High Levels of Daytime Molecular Chlorine and Nitryl Chloride at a Rural Site on the North China Plain


Liu XX, Qu H, Huey LG, Wang YH, Sjostedt S, Zeng LM, Lu KD, Wu YS, Ho M, Shao M, et al. High Levels of Daytime Molecular Chlorine and Nitryl Chloride at a Rural Site on the North China Plain. Environmental Science & TechnologyEnvironmental Science & TechnologyEnviron Sci Technol. 2017;51:9588-9595.


Molecular chlorine (Cl-2) and nitryl chloride (GINO(2)) concentrations were measured using chemical ionization mass spectrometry at a rural site over the North China Plain during June 2014. High levels of daytime Cl-2 up to similar to 450 pptv were observed. The average diurnal Cl-2 mixing ratios showed a maximum around noon at pptv. ClNO2 exhibited a strong diurnal variation with early morning maxima reaching ppbv levels and afternoon minima sustained above 60 pptv. A moderate correlation (R-2 = 0.31) between Cl-2 and sulfur dioxide was observed, perhaps indicating a role for power plant emissions in the generation of the observed chlorine. We also observed a strong correlation (R-2 = 0.83) between daytime (10:00-20:00) Cl-2 and ClNO2, which implies that both of them were formed from a similar mechanism. In addition, Cl-2 production is likely associated with a photochemical mechanism as Cl-2 concentrations varied with ozone (O-3) levels. The impact of Cl-2 and ClNO2 as Cl atom sources is investigated using a photochemical box model. We estimated that the produced Cl atoms oxidized slightly more alkanes than OH radicals and enhanced the daily concentrations of peroxy radicals by 15% and the O-3 production rate by 19%.


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