
吴晓瑜;李力行. 城镇化如何影响了居民的健康?. 南开经济研究 [Internet]. 2014;(06):58-73. 访问链接Abstract
Qin, Xuezheng; Li L; *HC-R. Too few doctors or too low wages? Labor supply of health care professionals in China. China Economic Review. 2013;24:150-164.Abstract
This paper estimates the labor supply functions for health care professionals in China using Census-based data in 2005. The rapid economic growth and population aging in China led to a substantial increase in the demand for health care services and the derived demand for health care professionals in recent years. However, the increase in the supply of doctors and nurses lags behind the growth in demand, raising the question of whether the excess demand should be met by expanding the health care manpower or by inducing the existing personnel to work more hours through wage increase. Our findings indicate that wage rate adjustment has a significant impact on the length of working time among the self-employed practitioners (with an estimated short-run elasticity of 0.575), while the labor supply of hospital employees is inelastic due to their fixed payment scheme. Instead, hours worked in the employee group are related to non-wage factors such as asset holdings and the hospital ownership type. An important policy implication of our study is that adjustments of labor compensation methods and hospital ownership structure are potentially effective approaches for coping with the excess demand for health care professionals and improving the quality of health care in China.
Qin, Xuezheng; *Li L; LY. The value of life and its regional difference in China. China Agricultural Economic Review. 2013;5(3):373-390.Abstract
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to estimate the value of a statistical life (VSL) in China using the hedonic wage model, and to explore the regional difference in VSL within the country. #n#Design/methodology/approach - Using the hedonic wage regression, this paper estimates the compensating wage differential for incremental job mortality risk among Chinese workers. The implied VSL is derived for China and its different regions. The data is from the 2005 China inter-census population survey, consisting of 1.3 million urban and rural workers. The authors also made important improvement in the model specification to explicitly address the missing variable issue in the previous studies. #n#Findings - The paper results indicate that the industry mortality risk has a significant impact on the wage rate. The implied VSL is 1.81 million RMB, a value substantially higher than previous estimates. The results also suggest a sizable urban-rural difference, with the urban VSL being 4.3 times higher than the rural estimate. The strong urban-rural inequality of income could be attributed to the segregation between the urban and rural labor markets. Practical implications The paper findings indicate the importance of reforming the current workers' compensation standard and improving the institutional environment, as well as enhancing the labor protection in the rural labor market. #n#Originality/value - This paper is the first attempt to estimate the value of life in China using the census based data. The paper results contribute to the growing literature in obtaining comparable VSL estimates in the developing countries.
*李力行. “土改”:破旧立新的一场革命. [Internet]. 2013. 访问链接Abstract
十八届三中全会决定至少有六处跟土地制度改革与城镇化有关,本文着重探讨的是其中两条:赋予农民更多财产权利和建立城乡统一的建设用地市场。$$  在经济学中,产权细分为占有、使用、收益和转让权,以及由转让权派生出来的抵押和担保权。农民的财产包括耕地、林地等农用地?
Fan, Shenggen; *Li L; ZX. Challenges of creating cities in China: Lessons from a short-lived county-to-city upgrading policy. Journal of Comparative Economics. 2012;40(3):476-491.Abstract
Fan, Shenggen, Li, Lixing, and Zhang, Xiaobo-Challenges of creating cities in China: Lessons from a short-lived county-to-city upgrading policy #n#It has been widely observed that China is under-urbanized. The central government has tried to use various policies to promote urbanization. In this paper, we evaluate one of these policies - count-to-city upgrading. Under China's hierarchical governance structure, a city status can only be determined and awarded by the central government. In the 1980s and 1990s, China adopted a formula-based county-to-city upgrading policy. Based on a large panel dataset covering all counties in China, we find that the formula was not strictly enforced in the practice. Moreover, jurisdictions that were upgraded to cities prior to 1998 do not perform better than their counterparts that remained county status in terms of both economic growth and providing public services. Largely because of these problems, this policy was called off in 1997. Given the strong need for urbanization, more indigenous institutional innovations are needed to find a viable way of creating cities, which would also provide compatible incentives to local governments. Journal of Comparative Economics 40 (3) (2012) 476-491. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC, United States; China Center for Economic Research, National School of Development, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China. (C) 2012 Association for Comparative Economic Studies Published by Elsevier Inc.
