- 2025
202503:Congratulations to Yuxuan Chen on the acceptance of his paper in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters! This marks a fantastic conclusion to his undergraduate research grant (北京市自然科学基金本科生“启研”计划).
202503: Dr. Yang will co-host a special colletion entitiled "Multiscale simulations of heat transfer in crystals, micro and nanostructures, and interfaces" for the Journal of Materials Science: Materials Theory.
202502:Yufan joined the group to conduct his undergrad thesis. He will be a Ph.D. student in 2025 Fall.
202502:Jun's work on anisotropic heat conduction via strain gradient engineering has been published in Nano Letters!
202501: Our work on high temperature thermal energy storage (HT-TES) was published in ACS Energy Letters. This HT-TES, utilizing conductive ceramic composites, provides superior energy density at a lower cost compared to conventional storage technologies.
202501: Dr. Yang was invited to attened the 1st A3 Nanoscale and Thermal Engineering Workshop at the University of Tokyo, and received the "Outstanding Early Career Presentation Award"!
- 2024
202412: Shuo Published his work in Physical Review B. This work reveals an intriguing negative correlation between cross-plane bonding strength and in-plane thermal transport in bent van der Waals materials.
202412: Congratulations to Dr. Yang on receiving funding from the National Key R&D Program! (青年科学家项目)We will focus on advancing strain-thermal synergistic optimization technologies for 3D integrated chips.
202412: Congratulations to Dr. Yang on securing funding from the NSFC! (原创探索计划项目)We will continue our research on uncovering the mechanisms of phonon scattering and thermal regulation driven by strain gradients.
202411: Guanbo's research on bent BAs nanoribbons has been published in Physical Review Applied! This marks a nice culmination of his undergraduate research program.
202409: Dr. Yang attended the "中国微纳米技术学会第二十六届学术年会" and gave an invited talk.
202409: Linmao joined the group as a master student. He will work on modeling thermal transport through metal/amorphous material interface using MD.
202407: The whole group attended The 8th Workshop on Thermal Transport (第八届全国热传导研讨会)in Lanzhou. We are glad that both Shuo and Jun have won the Best Poster Award!
202406: Yuxuan joined the group to to conduct his undergrad thesis. He will be a Master student in 2025 Fall.
202406: Dr. Yang visited National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, and gave an invited talk "Developing functional thermal materials and devices for a low-carbon future".
202406: Dr. Yang served as Session Chair in The 3rd Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences, and gave an invited talk "Suppressed thermal transport in Si nanoribbons due to inhomogeneous strain".
202405: Wenjie and Yihan joined the group through the undergraduate research program.
202405: Dr. Yang gave an invited talk at "The International Symposium on Multiscale Simulations of Thermophysics - 2024" in Beijing.
202405: Congratulations to Shuo on awarding the "北京大学工学院第十届学术新星",and "博士研究生校长奖学金". We believe this will inspire him to embark on even more intriguing and impactful research.
202405: Our research on the impact of inhomogeneous strain on thermal transport in bent silicon nanoribbons has been published in Nature! This work uncovers a crucial piece of the long-standing puzzle of lattice dynamics under inhomogeneous strain, which is absent under uniform strain and eludes conventional understanding. (北大新闻网,自然科学基金委,科学网,半导体十大研究进展候选,CSDN,网易,纳米人,洞见热管理,低维材料前沿)
202404: Dr. Yang gave an invited talk at "第七届传热传质青年学术论坛 "Effects of phonon spectrum broadening on thermal transport under non-uniform strain".
202404: Dr. Yang attended the 2024 Spring MRS Virtual Conference, and won the Best Poster Nomination Award.
202402: Jun joined the group to conduct his undergrad thesis. He will be a Ph.D. student in 2024 Fall.
202401: Dr. Yang was invited to join the 2024年工程热物理与能源利用学科优秀青年学者论坛 in Hangzhou.
202311: Dr. Yang gave an invited talk at Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, "Developing functional materials and devices for a sustainable future." He also had a lab tour and got to know the interesting ultra-low temperature quantum research in the lab.
202311: Congratulations to Yuxuan on awarding the 2023 年度北京市自然科学基金本科生“启研”计划! He will continue his research on studying interfacial heat transport at ultra-high temperature.
202309: Shuo published his first journal paper in Nano Letters! This is a nice wrap-up for his undergrad thesis report.
202309: Dr. Yang gave an invited talk at 2023 Micro-Nanodevices and Systems Innovation Forum (2023微纳器件与系统创新论坛). During his stay in Chongqing, he also visited the Physics Department at Chongqing University and gave an invited talk.
202309: Weihao joined the group as a master student. He will measure thermal/electrical properties of individual nanostructures.
202308: Dr. Yang co-organized a session with Prof. Bai Song in 2023首届北京交叉科学大会 under the title "极限热学与未来芯片".
202308: Xiaohui joined the group as a master student. He will work on developing ultra-sensitive Pirani gauge with nW power consumption.
202307: Yu joined the group as an research assistant. He will fabricate innovative thermal rectifiers using 3D printing.
202307: Yuxuan and Ranxi joined the group as undergrad researchers. Yuxuan will perform MD simulation to study interfacial thermal transport at extremely high temperature. Ranxi will work on TEA for the HT-TES technology.
202306: Dr. Yang attended 第七届全国热传导研讨会(WTT 2023)and gave an invited talk under the topic "Abnormal thermal transport phenomena in ultra-thin nanostructures".
202304: Dr. Yang gave an invited talk at 第六届传热传质青年学术论坛 "Probing thermal transport at atomic chain limit".
202303: Guanbo joined the group as an undergrad researcher. He will conduct MD simulations to study thermal transport under strain gradient.
202302: Fuyi joined the group as an undergrad researcher. He will perform technological economical analysis (TEA) on the high temperature thermal energy storage (HT-TES) technology.
- 2022
202211: Dr. Yang gave an invited talk at 第七届纳米青年论坛 "Investigating superdiffusive thermal transport in 1D atomic chains".
202209: Shuo joined the group to conduct his undergrad thesis. He will be a Ph.D. student in 2023 Fall.
202209: Dr. Yang joined Department of Advanced Manufacturing and Robotics, at COE PKU as Assistant Professor. Functional Thermal Lab is officially founded!