科研成果 by Year: 2014

Wu C-Y. Live Like a King: Commagenian Siblings and their Royal Roman Identity., in 8th International Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies. National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung; 2014.Abstract
This paper studies how displaced royal families in the Roman principate speak about their royal ancestry. Gaius Julius Antiochus Epiphanes "Philopappos" and his sister Julia Balbilla, who were descendents of the Orontid dynasty of Commagene in northwestern Syria, are objects of this study. The kingdom of Commagene was twice incorporated into the Roman province of Syria, first upon the death of Antiochos III Epiphanes in 17 CE, then during Vespasian's reign in 72 CE. Philopappos and Balbilla were displaced and eventually integrated into the circle of the Roman senatorial élite. The two siblings are examples of displaced royal families "at work," creating their extraordinary status within the Roman principate through monumental and literary works that claim inheritance to their ancestral past.  This paper will first review relevant scholarship – such as David Braund on client kingship (1984), Joel Allen on hostage and hostage taking in the principate (2006), Paul Burton on Roman foreign relations in the Republic (2011) – to clarify the operating terms of amicitia, fides, and foedus that formed the socio-political context within which Philopappos and Balbilla operated. The second part of the paper will discuss how the visual and inscriptional programme of Philopappos' monument at Athens and Babilla's graffitti poetry on the statue of Memnon in Egyptian Thebes negotiate socio-political contexts. This paper argues that Philopappos' monument did not only speak to his extraordinary status as humbled royalty under Rome, but also his belonging to Athens, and how Commagenian royalty and Roman citizenship attributed to his sense of belonging. Similarly, Balbilla was a valued member of Hadrian and Sabina's court specifically because of her conscious pronouncement of her family's royal blood and their piety, which qualities were pronounced in her graffiti poetry. Together, Philopappos and Balbilla marks a change in the nature of client kingship from Trajan onwards, as royal members become valued not for their ability to govern kingdoms, but for their extraordinary status as royal Roman citizens.
Wu C-Y. 艾格士塔殘碑的定年問題 [Problems of Dating the Egesta Decree.], in 2014年碑志文献与考古国际学术研讨会. National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi; 2014.Abstract
本文讨论一枚公元前五世纪的石碑在定年方面遇到的问题。《艾格斯塔决议》是众多无法透过雅典执政姓名精确定年的公元前五世纪雅典─阿提卡地区碑文之一。研究者采用了字母定年法来判断此碑应该落于哪个可能的时间区块内,再用碑文第三行中雅典执政姓名的残存字母精确定年。这个字母定年方法十九世纪开始成为定年参考,到了二十世纪中叶,随着《雅典贡银清册》这个大型计划的支持,一时成为学界除了雅典执政姓名以外主要的定年方法。但从一九六〇年代开始,学界开始针对未能利用雅典执政姓名定年的石碑挑战。经过三十年的文字争论后,Mortimer Chambers et al.于1990年发表了摄像成果,成功地挑战了文字定年的权威性,使得公元前五世纪雅典阿提卡地区铭刻的定年问题再次成为开放议题。
Wu C-Y. Review: Michels, Christoph.Kulturtransfer und monarchischer Philhellenismus: Bithynien, Pontus und Kappadokien in hellenistischer Zeit. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008. ISBN 9783899715361. 止善 [Internet]. 2014;16:147-156. 访问链接Abstract
克里斯脱夫·密赫尔(Christoph Michels)《文化转移与君王的希腊疯:希腊化时期的比提尼亚、旁图、加帕多西亚》是德国万登出版社(Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht)政治传播学系列的第四册。此书作者以文化人类学下的文化转移概念出发,研究希腊化时期三个小亚细亚地区的非希腊裔王朝统治各自领地的手段。多年来,学界检讨卓业森(Johanna Gustav Droysen)所提出的「希腊化」概念,多发现马其顿君王不只是于领地内众建希腊城市,而是多有接纳所辖领地之内地方统治文化与生活方式的现象,以致于小亚细亚、列凡特、美索不达米亚、埃及等地,文化种类繁杂。延续如此研究潮流,此书作者以三个非希腊裔的小亚细亚王国作为研究对象,针对三国的碑刻、钱币、众建城市等往往被认为是代表「希腊化」或「希腊文化政策」的表征,研究非希腊裔君王与希腊文化之间的关系。以方法论,此书以文化人类学理论为基础,检视卓氏「希腊化」定义之下的「希腊疯」君主以及「希腊化」定义下的「文化政策」两个面相。非希腊裔君主究竟是不是扮演「推动希腊文化者」这个角色?这些君主究竟有无所谓的「文化政策」? 研究发现,三国虽铸钱币,且钱币文字与图示在设计上虽与希腊钱币雷同(如正面有君王人头像、背面有神祇图示、并使用希腊文标注君王或国度名称等等),但是神祇模样与种类呈现在地化的特征,并不能说是以希腊人为目标群而设计的。城市亦然:虽然有作家如有三国非希腊裔君王众建城市、并如马其顿诸王将城市以自己或皇室成员命名的记载,但究竟三国建的是生产或防御型的镇,还是如希腊地区一般有体育场、剧院等公共设施的城市,就难以考证。考古资料显示,希腊化时期在此三国领地之内的希腊城市似乎多原本就是希腊殖民地,随后被各王国或征服、或威吓,而收入势力范围之内。由希腊化时期三国诸王建起的希腊型城市少之又少,其余多是以生产或是管理方便而扩大范围的城镇。各君王的目的似是要建立统治体系,而不是要希腊化。之所以会有非希腊裔国王建城以将其领土希腊化的误解,多与古希腊作家的偏见有关。此书作者所提的核心例子就是西西里的狄奥多罗(Diod.类Sic. 31.19.8)叙述加帕多西亚君王阿立阿拉提五世(Ariarathes V)的希腊疯(Philhellenimus)。狄奥多罗记载,阿立阿拉提五世母亲是希腊人,早年受希腊教育,在王位竞争中胜出后,在加帕多西亚内推行希腊制度,终于成为有文化水准的人都能畅游的国度。然而,此书作者强调,除了加帕多西亚并没有明显的希腊化特征之外,没有任何迹象显示阿立阿拉提五世有如其他非希腊裔君王一样,在希腊半岛与爱琴海诸岛上大肆捐献雕像建筑,以宣传自己的希腊性。狄奥多罗应是以希腊本位思想渲染了阿立阿拉提五世的若干举措,而这些举措(如领雅典城公民资格、由波斯式钱币改为铸希腊式币、大兴土木在提亚那(Tyana)建希腊式公共建筑等),或与王位竞争时依靠马其顿与希腊势力较有关系。作者结论以为,三国君主是有文化政策,但所谓文化政策的意义与今日不同。三国文化政策并不是主动地推行和散布希腊文化,而是将文化当成统治者自我表述的工具,以稳定国内外局势。建立权力与正当性才是三国文化政策的目的。若有其他效果,也不是主要的目的。