Keding Lu

PhD, Full Professor, FRSC

State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, China, 100871

TEL: +86-10-62758118, E-mail:


l  PhD, Environmental Science, Peking University, 2004.09 - 2010.06

l  BSc, Environmental Engineering, Nanjing University, 2000.09 - 2004.06


l  2021.05 - current, Peking University, State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Ozone Pollution Prevention and Control,founding director

l 2024.01 - current, Peking University, Full Professor

| 2018.09 - 2023.12, Peking University, Tenured Associate Professor

l  2012.09 - 2018.08, Peking University, Assistant Professor (Hundred Talents Program)

l  2010.08 - 2012.08, Forschungszentrum Juelich, Postdoctoral Research Fellow


Spectroscopy Measurement Techniques: carrying out accurate measurements of OH, total OH reactivity, HO2, RO2, O3, NO, NO2, NO3, N2O5 and HONO in chemical complex air environments as well as laboratory simulated conditions.  

Atmospheric Free-radical Chemistry: sources and transformation mechanisms of atmospheric free radicals; impacts of the heterogeneous reactions on the free-radical chemistry; formation mechanism of regional ozone pollution; and formation mechanism of secondary aerosols driven by gas-phase oxidation.


l Beijing Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scientist, 2019 

l Changjiang Youth Scholar, Ministry of Education, 2017

l  Natural Science Fund for Excellent Young Scientist, National Natural Science Foundation in China (NSFC), 2015

l  The New-Star of Science and Technology supported by Beijing Metropolis (Beijing Nova program), Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission, 2015

l  The state environmental protection professional young talents, Ministry of Environmental Protection of China, 2016

l  The First Prize of Natural Science of Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education of China, 2016 (3rd of 5 co-laureates)


Time Duration

Funding Sources

Grant Title (Type, No), Budget in RMB



National Natural Science Foundation in China

Atmospheric Radical Chemistry (Natural Science Fund for Excellent Young Scientist, 21522701), 1.5 Million



National Natural Science Foundation in China

Atmospheric Oxidation in Yangtze River Delta: Quantitative Characterization and Chemical Mechanism Development (Key Project of the Major Research Plan, 91544225), 2.8 Million



National Natural Science Foundation in China

Observation and Modelling of nighttime radical concentrations in Beijing (General program, 41375124), 0.9 Million



The State Council of China

Constitution of atmospheric oxidation capacity and the haze formation potential through gas phase oxidation channels (Subproject of the strategic exploration of the formation mechanisms and control strategies for the heavy air pollutions, DQGG0103), 4.5 Million



National Natural Science Foundation in China

Trace Gas Oxidation Mechanism and Secondary Transformation of Nanoparticles (Projects of International Cooperation and Exchanges, 41571130021), 0.9 Million

Core Member


National Natural Science Foundation in China

Atmospheric Chemical Processes and Environmental Effects in Regional and Global Scales (Innovation Research Groups, 41121004), 0.7 Million

Core Member


Chinese Academy of Sciences

Formation and recycling mechanism of atmospheric free radicals (Subproject of the Strategic Priority Research Program B, XDB05010500), 1 Million

Core Member


Postdoctoral Research Fellow:

l  Yuhan Liu, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, PKU, 2017 - present

l  Haichao Wang, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, PKU, 2018 - present

Ph.D. and Mater Students:

PhD students: Yuhan Liu (2013-2017), Haichao Wang (2014- 2018), Qi Zou (2015- present), Xiaorui Chen (2016- present), Huan Song (2017- present), Shule Li (2018 - present)

Master students: Yufang Ma (2014-2017), Yu Liang (2015- 2018), Chunmen Li (2017- present), Wanyi Qiu (2018 - )

Undergraduate Students:

l  Qi Zou (2014-2015), Yufang Ma (2014-2015), Qindan Zhu (2015-2017), Yuxuan Wu (2016- present), Wanyi Qiu (2017- 2018)


Member, Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences, Chinese Chemical Society, American Geophysical Union, European Geosciences Union

Committee Member, Chinese Society for Environmental Chemistry

Journal Editor, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, Journal of Environmental Sciences, Atmosphere, Chinese Environmental Monitoring, Atmosphere and Optical Monitoring Methods

Journal Reviewer, Nature Geoscience, Nature Communications, Environmental Science & Technology, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Journal of Geopyhsical Research, Atmospheric Environment, Atmospheric Research, Science of the Total Environment, Scientific Reports, npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, Journal of Environmental Science, Urban Climate, Aerosol and Air Quality Research

Reviewer, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, Doctoral Thesis of Peking University, Doctoral Thesis of Chinese Academy of Science

Meeting Convenor, European Geosciences Union (Air Pollution in Asian, 2016, 2017, 2018), American Geophysical Union (Air Pollution in Urban Airsheds during Winter, 2017)