科研成果 by Year: 2011

Liu X, Zhao D, Xiong R, Ma S, Gao W, Sun H. Transductive Regression with Local and Global Consistency for Image Super-Resolution, in 2011 Data Compression Conference (DCC 2011), 29-31 March 2011, Snowbird, UT, USA.; 2011:173–182. 访问链接
Qu B, Yang H, Chen Z, Xiao L, Gong Q. Transparent organic light-emitting diodes with LiF:Al composite cathodes, in PROCEEDINGS OF CHINA DISPLAY/ASIA DISPLAY 2011.; 2011:471-483.
Chen Y, Gu J, Xie XC, Zhang W. Trapping and releasing light by mechanical implementation in metamaterial waveguides. Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision [Internet]. 2011;(2):272-277. 访问链接
Chen J-H, Li L, Cullen WG, Williams ED, Fuhrer MS. Tunable Kondo effect in graphene with defects. Nature Physics. 2011;(7):535-538.
Chen J, He XY, Wu KH, Ji ZQ, Lu L, Shi JR, Smet JH, Li YQ. Tunable surface conductivity in Bi2Se3 revealed in diffusive electron transport. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2011;(24).
Liu T, Shang S-J, Liu B, Wang C-H, Wang Y-S, Xiong W, Zheng L-H, Zhang CX, Zhou Z. Two distinct vesicle pools for depolarization-induced exocytosis in somata of dorsal root ganglion neurons. Journal of Physiology [Internet]. 2011;(14):3507-3515. 访问链接
Qiao Z, Tse W-K, Jiang H, Yao Y, Niu Q. Two-dimensional topological insulator state and topological phase transition in bilayer graphene. Physical Review Letters [Internet]. 2011;(25). 访问链接
Yang F, Huang L, Sharma S, Brook JR, Zhang W, Li S-M, Tan J. Two-year observations of fine carbonaceous particles in variable sampling intervals. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT. 2011;45:2418-2426.Abstract
Daily to weekly integrated PM2.5 samples were collected consecutively from August 2005 through November 2007 at Egbert, a rural site in southern Ontario with two collocated samplers to characterize temporal variations of organic and elemental carbon (OC and EC) concentrations and to review the effects of different sampling intervals on their respective concentrations. OC and EC concentrations from both samplers had reasonable agreements for the samples with identical sampling intervals, whereas for the samples with different sampling intervals, they did not coincide. Considering sampling artifacts, analytical challenges and highly varied daily concentrations, it is suggested and would be advantageous to adopt the weekly integrated sampling strategy other than 29-h sampling on selected days for long-term trend studies on ambient carbonaceous PM. Both OC and EC concentrations varied seasonally by factors of 2.4 and their concentrations in warm seasons (May-October) were higher than those in cold seasons (November-April). Greater fluctuations were also found in warm seasons during the study period. Weekly concentrations of carbonaceous species at Egbert and urban Toronto show similar temporal variations and small urban excess during the one-year parallel sampling period, indicating a relatively large regional contribution from transport instead of local emissions to the paired urban-rural sites. The continental background level of total carbon mass (TCM) in PM2,5 in southern Ontario, constrained by surface air mass directions and back trajectories, was estimated to be 0.5 mu g m(-3). It is likely that the elevated OC level during the warm season in 2007 compared with those in 2006 was due to more smog days in 2007. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Li Z, Chen J, Yue S, Gong Q. Ultracompact Surface Plasmon Polariton Unidirectional Generator Based on Asymmetric Single-Nanoslit, in 2011 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO). 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA: IEEE; 2011.Abstract
An asymmetric single-nanoslit with lateral dimension of only 370 nm is demonstrated to work as an efficient SPP unidirectional generator at wavelength of 830 nm.
