
A more accurate emission inventory of Black Carbon (BC) from China in 2000 was established based on county-level statistical data and recently published emission factors (EFs) from local measurements, which were further gridded at 0.5° × 0.5°. A comprehensive database for BC emission factors was compiled for main anthropogenic sources. BC emissions from China in 2000 were estimated to be 1228.52 Gg under normal operating conditions, and would increase to 2136.53 Gg if failures in control devices and combustion were considered. Spatial distribution of national BC emissions and emissions from different sources were determined; districts with extraordinarily high emissions cover 18.0% of China’s territory but generated 69.14% of the total emissions. Separate EFs were developed for each vehicle type fueled with gasoline or diesel; both the absolute value and relative share of BC emissions from vehicles in this work were higher than those in previous reports, suggesting that previous studies which did not differentiate vehicle types may have underestimated vehicle emissions.