Equipment in our lab:
1. Time-domain thermoreflectance: two-color TDTR with femtosecond laser
2. Time-domain thermoreflectance: two-tint TDTR with femtosecond laser
3. Steady-state thermoreflectance: SSTR
4. Micro-Raman system for temperature and stress measurements
5. Thermoreflectance device thermometry
6. Instec cryogenic chamber
7. Beam-offset setup for TDTR
8. Optical microscope
9. High-resolution mapping stages up to 1 nm step resolution
10. Probe station
Shared equipment:
1. CVD Diamond growth equipment
2. Surface activated bonding machine
3. High vacuum PVD metal deposition
4. TEM and EELS
5. We have excellent clean room facilities in our school