
Shao J, You L, Jia N, Kang Y, Zhang K. Real-time visualization of salt crystallization in 2-D microchannels. Geoenergy Science and Engineering [Internet]. 2025;246:213622. 访问链接Abstract
Salt crystallization within micro-fractures poses a significant challenge in shale gas production by impeding gas diffusion. This study investigates the real-time behavior of gas flow-induced salt crystallization within a visualized micro-fracture network. Observations reveal that salt crystals initially propagate along the fracture surface before exhibiting perpendicular growth. Crystal nucleation during the saturation stage occurs within a few seconds, while subsequent growth in the supersaturated stage takes approximately 15–20 s. Gas flow drives the evaporation of immobile water, leading to salt precipitation. Furthermore, increasing gas flow rate and decreasing solution salinity are found to accelerate crystal growth. To mitigate plugging damage caused by salt crystallization, controlling pressure differences and solution salinity is crucial.
Xu L, Wang E, Kang Y, Fu D, Luo L, Quan Y, Xi Y, Huang J, Cui X, Zeng J. Schottky nanodiodes array enabled triboelectric nanosecond pulse generator for ultralow-cost tumor therapy. Device. 2025.
Wu C-Y. Sinope's Changing Epochs: a Colony's Adaptation to a Common Paphlagonian Past., in 2025 AIA/SCS Joint Annual Meeting, January 2nd to January 5th, 2025. Philadelphia, PA, USA; 2025. 访问链接Abstract
A few colonies in the Latin West (Augusta Emerita, Johnston 2017: 56-57 fn. 202-203; Abascal 2002: 284) and the Greek East (e.g. Philippi AE 1932, 21; briefly Samos IG XII,6 1:187 l. 8-11) used the annus coloniae, the year when the colony was founded, as their standard time-reckoning formula on inscriptions and perhaps other media as well. The list may include the Roman colony of Sinope, which coin issues carried legends such as C(olonia) F(elix) I(ulia) an(no) followed by (and later on simply with) Latin numerals (e.g. RPC I 2110, II 715). Curiously, since the 17th century, numismatists have observed two epochs on Sinope’s Roman period issues (e.g. Hardouin 1689: 140). There was the epoch of 45 BCE, likely the annus coloniae (e.g. RPC III 1229), as it coincided with reports of a Caesarian colony (Strab. 12.3.11). Then there was the epoch of 70 BCE (e.g. RPC VI 6501), seemingly replacing the earlier epoch, but only from the early third century onwards (Kubitschek 1908: 68-71; Magie 1950: 342 no. 42).  Changing epochs was not a rare phenomenon in Anatolia, but known examples changed an earlier epoch for a later one, apparently to adapt to new circumstances, such as an imperial victory or visit (Leschhorn 1993: 439-541), and count years from a new beginning. Sinope, however, changed the epoch that was supposedly linked to the year of its colonial foundation to an earlier epoch that coincided with Lucullus’ “liberation” of Sinope from Mithridatid control. This suggests that Sinope was adapting to new circumstances that required the adaptation of an historical epoch. It is not the beginning per se, but a recaliberation of municipal history. While historical developments of Roman Sinope is not well documented in extant literary sources, and epigraphic evidence is scarce, this paper wishes to take two approaches to assess the problem of Sinope’s changing epochs. The first approach is to consider Sinope’s time-reckoning tradition. The era system that was prevalent in northern Anatolia and elsewhere during the first three centuries CE had a strong Hellenistic tradition. In this view, there may be more nuance – 45 BCE can be the annus coloniae, but it was reflecting a recent change in the city’s history, not an overhaul of the city’s established time-reckoning system, perhaps based on the Seleucid era (found on ceramic stamps, Saprykin & Fedoseev 1999: 135-143). This approach removes the Roman symbolism attached to the 45 BCE, and opens up additional possibilities for interpretation. The second approach considers the epoch of 70 BCE regionally. This epoch was primarily used at Amastris, but also attested at Abonuteichos. Both cities were described by Roman authors as prosperous in their own ways (e.g. Luc. Alex. 9, 25; Plin. Ep. 10.98). Both cities also began to issue 3 to 4 units of local bronze coinage from the reign of Trajan onwards, including the 6-assaria, associated with economic prosperity (Zajac 2023: 30-32, Tab. 1a). Epigraphic and numismatic evidence further suggest that Amastrians were mobile across the Black Sea and the Aegean, some even serving as koinon officials of Bithynian and other regional koina (Marek 2003: 63-67). There is the possibility that Sinope changed its epoch to adhere to regional time-reckoning norms set by more dominant peers. Since the 17th century, numismatists have observed two epochs on Sinope’s Roman period coin issues (e.g. Hardouin 1689: 140). There was the epoch of 45 BCE, perhaps the annus coloniae (e.g. RPC III 1229; cf. Augusta Emerita, Johnston 2017: 56-57 fn. 202-203; Abascal 2002: 284; Philippi AE 1932, 21; briefly Samos IG XII,6 1:187 l. 8-11), as it coincided with reports of a Caesarian colony (Strab. 