科研成果 by Type: Conference Paper

Li S, Wang C, Xie G. Pursuit-evasion differential games of players with different speeds in spaces of different dimensions, in 2022 American Control Conference (ACC). IEEE; 2022:1299–1304. 访问链接
Zhang R, Li S, Wang C, Xie G. Optimal Strategies for the Game with Two Faster 3D Pursuers and One Slower 2D Evader, in 2022 41st Chinese Control Conference (CCC). IEEE; 2022:1767–1772. 访问链接
Zhang T, Li Y, Li S, Ye Q, Wang C, Xie G. Decentralized Circle Formation Control for Fish-like Robots in the Real-world via Reinforcement Learning, in 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).Vol 2021-May. IEEE; 2021:8814–8820. 访问链接Abstract
In this paper, the circle formation control problem is addressed for a group of cooperative underactuated fish-like robots involving unknown nonlinear dynamics and disturbances. Based on the reinforcement learning and cognitive consistency theory, we propose a decentralized controller without the knowledge of the dynamics of the fish-like robots. The proposed controller can be transferred from simulation to reality. It is only trained in our established simulation environment, and the trained controller can be deployed to real robots without any manual tuning. Simulation results confirm that the proposed model-free robust formation control method is scalable with respect to the group size of the robots and outperforms other representative RL algorithms. Several experiments in the real world verify the effectiveness of our RL-based approach for circle formation control.
Li S, Wang C, Xie G. Formation control of multiple nonholonomic vehicles with local measurements in 3D space, in 2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). IEEE; 2021:7112–7117. 访问链接
Wang C, Li S, Fan R, Sun J, Shao J, Xie G. Finite-time Circle Formation Control with Collision Avoidance, in 2021 China Automation Congress (CAC). IEEE; 2021:7104–7109. 访问链接
Wang C, Li S, Fan R, Sun J, Shao J, Xie G. Collision-free Circle Formation Control for Mobile Robots with Velocity Constraints, in 2021 China Automation Congress (CAC). IEEE; 2021:7110–7115. 访问链接
Li B, Li S, Wang C, Fan R, Shao J, Xie G. Distributed Circle Formation Control for Quadrotors Based on Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning, in 2021 China Automation Congress (CAC). IEEE; 2021:4750–4755. 访问链接
Yuan Q, Li S, Wang C, Xie G. Cooperative-competitive game based approach to the local path planning problem of distributed multi-agent systems, in 2020 European Control Conference (ECC). IEEE; 2020:680–685. 访问链接
Zhao Q, Li S, Wang G, Wang C, Xie G. A Local Consistency Algorithm to Shorten the Convergence Time and Improve the Robustness of Self-propelled Swarms, in 2020 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC). IEEE; 2020:4153–4157. 访问链接
Wang C, Li S, Xia W, Sun J, Xie G. Formation control for multiple agents with local measurements: continuous-time and sampled-data-based cases, in 2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). IEEE; 2019:1862–1867. 访问链接
Li S, Wan Y, He P, Wang C, Sun J, Zhang Y, Li X, Xie G. HeROS: A simulation platform for heterogeneous robotic swarms, in 2019 Chinese Control Conference (CCC). IEEE; 2019:7223–7228. 访问链接