
Li S, Wang C, Xie G. 3D Circle Formation Control of VTOL Vehicles Without Distance Measurement. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles [Internet]. 2024;9:3305–3315. 访问链接
Li S, Wang C, Xie G. Optimal Strategies for Pursuit-Evasion Differential Games of Players With Damped Double Integrator Dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control [Internet]. 2024;69:5278–5293. 访问链接
Li S, Wang C, Sun J, Zhang S, Xie G. Distributed Task Allocation With Minimum Makespan for Heterogeneous Multiplayer Pursuit-Evasion Games. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control [Internet]. 2024;PP:1–16. 访问链接
Li S, Wang C, Xie G. An Isochron-Based Solution to Pursuit-Evasion Games of Two Heterogeneous Players. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control [Internet]. 2024;PP:1–16. 访问链接
Zhao Q, Luan Y, Li S, Wang G, Xu M, Wang C, Xie G. The Influences of Self-Introspection and Credit Evaluation on Self-Organized Flocking. Applied Sciences [Internet]. 2023;13:10361. 访问链接Abstract
For biological groups, the behaviors of individuals will have an impact on the alignment efficiency of the collective movement. Motivated by Vicsek's pioneering research on self-organized particles and other related works about flocking behaviors, we propose two mathematical models based on the local information of individuals to include more realistic details in the interaction mechanism between individuals and the rest of the group during the flocking process. The local information of the individual refers to the local consistency, representing the degree of alignment with its neighbors. These two models are the self-introspection model, where the process of orientation adjustment of one individual is ruled by the degree of local consistency with the neighborhood, and the credit evaluation model, where the average orientation of the neighborhoods is weighed using the local consistency of the interacting individuals. Different metrics are calculated to analyze the effects of the model parameters and flocking parameters on groups. Simulation calculations indicate that the two improved models have certain advantages in terms of alignment efficiency for the group. Finally, the optimal model parameters are determined, and the effects of random noise on groups with a single behavior and mixed behaviors are analyzed. The results confirm that individuals with mixed behaviors still possess robustness against noise. This research would contribute to the further interdisciplinary cooperation that involves biology, ethology, and multi-agent complex systems.
Yan R, Li S, Wang C, Wu Q, Sun J, Zhang S, Xie G. 基于自博弈强化学习的异构无人机集群协同对抗决策方法. SCIENTIA SINICA Informationis [Internet]. 2023;012110:59–70. 访问链接
Li S, Wang C, Xie G. Pursuit-evasion differential games of players with different speeds in spaces of different dimensions, in 2022 American Control Conference (ACC). IEEE; 2022:1299–1304. 访问链接
Zhang R, Li S, Wang C, Xie G. Optimal Strategies for the Game with Two Faster 3D Pursuers and One Slower 2D Evader, in 2022 41st Chinese Control Conference (CCC). IEEE; 2022:1767–1772. 访问链接
Wang C, Li S, Fan R, Sun J, Shao J, Xie G. Collision-free Circle Formation Control for Mobile Robots with Velocity Constraints, in 2021 China Automation Congress (CAC). IEEE; 2021:7110–7115. 访问链接
Li B, Li S, Wang C, Fan R, Shao J, Xie G. Distributed Circle Formation Control for Quadrotors Based on Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning, in 2021 China Automation Congress (CAC). IEEE; 2021:4750–4755. 访问链接
Wang C, Li S, Fan R, Sun J, Shao J, Xie G. Finite-time Circle Formation Control with Collision Avoidance, in 2021 China Automation Congress (CAC). IEEE; 2021:7104–7109. 访问链接
Zhang T, Li Y, Li S, Ye Q, Wang C, Xie G. Decentralized Circle Formation Control for Fish-like Robots in the Real-world via Reinforcement Learning, in 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).Vol 2021-May. IEEE; 2021:8814–8820. 访问链接Abstract
In this paper, the circle formation control problem is addressed for a group of cooperative underactuated fish-like robots involving unknown nonlinear dynamics and disturbances. Based on the reinforcement learning and cognitive consistency theory, we propose a decentralized controller without the knowledge of the dynamics of the fish-like robots. The proposed controller can be transferred from simulation to reality. It is only trained in our established simulation environment, and the trained controller can be deployed to real robots without any manual tuning. Simulation results confirm that the proposed model-free robust formation control method is scalable with respect to the group size of the robots and outperforms other representative RL algorithms. Several experiments in the real world verify the effectiveness of our RL-based approach for circle formation control.
Li S, Wang C, Xie G. Formation control of multiple nonholonomic vehicles with local measurements in 3D space, in 2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). IEEE; 2021:7112–7117. 访问链接
Zhao Q, Li S, Wang G, Wang C, Xie G. A Local Consistency Algorithm to Shorten the Convergence Time and Improve the Robustness of Self-propelled Swarms, in 2020 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC). IEEE; 2020:4153–4157. 访问链接
Yuan Q, Li S, Wang C, Xie G. Cooperative-competitive game based approach to the local path planning problem of distributed multi-agent systems, in 2020 European Control Conference (ECC). IEEE; 2020:680–685. 访问链接
Li S, Wan Y, He P, Wang C, Sun J, Zhang Y, Li X, Xie G. HeROS: A simulation platform for heterogeneous robotic swarms, in 2019 Chinese Control Conference (CCC). IEEE; 2019:7223–7228. 访问链接
Wang C, Li S, Xia W, Sun J, Xie G. Formation control for multiple agents with local measurements: continuous-time and sampled-data-based cases, in 2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). IEEE; 2019:1862–1867. 访问链接