12.3.11). Then there was the epoch of 70 BCE (e.g. RPC VI 6501), seemingly replacing the earlier epoch, but only from the early third century onwards (Kubitschek 1908: 68-71; Magie 1950: 342 no. 42). Neither changing epochs or the use of many epochs were rare phenomena. That said, known examples show cities replacing old epochs with those that commemorate new events and circumstances (Leschhorn 1993: 439-541). It is then odd for Sinope to abandon the epoch commemorating its colonial foundation in favor of an epoch 25 years earlier. Why? Leschhorn gave two potential scenarios: perhaps 70 BCE was the outcome a pro-Severan party defeating the old guard, or there was a “Gräzisierung" movement under which Sinope opted for a symbolically more acceptable epoch (Leschhorn 1993: 162), but these suggestions are limited by lack of evidence. This paper reassesses Sinope’s changing epochs with two approaches. First is a reframing of the Leschhorn’s assumed constitutional symbolism attached to the epoch of 45 BCE that leads to factionalism, and the “Roman” nature of Sinope’s so-called Kolonieära in Leschhorn’s alternative “Gräzisierung” thesis. The question asked here is whether Sinope had an established era system in place as part of its Hellenistic past. Sinope likely used the Pontic era while under Mithridatid control (Leschhorn 1993: 150). Recent discussions of stamped amphorae further indicates that the Seleucid era system was likely present if not also used at Sinope (Saprykin & Fedoseev 1999: 135-143). Further, we now have ceramic tiles time-stamped with a formula such as "s(aeculo) S(inopensis) (colonia) i(nducta) an(no) IV" (Fedoseev 2019: 16-17). If Fedoseev’s reading of the time-stamp is correct, we may consider the possibility that the saeculum Sinopensis was a system that could have accommodated multiple epochs, and the phenomenon in question was a symptom of an entrenched but adaptative time-reckoning mechanism at work. The second approach considers the epoch of 70 BCE regionally. This epoch was primarily used at Amastris, but also attested at Abonuteichos. Both cities were described by Roman authors as prosperous in their own ways (e.g. Luc. Alex. 9, 25; Plin. Ep. 10.98). Both cities also began to issue 3 to 4 units of local bronze coinage from the reign of Trajan onwards, including the 6-assaria, associated with economic prosperity (Zajac 2023: 30-32, Tab. 1a). Epigraphic and numismatic evidence further suggest that Amastrians were mobile across the Black Sea and the Aegean, some even serving as koinon officials of Bithynian and other regional koina (Marek 2003: 63-67). There is the possibility that Sinope changed its epoch to adhere to regional time-reckoning norms set by more dominant peers.
Wang Y, Jiang T, Yan W. Suddenly enlightened: awe promotes wise reasoning via self-transcendence. The Journal of Positive Psychology [Internet]. 2025. 访问链接Abstract
Awe, a self-transcendent emotion, has been theoretically posited as a precursor to wise reasoning. However, direct empirical evidence supporting this relationship and the underlying mechanism has been limited. In four studies (N = 3700), we examined the relationship between awe and wise reasoning, as well as the mediating effect of self-transcendence, employing cross-sectional, longitudinal, and experimental designs. We consistently found that awe had a lagged effect on (Study 1), enhanced (Studies 2 & 3), and was associated with (Study 4) wise reasoning. Furthermore, self-transcendence mediated this relationship (Studies 3 & 4). The impact of awe on wise reasoning and mediating effect of self-transcendence could not solely be attributed to awe’s predominantly positive nature, and the mediation model was established beyond the influence of self-smallness (Studies 3–4). These findings contribute to understanding the emotional trigger of wise reasoning, the cognitive implications of awe, and its role in promoting wise conflict resolution.
Chen, A. ZJLCLYJM. A systematic review and meta-analysis of AI-enabled assessment in language learning: Design, implementation, and effectiveness. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning [Internet]. 2025;41(1):e13064. 访问链接
Yan W, Zhang X, Wang Y, Peng K, Ma Y. Unraveling the relationship between teachers’ and students’ mental health: A one-to-one matched analysis. The Journal of Experimental Education [Internet]. 2025;93(1):136-148. 访问链接Abstract
This study aims to identify the associations between teacher mental health and student mental health. Cross-sectional data were collected from 127,877 students aged 9–20 years and 2,759 teachers across 31 provinces in China. The mental health of students and teachers were assessed by well-being (life satisfaction and positive mental health), and psychological distress (depression and anxiety). Controlling for demographic variables, multilevel regression analyses suggest that higher teacher positive mental health was linked to higher student positive mental health and lower student depression; higher teacher depression were correlated with higher student depression; and teacher life satisfaction and anxiety were not correlated with any indicators of student mental health. The study highlights the significant association between teacher mental health and student mental health.
Wang H, Yuan B, Zhang X, Wang J, Chen X, Wang Y, Qin Y, Li X, Zhang C, Liu A. Vertical Gradient of Nitryl Chloride and Implications for Atmospheric Photochemistry in Pearl River Delta, China, during Wintertime. 2025.
杨锋. 国际关系测量研究中的人工智能方法. 世界经济与政治. 2025;(1):12-15.