Chen J, Li Z, Yue S, Gong Q. Ultracompact surface-plasmon-polariton splitter based on modulations of quasicylindrical waves to the total field. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 2011;109:073102.Abstract
By coating a metal with a finite-thickness dielectric film, evident differences in the wave-vector magnitude between surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) and quasicylindrical waves (quasi-CWs) emerge. This brings modulation patterns to the total field on the metal surface near the electromagnetic source. Based on such an effect, an ultracompact SPP splitter with a lateral dimension of only 800 nm is experimentally demonstrated at wavelengths of 740 nm and 832 nm in a dielectric-film-coated asymmetric single nanoslit. These results imply that the additional modulation of quasi-CWs to the total field provide new possibilities for the design of ultracompact plasmonic devices. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3564935]
Chu S-S, Gao C, Wang S-F, Gong Q-H. Ultrafast Dynamics of Polythiophene with Phenyl Vinylene Branches Studied by Femtosecond Fluorescence Spectroscopy in Solution. Chinese Physics LettersChinese Physics Letters. 2011;28:117802.
Meng K, Ding Q, Wang S, Gong Q. Ultrafast energy transfer in blended polyphenothiazine/polyphenylene vinylene film. Chemical Physics LettersChemical Physics Letters. 2011;515:155-158.
Ding Q, Meng G, Wang S-F, Zheng X-F, Yang H, Gong Q-H. Ultrafast Solvation Dynamics of Subtilisin-Polyethylene Glycol Interaction for Protein Crystallization. Chinese Physics LettersChinese Physics Letters. 2011;28:067804.
Yue S, Li Z, Chen J, Gong Q. Ultrasmall and ultrafast all-optical modulation based on a plasmonic lens. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 2011;98:161108.Abstract
By exciting a plasmonic lens with femtosecond laser and utilizing the optical nonlinearity of the gold, an ultrasmall and ultrafast all-optical modulation spot was achieved inside a thin gold film. Near-field pump-probe measurements indicated a modulation spot size of about 600 nm, and a response time of about 1.5 ps. Even smaller spot size of about 300 nm was inferred from numerical simulations, beyond the diffraction limit given an incident wavelength of 1000 nm. Moreover, the optical nonlinearity and the modulation depth were increased by one order of magnitude at the focus compared to that at positions without structures. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3581895]
Guo H. Understanding the mode of phytohormones' action in plants. Science China Life Sciences [Internet]. 2011;(11):1062-1063. 访问链接
Xiong HW, Wu B. Universal behavior in quantum chaotic dynamics. Laser Physics Letters. 2011;(5):398-404.
Liu Y, Feng H, Feng Q, Teng J, Wu Z, Lu Y, Yu AC, Chen J. Use of hr3 enhancer and P74 TM domain in baculovirus surface display. Frontiers in Bioscience - Elite. 2011;(3):856-863.
胡泳. Ushahidi的故事. IT经理世界. 2011;(16):31.Abstract
<正>我们可以用一个全新的、极为开放的网络模型重新思考、重新建立社会的许多行业和部门奥瑞·奥科罗(Ory Okolloh)是肯尼亚一位非常著名的律师和博客作者。2007年肯尼亚争议性的选举之后爆发了严重的暴力事件,她不断地从不同的亲朋好友口中听到令人不安的强奸、抢劫和谋杀事件,开始怀疑政府和官方媒体对这些暴力事件的报告极不充分。她在自己的博客KenyanPundit上记录了一次由于肯尼亚政府禁止主流媒体报道而引发的暴力冲突后,引起了连锁反应,那些亲眼目睹或者亲身经历过暴力事件的人向她发送了大量的邮件和信息,就这样她开始收集证据。大量的报
Luo JC, Xiong Y, Han X, Lu Y. VEGF non-angiogenic functions in adult organ homeostasis: Therapeutic implications. [Internet]. 2011;(7):635-645. 访问链接
Chen J, Pei J, She Z-S, Hussain F. Velocity-Vorticity Correlation Structure in Turbulent Channel Flow, in Recent Advances in Fluid Dynamic Research --- Proceeding of the Sixth International Conference on Fluid Mechanics.Vol 1376.; 2011:87--89.
