科研成果 by Type: 期刊论文

数字生态视角下数据要素市场建设浅析. 数字经济评论. 2023;(1):75-77.
中国数字生态指数的测算与分析. 社会科学文摘. 2022.Abstract
近年来,全国各地高度重视数字经济发展,并使之成为带动经济高质量发展的新引擎。各地数字政府的建设也进入快车道,智慧城市、城市大脑等综合政务信息化普遍发展。普惠金融、数字乡村等领域的发展也极大促进了数字社会的发展水平。与此同时,数字基础设施、数据资源开放、数字人才创新、网络信息安全等领域发展不平衡、不充分、不协调的问题也逐渐引起重视。以大数据、人工智能、区块链等为代表的数字技术,正在对产业经济、社会发展和政府治理等领域产生广泛而深刻的影响。由于数字技术具有显著的跨界融合、价值溢出、网络效应等特征,数字经济、数字社会乃至数字政府等发展之间密切关联、相互影响、难以剥离,从整体上构成了更为宏观的数字生态。《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和2035年远景目标纲要》明确提出,要“打造数字经济新优势,加快数字社会建设步伐,提高数字政府建设水平,营造良好的数字生态”。这是“数字生态”概念首次出现在国家战略规划文件中。因此,仅仅衡量数字经济规模已不能够全面评估数字中国的建设水平,数字中国需要从更为宏观和广阔的数字生态视角进行评估,对现阶段中国不同地区数字生态发展格局进行整体上和系统性比较分析更具有重要意义。      现有相关指数研究主要从数字经济或智慧城市的角度来探讨数字技术对经济社会的影响、作用与意义等,尚无一套从“投入→转化→产出”逻辑构建包含数字经济、数字政府和数字社会等内涵的数字生态指数。自2019年起,北京大学大数据分析与应用技术国家工程实验室(以下简称“国家工程实验室”)研制并于2020年首次发布“数字生态指数”,以多源、多方、多维、多视角的动态方式和大数据的手段对各地数字生态进行全面、充分和精准刻画。本文旨在介绍数字生态指数的指标构建、测算方法以及全国数字生态指数分析,从而将分散在不同领域的指数研究进 行综合,为国家数字化全面建设尤其是数字中国战略落地提供指数工具与决策撑。
The comparative study on the digital economy and trade between China, the U.S. and the EU. Journal of Information Technology and Data Management. 2022.Abstract
The development of digital economy and expansion of digital trade has become an inherent requirement for China to seize the high ground of digital industry revolution, and to build a new development pattern in which the domestic circulation is the mainstay and the domestic and international double circulation promote each other. Clarifying China’s position, especially its advantages and disadvantages relative to the USA and the EU in the international competition of digital economy and trade, is crucial to judge and guide the future development of China’s digital economy in both domestic and international double circulation. At present, there are various methods to define and measure the digital economy and digital trade, but there is a lack of connection and comparison between different methods as well as between different countries from a global perspective. Based on the solid statistical measurements and comparative analysis of relevant data,we make in-depth research on scale pattern, structural pattern, dynamic pattern, competition pattern, dependency pattern, etc. between China, the USA and the EU, and find that China’s digital economy and trade is“big but not excellent, fast but not first, surplus but not winning”. Therefore, we propose policy suggestions for the sustainable development of China’s digital economy and trade such as comprehensively optimizing the digital economic structure, promoting strengths and avoiding weaknesses in the electronic equipment manufacturing industry, cultivating a new pillar of the information service industry, and reversing the disadvantages in the digital media industry.