金帆, 张鹏翼. 社交媒体中用户对人工智能生成图片的识别与认知研究——识别准确度、依据与态度探析. 情报理论与实践 [Internet]. 2025;2025. 访问链接
dos Santos* M C, Jia* T, J. Zuckerman*, M. Cochet*, D. Giri, Loscalzo E, K. Swaminathan, T. Tambe, Zhang J, A. Buyuktosunoglu, et al. A 12nm Linux-SMP-capable RISC-V SoC with 14 accelerator types, distributed hardware power management and flexible NoC-based data orchestration, in IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC).; 2024.
李雅瑄, 陈昂轩 贾积有. 2023中国教育技术研究前沿与热点年度报告. 中国电化教育. 2024;2024(3):121-126.
Liu# Y, Ma# Y, Shang N, Zhao T, Chen P, Wu M, Ru J, Jia T, Ye* L, Wang* Z, et al. A 22nm 0.26nW/Synapse Spike-Driven Spiking Neural Network Processing Unit Using Time-Step-First Dataflowand Sparsity-Adaptive In-Memory Computing. IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC 2024) [Internet]. 2024. Links
Y. Liu, Y. Ma, N. Shang, T. Zhao, P. Chen, M. Wu, J. Ru, T. Jia, L. Ye, Z. Wang, et al. A 22nm 0.26nW/synapse spike-driven spiking neural network processing unit using time-step-first dataflow and sparsity-adaptive in-memory computing, in IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC).; 2024.
Li S, Wang C, Xie G. 3D Circle Formation Control of VTOL Vehicles Without Distance Measurement. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles [Internet]. 2024;9:3305–3315. 访问链接
Loscalzo E, Cochet M, Zuckerman J, Zaliasl S, Lekas M, Cahill S, Jia T, Swaminathan K, dos Santos MC, Giri D, et al. A 400-ns-Settling-Time Hybrid Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling Architecture and Its Application in a 22-Core Network-on-Chip SoC in 12nm FinFET Technology, in IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology & Circuits (VLSI).; 2024.
Chen P, Wu M, Zhao W, Ma Y, Jia T, Ye L. A 44.3 TOPS/W SRAM Compute-in-Memory with Near-CIM Analog Memory and Activation for DAC/ADC-less Operations. IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters. 2024.
Chen P, Wu M, Zhao W, Ma Y, Jia* T, Ye L. A 44.3 TOPS/W SRAM Compute-in-Memory With Near-CIM Analog Memory and Activation for DAC/ADC-Less Operations. IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters [Internet]. 2024. Links
Ma L, Cai H, Ye X, Zhao S. Ability difference or gender symbolism? An empirical research on gender differences in academic career development of doctoral graduates in China. International Journal of Chinese Education [Internet]. 2024;13:2212585X241234347. 访问链接Abstract
The reform and opening-up of China have greatly improved the scale and quality of doctoral education for women. However, female doctors still face the “leaky pipeline” and the “unbreakable glass ceiling” in their development of academic careers. In this study, gender differences are investigated in doctoral graduates’ career choices, the level of educational institutions they attend, and their scientific research productivity after joining the institution. We analyzed the administrative data and scientific research publication information from ten years of doctoral graduates at a top research university in China. Results suggest that compared to their male counterparts, female doctors are more likely to pursue an academic career upon graduation, but they are also more likely to be employed in lower-level institutions as well as to publish Chinese scientific studies with lower influence and poorer quality. Moreover, gender differences in academic disciplines are heterogeneous. While academic career development for doctors in natural sciences is not gender-biased, female doctors in social sciences face the most significant challenges, and these results persist even after controlling for their scientific publications during graduate school. In other words, gender differences in academic career development are likely to result from gender symbols rather than differences in academic ability.
Jiao W, Wang K, Xu F. Absence of High-mass Prestellar Cores in the Orion Giant Molecular Cloud. The Astronomical Journal [Internet]. 2024;168:151. 访问链接Abstract
A fundamental difference between “core-fed” and “clump-fed” star-formation theories lies in the existence or absence of high-mass cores at the prestellar stage. However, only a handful of such cores have been observed. Here, different than previous search in distributed star-formation regions in the Galactic plane, we search for high-mass prestellar cores in the Orion GMC, by observing the seven most massive starless cores selected from previous deep continuum surveys. We present ALMA Atacama Compact Array Band 6 and Band 7 continuum and line observations toward the seven cores, in which we identify nine dense cores at both bands. The derived maximum core mass is less than 11 M ⊙, based on different dust temperatures. We find no high-mass prestellar cores in this sample, aligning with the results of previous surveys, thereby challenging the existence of such cores in Orion. Outside Orion, further detailed studies are needed for remaining high-mass prestellar core candidates to confirm their status as massive, starless cores.
Fan J, Li Z, Alcaide E, Ke* G, Huang* H, E* W. Accurate Conformation Sampling via Protein Structural Diffusion. J. Chem. Inf. Model. (Editors' Choice) [Internet]. 2024;64(22):8414–8426. 访问链接Abstract
