
Ma X, Ma J. Domestic policy consequences of international mega-events: Evidence from China. World Development [Internet]. 2024;184:106753. 出版链接Abstract
Mega-events such as the Olympic Games, the World Cup, the World Expos, and the G20 Summit play important roles in international political economy in the age of globalization. But we know little about how they shape domestic politics and policy processes in their host countries. China has emerged as the leading host of various sports, cultural, economic, and political mega-events in the past decades. Employing an original panel dataset of Chinese cities from 2001 to 2019, we find that cities that host mega-events gain an advantage in bargaining with central bureaucracies for policy resources. Using subway investments as an example, we demonstrate that host cities not only obtained centrally regulated infrastructure investments that directly serve the needs of the events, but also achieve development that they otherwise could not. The result is robust with two-way fixed effects models and after accounting for various alternative explanations. We show that host cities gain advantage because the events capture the attention of national leaders. National leaders have power over central bureaucrats’ careers and thus steer their decisions, and they see the success of mega-events as an opportunity to project national strengths. Our findings highlight the domestic policy consequences of international events in the age of China’s rapid rise and integration with the world.
余典、马佳磊、吴小希. 发展政治学代表学者. In: 《发展政治学学科地图》. 北京: 北京大学出版社; 2023. pp. 437-448. 豆瓣链接Abstract
马佳磊、余典、张逸凡. 发展政治学经典著作. In: 《发展政治学学科地图》. 北京: 北京大学出版社; 2023. pp. 449-455. 豆瓣链接Abstract
对发展政治学这样一门尚在不断发展中的学科而言,其研究深度和广度的拓展离不开对核心概念、经典议题及研究范式的把握。前辈学者在开创和探索的过程中已然渐次铺展开一幅发展政治学的“学科地图”,而作为其思想凝练的产物, 经典著作为发展政治学的研究者提供了参考和超越的“地标”。有鉴于此,在兼顾和平衡学科内不同研究问题、方法和范式的基础上,本章介绍在发展政治学领域具有代表性的经典著作。
马啸、马佳磊、严洁. 公民因何遵从:政策执行中的价值认同与社会规范. 新视野 [Internet]. 2023. 知网链接Abstract
马啸、马佳磊. 科层激励结构的魅影:基层治理中政策执行变形的类型与成因. 北大政治学评论 [Internet]. 2021. 知网链接Abstract