中美欧内部数字治理格局比较研究. 中国科学院院刊. 2022;37(10):1376-1385.Abstract
王娟,张蕴洁,宋洁,张平文. 中美欧数字经济与贸易比较研究. 西安交通大学学报(社会科学版) [Internet]. 2022;42(3):31-40. 访问链接Abstract
发展数字经济和扩大数字贸易是中国抢占全球发展制高点、构建“双循环”新发展 格局的内在要求。明确中国在国际竞争格局中的位置,特别是厘清中国相对于美国和欧盟的 优势与劣势,对于研判中国数字经济的“双循环”发展趋势至关重要。在梳理数字经济与贸 易的概念内涵及测算方法的基础上,通过对国内外权威数据进行多重比较分析,从规模格局、 结构格局、动态格局、竞争格局以及依赖格局等方面进行深入研究,发现中国数字经济与贸 易处于“大而不优、快而不先、盈而不赢”的状态。据此提出全面优化数字经济结构、在电 子设备制造业扬长避短、在信息服务业培育新势、在数字媒体业扭转劣势等对策建议。
王娟,张一,黄晶,李由君,宋洁,张平文. 中国数字生态指数的测算与分析. 电子政务 [Internet]. 2022;(3):4-16. 访问链接Abstract
Explaining business excellence in Chinese firms: How does institutional relatedness matter?. Chinese Management Studies (SSCI). 2021;15(2):263-289.Abstract
Purpose – It is widely accepted that business excellence comes from firm-specific factors. However, it is still unclear how institutional relatedness – the degree of embeddedness with the dominant institutions that confer resources and legitimacy, influences the business excellence of the firm. The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of three kinds of institutional relatedness, i.e. home government ties, initial public offerings (IPOs) and alliances with foreign firms, on the business excellence of Chinese firms. Design/methodology/approach – This study uses a sample of firms enlisted on the “Most Respected Companies” rank in China during the period 2002–2015 and their paired firms who are absent from the list, by means of ordinary least square regression estimator, to explore the relationship between institutional relatedness and business excellence. Findings – The empirical results suggest that IPOs and alliances with foreign firms significantly strengthen firms’ business excellence. Furthermore, home government ties have positive effects on outbound IPOs and alliances with foreign firms but hinder business excellence. Originality/value – This study extends the business excellence literature by characterizing institutional rather than firm-specific factors from an institution-based view. It also enriches research on outcomes of institutional relatedness through investigating empirically its impact on business excellence. The findings provide new insights into the dual role of home government ties in achieving business excellence.
高校数字人才培养体系建设现状与展望 . 社会科学家. 2021;(8):156-160.Abstract
中小民营企业国际多元化与绩效关系研究:一个倒 S 型曲线. 管理评论. 2018;30(3):179-187.Abstract
企业国际多元化与绩效的关系是国际商务研究的一个核心问题。 然而,针对中国企业的相关研究主要以大型企业为主,中小民营企业尚未得到足够重视。 本文通过对中小民营企业的分析,发现国际多元化与企业绩效呈倒 S 型曲线关系,并据此提出了两个重要的权变因素:企业的风险规避行为和独特的内向国际化经验。 本文完善了现有研究并提供了新的理论观点。 最后本文做了针对性讨论。
Outbound linkage and inbound leverage for emerging multinationals: A signaling theory perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Management(SSCI). 2018;35(2):347-372.Abstract
Despite the rise of interest in emerging market multinationals (EMNEs), the question of whether outward foreign direct investment (FDI) influences their resource acquisition in home countries remains underexplored. Contrary to the prior literature, which contends that EMNEs build outbound linkage through outward FDI so as to leverage outbound resources, this paper, however, focuses on whether outbound linkage influences their inbound resource leverage from home countries as well. Drawing on signaling theory, we propose that outbound linkage to developed countries, developing countries, and tax havens via outward FDI may reflect EMNEs’ different quality and prospects, which in turn influence their inbound leverage of government, financial, and market resources, respectively. Using panel data of 581 Chinese listed firms during the period 2002–2012, we largely verified our hypotheses, thus extending the boundary of the consequences of outward FDI on EMNEs in the signaling theory perspective.
企业国际化信号对国内政府资源撬动作用研究 . 管理学季刊. 2017;2(1):28-44.Abstract
东道国制度质量和市场规模对新兴市场企业社会责任的影响研究. 珞珈管理评论. 2017;24(4):29-43.Abstract
社会责任问题是企业国际化进程中的一个重要议题。有研究认为,国际化程度与企业社会责任正相关。但也有研究发现,国际化程度降低了企业社会责任。然而,这种不一致并没有得到很好解释。进一步的研究指出,企业社会责任与东道国制度和经济发展水平密切相关。然而,东道国的制度发展水平能否提高企业社会责任? 东道国经济发展水平对企业社会责任具有什么影响?两者的联合作用如何? 目前也并不清楚。本文以2008—2012年中国制造业上市公司为样本,探讨东道国制度质量和市场规模如何分别和共同作用于新兴市场企业的社会责任。数据显示,东道国制度质量对企业社会责任有显著正向影响,但东道国市场规模具有显著负向影响,并且进一步弱化了东道国制度质量与企业社会责任的关系。以上结果表明,新兴市场企业在制度压力大的东道国会提高企业社会责 任。但是东道国市场规模带来的竞争压力降低了其履行社会责任的意愿,也削弱 了对制度压力的响应,继而使企业社会责任下降。