the Classical Test. Int. J. Mobile Learning and Organisation. 2024;18(3):270-284.
Jia, J. WZWTYG. The Comparison of General Tips for Mathematical Problem Solving Generated by Generative AI with those Generated by Human Teachers. Asia Pacific Journal of Education. 2024;44(1):8-28.
Gu H-P, Wang H-T, Shao L. Constraints on charged black holes from merger-ringdown signals in GWTC-3 and prospects for the Einstein Telescope. Phys. Rev. D. 2024;109:024058.
Xu X, Wang B, Yan Y, Zhu H, Zhang Z, Wu X, Chen J*. ConvConcatNet: a deep convolutional neural network to reconstruct mel spectrogram from the EEG, in arXiv; 2024. 访问链接
Hu Y*, Jiang X, Zhang S, Cai D, Zhou Z, Liu C, Zuo X, Lee SS. Coprecipitation of Fe/Cr Hydroxides at Organic–Water Interfaces: Functional Group Richness and (De)protonation Control Amounts and Compositions of Coprecipitates. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2024;58(19):8501-8509. LinkAbstract
ron/chromium hydroxide coprecipitation controls the fate and transport of toxic chromium (Cr) in many natural and engineered systems. Organic coatings on soil and engineered surfaces are ubiquitous; however, mechanistic controls of these organic coatings over Fe/Cr hydroxide coprecipitation are poorly understood. Here, Fe/Cr hydroxide coprecipitation was conducted on model organic coatings of humic acid (HA), sodium alginate (SA), and bovine serum albumin (BSA). The organics bonded with SiO2 through ligand exchange with carboxyl (–COOH), and the adsorbed amounts and pKa values of –COOH controlled surface charges of coatings. The adsorbed organic films also had different complexation capacities with Fe/Cr ions and Fe/Cr hydroxide particles, resulting in significant differences in both the amount (on HA > SA(–COOH) ≫ BSA(–NH2)) and composition (Cr/Fe molar ratio: on BSA(–NH2) ≫ HA > SA(–COOH)) of heterogeneous precipitates. Negatively charged –COOH attracted more Fe ions and oligomers of hydrolyzed Fe/Cr species and subsequently promoted heterogeneous precipitation of Fe/Cr hydroxide nanoparticles. Organic coatings containing –NH2 were positively charged at acidic pH because of the high pKa value of the functional group, limiting cation adsorption and formation of coprecipitates. Meanwhile, the higher local pH near the –NH2 coatings promoted the formation of Cr(OH)3. This study advances fundamental understanding of heterogeneous Fe/Cr hydroxide coprecipitation on organics, which is essential for successful Cr remediation and removal in both natural and engineered settings, as well as the synthesis of Cr-doped iron (oxy)hydroxides for material applications.
Liu J, Zhang Q, Lin Y, Qiu K, Koch PM, Liu HB, Li Z-Y, Girart JM, Pillai TG  S, Li S, et al. Dark Dragon Breaks Magnetic Chain: Dynamical Substructures of IRDC G28.34 Form in Supported Environments. \apj. 2024;966:120.
Tian Y, Yang X, Chen N, Li C, Yang W. Data-driven interpretable analysis for polysaccharide yield prediction. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology. 2024;19:100321.
Ma Y, Qiu Y, Zhao W, Wu M, Jia T, Ye L, HUANG R. DCIM-GCN: Digital Computing-in-Memory Accelerator for Graph Convolutional Network. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. 2024.
Ma#* Y, Qiu# Y, Zhao W, Li G, Wu M, Jia T, Ye L, HUANG R. DCIM-GCN: Digital Computing-in-Memory Accelerator for Graph Convolutional Network. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (TCAS-I) [Internet]. 2024. Links
Guo F, Qin S, Liu Z, Chen* PR, Fan* X. Decaging-to-labeling: Development and investigation of quinone methide warhead for protein labeling. Bioorganic ChemistryBioorganic Chemistry. 2024;143:107088.Abstract
Biomolecule labeling in living systems is crucial for understanding biological processes and discovering therapeutic targets. A variety of labeling warheads have been developed for multiple biological applications, including proteomics, bioimaging, sequencing, and drug development. Quinone methides (QMs), a class of highly reactive Michael receptors, have recently emerged as prominent warheads for on-demand biomolecule labeling. Their highly flexible functionality and tunability allow for diverse biological applications, but remain poorly explored at present. In this regard, we designed, synthesized, and evaluated a series of new QM probes with a trifluoromethyl group at the benzyl position and substituents on the aromatic ring to manipulate their chemical properties for biomolecule labeling. The engineered QM warhead efficiently labeled proteins both in vitro and under living cell conditions, with significantly enhanced activity compared to previous QM warheads. We further analyzed the labeling efficacy with the assistance of density functional theory (DFT) calculations, which revealed that the QM generation process, rather than the reactivity of QM, contributes more predominantly to the labeling efficacy. Noteworthy, twelve nucleophilic residues on the BSA were labeled by the probe, including Cys, Asp, Glu, His, Lys, Asn, Gln, Arg, Ser, Thr, Trp and Tyr. Given their high efficiency and tunability, these new QM warheads may hold great promise for a broad range of applications, especially spatiotemporal proteomic profiling for in-depth biological studies.
