A new method of quality improvement for quadrilateral mesh based on small polygon reconnection


Liu J-F, Sun S-L, Chen Y-Q. A new method of quality improvement for quadrilateral mesh based on small polygon reconnection. Acta Mechanica SinicaActa Mechanica Sinica. 2012;28:140-145.


In this paper, a new method of topological cleanup for quadrilateral mesh is presented. The method first selects a patch of mesh around an irregular node. It then seeks the best connection of the selected patch according to its irregular valence using a new topological operation: small polygon reconnection (SPR). By replacing the original patch with an optimal one that has less irregular valence, mesh quality can be improved. Three applications based on the proposed approach are enumerated: (1) improving the quality of a quadrilateral mesh, (2) converting a triangular mesh to a quadrilateral one, and (3) adapting a triangle generator to a quadrilateral one. The presented method is highly effective in all three applications.


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