
Prof. Zhe Cheng joined the School of Integrated Circuit at Peking University as an assistant professor in 2023. Prof. Zhe Cheng obtained his PhD at Georgia Tech in Dec. 2019 (Advisor: Prof. Samuel Graham) before moving to UIUC for his postdoc training in Jan. 2020 (Advisor: David Cahill). He also got a Master degree at Iowa State University and was a special research student at Nagoya University (Advisor: Prof. Hiroshi Amano). His research focuses on thermal management, thermal characterizations, electro-thermo co-design of microelectronics. Researchgate:

程哲老师于2023年加入北京大学集成电路学院,担任研究员、博导、助理教授、未名青年学者、博雅青年学者,兼职北大纳光电子中心。主要研究方向为电子器件的热管理(射频/功率器件,三维堆叠芯片)、热测量、异质集成、热学电学协同设计等。程哲老师于2019年12月博士毕业于Georgia Tech,师从Prof. Samuel Graham (现为马里兰大学工学院院长);2020年1月至2022年12月在UIUC进行博士后训练,合作导师为Prof. David Cahill (美国人文与科学院院士);2019年在日本名古屋大学做特别研究学生,师从天野浩教授(诺贝尔物理奖得主)。