科研成果 by Type: 期刊论文

Pan W, Du RR, Stormer HL, Tsui DC, Pfeiffer LN, Baldwin KW, West KW. Strongly anisotropic electronic transport at Landau level filling factor ν = 9/2 and ν = 5/2 under a tilted magnetic field. Physical Review Letters. 1999;(4):820-823.
Du RR, Yeh AS, Stormer HL, Tsui DC, Pfeiffer LN, West KW. g factor of composite fermions around ν=3/2 from angular-dependent activation-energy measurements. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 1997;(12):R7351-R7354.
Stormer HL, Kang W, He S, Du RR, Yeh AS, Tsui DC, Pfeiffer LN, Baldwin KW, West KW. Composite fermions: Their scattering and their spin. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 1996;(1-4):164-169.
Du RR, Tsui DC, Stormer HL, Pfeiffer LN, West KW. Fractional quantum Hall liquid to insulator transition in the vicinity of Landau level filling ν = 2/9. Solid State Communications. 1996;(10):755-757.
Du RR, Yeh AS, Stormer HL, Tsui DC, Pfeiffer LN, West KW. Composite fermions around Landau level filling factor v = 3/2. Surface Science. 1996:26-29.
Du RR, Yeh AS, Stormer HL, Tsui DC, Pfeiffer LN, West KW. Fractional quantum hall effect around ν = 3/2: composite fermions with a spin. Physical Review Letters. 1995;(21):3926-3929.
Du RR, Stormer HL, Tsui DC, Yeh AS, Pfeiffer LN, West KW. Drastic enhancement of composite fermion mass near landau level filling v = 1/2. Physical Review Letters. 1994;(24):3274-3277.
Du RR, Tsui DC, Stormer HL, Pfeiffer LN, West KW. Experimental evidence for composite particles in the fractional quantum Hall effect. Surface Science. 1994;(1-3):18-22.
Stormer HL, Du RR, Kang W, Tsui DC, Pfeiffer LN, Baldwin KW, West KW. Fractional quantum Hall effect in a new light. Semiconductor Science and Technology. 1994;(11 S):1853-1858.
Du RR, Stormer HL, Tsui DC, Pfeiffer LN, West KW. Shubnikov-deHaas oscillations around v = 1 2 Landau level filling factor. Solid State Communications. 1994;(2):71-75.
Du RR, Stormer HL, Tsui DC, Pfeiffer LN, West KW. Experimental evidence for new particles in the fractional quantum hall effect. Physical Review Letters. 1993;(19):2944-2947.
Du R-R, Flynn CP. 1D pseudomorphism and strain relief by coherent tilt. Surface Science. 1991;(1-3):L703-L707.
Huang JCA, Du R-R, Flynn CP. Slip requirements for coherent tilt of hcp epitaxial crystals. Physical Review B. 1991;(8):4060-4063.
Huang JCA, Du RR, Flynn CP. Nucleation processes in the growth of hcp titanium. Physical Review Letters. 1991;(3):341-344.
Borchers JA, Salamon MB, Erwin RW, Rhyne JJ, Nieuwenhuys GJ, Du RR, Flynn CP, Beach RS. Structural and magnetic properties of Er thin films and Er/Y superlattices. II. Modification of the commensurate spin states. Physical Review B. 1991;(21):11814-11824.
Borchers JA, Salamon MB, Erwin RW, Rhyne JJ, Du RR, Flynn CP. Structural and magnetic properties of Er thin films and Er/Y superlattices: Magnetoelastic effects. Physical Review B. 1991;(4):3123-3136.
Beach RS, Borchers JA, Salamon MB, Du R, Flynn CP. Observation of intermediate spin states in Er/Y superlattices. Journal of Applied Physics. 1990;(9):5710-5712.
Du R, Flynn CP. Asymmetric coherent tilt boundaries formed by molecular beam epitaxy. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 1990;(5):1335-1341.
Erwin R, Rhyne J, Borchers J, Du R, Salamon M, Flynn CP. Magnetoelasticity in rare-earth superlattices and films. Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter. 1989;(1-3):260-268.
Rhyne JJ, Erwin RW, Borchers J, Salamon MB, Du R, Flynn CP. Exchange and magnetostrictive effects in rare earth superlattices. Journal of The Less-Common Metals. 1989;(1-2):17-33.