Haolin W, Xiao L, Palmer PI, Lin Z, Keding L, Ke L, Tatsuya N, Ja-Ho K, Hiroshi T, Haichao W. Deciphering decadal urban ozone trends from historical records since 1980. National Science Review. 2024;(11):11.
Li Z, Louie SM, Zhao J, Liu J, Zhang J, Chen J*, Zhao H, Hu Y*. Deciphering the Roles of Molecular Weight and Carboxyl Richness of Organic Matter on Their Adsorption onto Ferrihydrite Nanoparticles and the Resulting Aggregation. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2024. 访问链接Abstract
The aggregation behavior of ferrihydrite nanoparticles (FNPs) can control the fate of associated aqueous contaminants, trace elements, and organic compounds. However, FNP aggregation is difficult to predict in the presence of organic matter (OM), given the heterogeneity in the OM properties. Five model OMs based on (poly)acrylic acid (PAA or AA) and polyethylene glycol with or without terminal carboxyl groups (PEG or PEGbis, respectively) were chosen to probe the influence of key OM properties─specifically, carboxyl richness and molecular weight (MW)─and the dominant mechanisms by which they influence OM adsorption onto FNPs and the resulting aggregation. For OMs with similar MWs, those with a higher carboxyl richness adsorbed more extensively onto FNPs: PAA2k > PEGbis > PEG. Meanwhile, for OMs with the same carboxyl richness, higher MW OMs adsorbed more: PAA25k > PAA2k > AA. Furthermore, the subsequent aggregation of FNPs was largely controlled by the adsorbed mass. OMs with negligible adsorption (i.e., PEG and AA) did not change the aggregation behavior of FNPs. For OMs with low carboxyl richness (PEGbis), accelerated aggregation occurred through a bridging effect with low adsorbed mass. For OMs with high carboxyl richness (PAA2k and PAA25k), aggregation was accelerated at moderate adsorbed OM masses by patch-charge attraction and was inhibited with high adsorbed OM mass due to steric repulsion. This study provided new insights into understanding and predicting the transport and fate of FNPs and natural organic matter (NOM) in natural environments with various NOM compositions.
Xie Y*, Yang F*, Huang J, He Y, Zhou Y, Qian Y, Cai W, Zhou J. Declining Chinese Attitudes toward the United States amid COVID-19. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2024;121(21):e2322920121.
Xie Y, Yang F, Huang J, He Y, Zhou Y, Qian Y, Cai W, Zhou J. Declining Chinese Attitudes Toward the United States Amid COVID-19. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [Internet]. 2024;121(21):e2322920121. 访问链接Abstract
In this paper, we present findings from four separate studies using different data sources and methods to examine Chinese attitudes toward the United States amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The empirical results consistently indicate a marked and significant decline in Chinese attitudes toward the US between late 2019 and the end of 2022. Using a quasi-experimental design and granular survey data that exploit daily variations in public opinion, we offer additional evidence that the decline in Chinese attitudes toward the United States followed a distinct pattern not true for Chinese attitudes toward other countries. Specifically, the rise in Chinese unfavorability toward the United States closely corresponded to the heightened Chinese attention to the pandemic’s progression in the United States. These results collectively suggest a causal effect of COVID-19, shedding light on how public health crises, international relations, and media jointly shape the increasing enmity between the two great powers.
Cao S, Wu D, Liu L, S Li, Zhang S*. Decoding the effect of demographic factors on environmental health based on city-level PM2.5 pollution in China. Journal of Environmental Management. 2024;349:119380.
Xu F, Wang K. Deep high-resolution observations reveal the dynamical picture of massive protostellar cluster evolution. Chinese Science Bulletin [Internet]. 2024;69(21):3061. 访问链接
Ye Z, Gao W, Hu Q, Sun P, Wang X, Luo Y, Zhang T, Wen Y. Deep Learning Workload Scheduling in GPU Datacenters: A Survey. ACM Comput. Surv. [Internet]. 2024;56:146:1–146:38. 访问链接
