科研成果 by Year: 2011

Cheng H, Zheng M, Peter AK, Kimura K, Li X, Ouyang K, Shen T, Cui L, Frank D, Dalton ND, et al. Selective deletion of long but not short cypher isoforms leads to late-onset dilated cardiomyopathy. Human Molecular Genetics [Internet]. 2011;(9):1751-1762. 访问链接
Wu JJ, Wang S, Gu Y, Zhang S, Publicove SJ, Franklin-Tong VE. Self-Incompatibility in papaver rhoeas activates nonspecific cation conductance permeable to Ca2+ and k+. Plant Physiology [Internet]. 2011;(2):963-973. 访问链接
Hu Y, Zhang Y, Xu C, Lin L, Snyder RL, Wang ZL*. Self-powered system with wireless data transmission. Nano Letters. 2011;11:2572–2577.
Hu Y, Zhang Y, Xu C, Lin L, Snyder RL, Wang ZL*. Self-powered system with wireless data transmission. Nano Letters. 2011;11:2572–2577.
Lin N, Lu X, Fang F, Han Z, Bi Y. Is the semantic category effect in the lateral temporal cortex due to motion property differences?. NeuroImage [Internet]. 2011;(4):1853-1864. 访问链接
Su Y, Ospina JK, Zhang J, Michelson AP, Schoen AM, Zhu AJ. Sequential phosphorylation of smoothened transduces graded hedgehog signaling. [Internet]. 2011;(180). 访问链接
LIU XuDong, SHI Yue XUFR. Shape change induced by g9/2 rotational alignment in 84,86Mo. SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy [Internet]. 2011;54:1811. 访问链接
Yang Y, Jiang B, Huo Y, Primo L, Dahl JS, Benjamin TL, Luo JC. Shp2 suppresses PyMT-induced transformation in mouse fibroblasts by inhibiting Stat3 activity. [Internet]. 2011;(2):204-210. 访问链接
Liu X, Zhai D, Zhao D, Xiong R, Ma S, Gao W. Side information extrapolation with temporal and spatial consistency, in International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2011), May 15-19 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.; 2011:2918–2921. 访问链接
Li GS, Zhou XH, Zhang YH, Zheng Y, Liu ML, Hua W, Zhou HB, Ding B, Wang HX, Lei XG, et al. Signature inversion in the 7/2-[503] band of 185Pt. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. 2011;38:095105.
Fulciniti M, Amin S, Nanjappa P, Rodig S, Prabhala R, Li C, Minvielle S, Tai Y-T, Tassone P, Avet-Loiseau H, et al. Significant biological role of Sp1 transactivation in multiple myeloma. [Internet]. 2011;(20):6500-6509. 访问链接
Wang W, Chen C, Wang Y, Jiang T, Fang F, Yao Y. Simulating human saccadic scanpaths on natural images. Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2011:441-448.
Liu Y, Zhang Z, Wei X, Li Q, Peng L-M. Simultaneous Electrical and Thermoelectric Parameter Retrieval via Two Terminal Current-Voltage Measurements on Individual ZnO Nanowires. Advanced Functional Materials. 2011;21:3900-3906.
Yang Y, Xu Y, Xia T, Chen F, Zhang C, Liang W, Lai L, Fang X. A single-molecule study of the inhibition effect of Naringenin on transforming growth factor-β ligand-receptor binding. Chemical Communications [Internet]. 2011;(19):5440-5442. 访问链接
Deacon AN, Steppenbeck D, Zhu S, Freeman SJ, Janssens RVF, Carpenter MP, Fornal B, Honma M, Kay BP, Kondev FG, et al. Single-particle and collective structures in $^55\mathrmCr$ and $^55\mathrmV$. Phys. Rev. C [Internet]. 2011;83:064305. 访问链接
Lin S, Zhang Z, Xu H, Li L, Chen S, Li J, Hao Z, Chen PR. Site-specific incorporation of photo-cross-linker and bioorthogonal amino acids into enteric bacterial pathogens. Journal of the American Chemical Society [Internet]. 2011;(50):20581-20587. 访问链接
Leitte AM, Schlink U, Herbarth O, Wiedensohler A, Pan XC, Hu M, Richter M, Wehner B, Tuch T, Wu ZJ, et al. Size-Segregated Particle Number Concentrations and Respiratory Emergency Room Visits in Beijing, China. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2011;119:508-513.Abstract
BACKGROUND: The link between concentrations of particulate matter (PM) and respiratory morbidity has been investigated in numerous studies. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to analyze the role of different particle size fractions with respect to respiratory health in Beijing, China. METHODS: Data on particle size distributions from 3 nm to 1 mu m; PM10 (PM <= 10 mu m), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and sulfur dioxide concentrations; and meteorologic variables were collected daily from March 2004 to December 2006. Concurrently, daily counts of emergency room visits (ERV) for respiratory diseases were obtained from the Peking University Third Hospital. We estimated pollutant effects in single-and two-pollutant generalized additive models, controlling for meteorologic and other time-varying covariates. Time-delayed associations were estimated using polynomial distributed lag, cumulative effects, and single lag models. RESULTS: Associations of respiratory ERV with NO2 concentrations and 100-1,000 nm-particle number or surface area concentrations were of similar magnitude-that is, approximately 5% increase in respiratory ERV with an interquartile range increase in air pollution concentration. In general, particles <50 nm were not positively associated with ERV, whereas particles 50-100 nm were adversely associated with respiratory ERV, both being fractions of ultrafine particles. Effect estimates from two-pollutant models were most consistent for NO2. CONCLUSIONS: Present levels of air pollution in Beijing were adversely associated with respiratory ERV. NO2 concentrations seemed to be a better surrogate for evaluating overall respiratory health effects of ambient air pollution than PM10 or particle number concentrations in Beijing.
Lu Y, Zhang J, Xiong Y, Zhu N, Fan C, Wang S, Liu S, Liang Z, Shen Y, Wang Q, et al. Small interfering RNAs screened from random siRNA library direct neuronal differentiation. Biotechnology Letters [Internet]. 2011;(9):1737-1744. 访问链接
He W, Brumos J, Li H, Ji Y, Ke M, Gong X, Zeng Q, Li W, Zhang X, An F, et al. A small-molecule screen identifies L-Kynurenine as a competitive inhibitor of TAA1/TAR activity in Ethylene-Directed Auxin Biosynthesis and root growth in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell [Internet]. 2011;(11):3944-3960. 访问链接
Xie P, Tang Y, Shen S, Wang Y, Xing G, Yin Y, He F, Zhang L. Smurf1 ubiquitin ligase targets Kruppel-like factor KLF2 for ubiquitination and degradation in human lung cancer H1299 cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications [Internet]. 2011;(1):254-259. 访问链接
