
胡泳. 电子踪迹,破解人类行为密码. 新华日报. 已提交:B07.
胡泳. 电视正在变为网络应用程序. 光明日报. 已提交:002.
胡泳 北京大学新闻与传播学. 真正活在当下. 光明日报. 已提交:006.
胡泳. 社交媒体上发布的消息视为出版. 中国青年报. 已提交:002.
胡泳 北京大学新闻学院副教. 移动让互联网“永生”. 光明日报. 已提交:006.
胡泳 北京大学新闻与传播学. “网络化”的思维. 光明日报. 已提交:002.
胡泳 文化学者. 翻译家的一生. 华夏时报. 已提交:020.
胡泳 北京大学新闻与传播学. 胡泳:企业转型要以用户为本. 华夏时报. 已提交:028.
胡泳 北京大学新闻与传播学. 自动化到来后新闻人的价值. 人民政协报. 已提交:012.
胡泳 北京大学. 要时刻审视互联网的隐喻. 社会科学报. 已提交:008.
胡泳. 谣言的使命. 经济观察报. 已提交:056.
樊殿华 观察者 北京大学新闻. 达沃斯观察:中国离全球化有多远. 南方周末. 已提交:C14.
Deng Y, Shao S, Mogilner A, Xia M. Adaptive hyperbolic-cross-space mapped Jacobi method on unbounded domains with applications to solving multidimensional spatiotemporal integrodifferential equations. Journal of Computational Physics [Internet]. 2025;520:113492. 访问链接Abstract
In this paper, we develop a new adaptive hyperbolic-cross-space mapped Jacobi (AHMJ) method for solving multidimensional spatiotemporal integrodifferential equations in unbounded domains. By devising adaptive techniques for sparse mapped Jacobi spectral expansions defined in a hyperbolic cross space, our proposed AHMJ method can efficiently solve various spatiotemporal integrodifferential equations such as the anomalous diffusion model with reduced numbers of basis functions. Our analysis of the AHMJ method gives a uniform upper error bound for solving a class of spatiotemporal integrodifferential equations, leading to effective error control.
Xu L, Tian X, Bai X, Li K, Zhang G, Zhang M, Rillig MC, Huang Y, Hu M. Atmospheric microplastic input into wetlands: Spatiotemporal patterns, drivers, and unique ecological impacts. Water Research [Internet]. 2025;268:122601. 访问链接Abstract
Wetlands are major microplastic sinks with a large atmospheric input. However, many details of such deposited atmospheric microplastics entering into wetlands remain unclear, including temporal patterns of input and ecological effects. We monitored the aerial microplastics during four seasons in eleven economically developed cities along the lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin, China. The average microplastic deposition rate was 512.31 items m−2 d−1, equivalent to an annual contribution of 17.46 metric tons of plastic to the surveyed wetlands with a total area of 1652 km2. These microplastics were predominantly composed of polyamide and polyethylene terephthalate with 61.85 ± 92.29 µm sized pellets, and we obtained similar results for microplastics intercepted on moss in wetlands. Microplastic input varied between wet and dry periods, primarily influenced by wind, rainfall and ozone concentration. Civilian vehicle density and textile industry were the primary socioeconomic factors driving microplastic deposition. Further indoor microcosm experiments revealed that moss phyllosphere bacterial community structure and function were influenced by microplastic abundance and size, exemplifying the unique ecological risks of aerially deposited microplastics to wetlands. These results indicate that mosses and their phyllosphere microbiota could serve as bio-indicators of aerial microplastic characteristics and impacts.
Liao Z, Zeng H, Wang E, Huang H. Berry Curvature Dipole and Nonlinear Hall Effect in Type-IISemi-Dirac Systems. Small [Internet]. 2025:2409691. 访问链接
Li W, Kuo J-C, Sheng M, Zhang P, Wu Q. Beyond Explicit and Implicit: How Users Provide Feedback to Shape Personalized Recommendation Content. The ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '25). 2025.
Wang Y-K, Fan AD, Li J-Y, Huang* H, Li* S. Chiral topological phononic quasiparticles in enantiomeric crystals SrSi2 and BaSi2. Phys. Rev. B [Internet]. 2025;111:075119. 访问链接
Shao S, Yang C. Continuous iterative algorithms for anti-Cheeger cut. Communications in Mathematical Sciences [Internet]. 2025;23(3):839-860. 访问链接Abstract
As a judicious correspondence to the classical maxcut, the anti-Cheeger cut has more balanced structure, but few numerical results on it have been reported so far. In this paper, we propose a continuous iterative algorithm (CIA) for the anti-Cheeger cut problem through fully using an equivalent continuous formulation. It does not need rounding at all and has advantages that all subproblems have explicit analytic solutions, the objective function values are monotonically updated and the iteration points converge to a local optimum in finite steps via an appropriate subgradient selection. It can also be easily combined with the maxcut iterations for breaking out of local optima and improving the solution quality thanks to the similarity between the anti-Cheeger cut problem and the maxcut problem. The performance of CIAs is fully demonstrated through numerical experiments on G-set from two aspects: one is on the solution quality where we find that the approximate solutions obtained by CIAs are of comparable quality to those by the multiple search operator heuristic method; the other is on the computational cost where we show that CIAs always run faster than the often-used continuous iterative algorithm based on the rank-two relaxation.
Tang Y. Cultivating university data culture in the age of artificial intelligence: a conceptual framework and critical reflections. Information Research an international electronic journal. 2025;30(iConf):500-507.
Xu X, Chen X, Wang H, Gong Y, Lu K. Development of an emission-driven box model to diagnose ozone formation sensitivity. Atmospheric Environment [Internet]. 2025;348:121124. 访问链接Abstract
Surface ozone (O3) pollution affects air quality, human health, and the ecosystem. Understanding the complex non-linear relationship between ozone formation and its precursors, nitrogen oxides (NOx), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is critical for policymakers to mitigate the pollution. The Empirical Kinetic Modeling Approach (EKMA) based on classical observation-constrained zero-dimension box model provides the sensitivity of ozone production to precursor concentrations instead of emissions. This makes the box-model EKMA hard to apply in a real emission reduction scenario. Here, we developed an alternative box model approach driven by localized emissions, which are derived from the field-observed concentrations. This model approach reproduced the O3 variations well by capturing the short-term changes of NOx and AVOCs emissions among different phases of pollution control during the 31st World University Games in Chengdu in 2023. The EKMA analysis based on this model approach showed a different O3 response to precursor reductions from the concentration-constrained approach, which overestimated the baseline of O3 concentration. The result from the EKMA analysis demonstrated that the O3 level was most sensitive to NOx due to stringent control strategies during the event and rapidly rebounded to almost VOC-limited regime after the event. The effects of VOCs reduction on O3 control examined by concentration-constrained model approach were less pronounced than those by emission-driven approach due to the lack of consideration of the emission-to-reaction process. Our findings suggest that the emission-driven box model is applicable for developing O3 control strategy in the local scale.