马光荣;李力行. 政府规模、地方治理与企业逃税. 世界经济 [Internet]. 2012;(06):93-114. 访问链接Abstract
综合课题组;*李力行. 合法转让权是农民财产性收入的基础——成都市农村集体土地流转的调查研究. 国际经济评论. 2012;(2):127-139.
李力行. Land Titling in China: Chengdu Experiment and Its Consequences. China Economic Journal. 2012;5(1):47-64.
Wu, Xiaoyu; *Li L. Family size and maternal health: evidence from the One-Child policy in China. Journal of Population Economics. 2012;25(4):1341-1364.Abstract
In this paper, we examine the impact of family size on maternal health outcomes by exploiting the tremendous change in family size under the One-Child policy in China. Using data from the China Health and Nutrition Survey 1993-2006, we find that mothers with fewer children have a higher calorie intake and a lower probability of being underweight and having low blood pressure; meanwhile, they have a higher probability of being overweight. This would occur if a smaller family size increases the food consumption of mothers, leading underweight women to attain a normal weight and normal weight women becoming overweight. Robust tests are performed to provide evidence on the hypothesis that the tradeoff between children's quantity and mother's "quality" is through a budget constraint mechanism, that is, having more children decreases the resource allocated to mothers and affects their health outcomes.
袁钢明 蓝枫; 李力行; 严. 推行集体土地股份制改革 保护农民合法权益. 城乡建设 [Internet]. 2012;(04):25-29. 访问链接Abstract
*李力行. 成都改革的新进展——农地确权与集体建设用地入市, in “CMRC中国经济观察”第26次报告会. 中国北京; 2011:10. 访问链接Abstract
吴晓瑜;李力行. 母以子贵:性别偏好与妇女的家庭地位——来自中国营养健康调查的证据. 经济学(季刊) [Internet]. 2011;10(3):18. 访问链接Abstract
*Li, Lixing; Wu X. Gender of Children, Bargaining Power, and Intrahousehold Resource Allocation in China. Journal of Human Resources. 2011;46(2):295-316.Abstract
Based on the prevalent son preference in China, this paper proposes a new measure of relative bargaining power within the household. Using data from China Health and Nutrition Survey, we show that a woman with a first-born son has a 3.9 percentage points' greater role in household decision-making than a woman with a first-born daughter Having a first-horn son improves the mother's nutrition intakes and reduces her likelihood of being underweight. While thinking of these impacts as being channeled through intrahousehold bargaining power we cannot fully rule out other possible direct effects of a first-born son on the outcomes.
*Li L. The incentive role of creating "cities" in China. China Economic Review. 2011;22(1):172-181.Abstract
China operated an urbanization policy by which counties could be given city status between 1983 and 1997. The policy had substantial impacts on the new administrative entities, including more discretionary power and fiscal independence. Such "county-to-city upgrading" provided the central government with an instrument to reward localities. Using a large dataset covering all counties during 1993-1997. I show that upgrading is not an automatic procedure that endorses the high urbanization levels in existing counties. Although official guidelines for upgrading counties to cities were published, these requirements were largely ignored in practice. Instead, economic growth rate was the key factor in determining which counties obtained city status. This paper interprets the creation of county-level cities through upgrading as part of the incentive structure of Chinese local officials. The importance of both fiscal and political incentives facing the local government in promoting economic growth is highlighted.
李力行;吴晓瑜. 健康、教育和经济增长:理论及跨国证据. 南开经济研究 [Internet]. 2011;(01):102-119. 访问链接Abstract
李力行. 发展农村金融的关键:发挥农用地和宅基地的抵押融资功能. 农村工作通讯 [Internet]. 2011;(14):37-37. 访问链接Abstract
李力行. 推进农地抵押的现实路径. 国土资源导刊 [Internet]. 2011;(08):58-59. 访问链接Abstract
李力行 陶坤玉; 张敏;. 市场化改革与违法:来自中国土地违法案件的证据. 南开经济研究. 2010;(02):28-43.Abstract
李力行. 中国的城市化水平:现状、挑战和应对. 浙江社会科学. 2010;(12):27-34.Abstract
李力行 秦雪征; 刘阳阳;. 生命的价值及其地区差异:基于全国人口抽样调查的估计. 中国工业经济. 2010;(10):33-43.Abstract
