科研成果 by Year: 2011

Yi C. Probing enzyme-mediated oxidation reactions in crystallo. Pure and Applied Chemistry. 2011;(12):2199-2212.
Ai H-wang, Shen W, Sagi A, Chen PR, Schultz PG. Probing Protein-Protein Interactions with a Genetically Encoded Photo-crosslinking Amino Acid. ChemBioChem [Internet]. 2011;(12):1854-1857. 访问链接
Xia Y, Meng Y, Qiu X, Yan Z. Process routing design on structure modifier of A-ring cleavage of ursolic acid. Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs. 2011;42:34-37.Abstract
目的设计一条原辅材料易得、低毒, 操作条件简单可控的熊果酸A环开环结构修饰的工艺路线, 从而得到更多具有广泛生物活性的熊果酸衍生物. 方法对类似的化合物进行国内外文献资料的调查与研究工作, 根据活性拼接原理提出设计路线. 结果提出自行设计的熊果酸A环开环结构修饰路线成本较低, 试剂低毒. 结论熊果酸A环结构修饰路线设计合理, 为熊果酸结构修饰物的深入研究提供基础
Ouillette P, Collins R, Shakhan S, Li J, Li C, Shedden K, Malek SN. The prognostic significance of various 13q14 deletions in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. [Internet]. 2011;(21):6778-6790. 访问链接
Wang S, Gong Q. Progress in femtochemistry and femtobiology. Science China Physics, Mechanics and AstronomyScience China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy. 2011;54:2103-2108.
Zhou Z, Liu JS, Lu HY, Wang C, Xia C, Wang W, Deng A, Xu Y, Leng Y. Propagation of Intense Femtosecond Laser Pulses in Deuterated Methane and Deuterium Cluster Jets. Plasma Science and Technology. 2011;13:3-10.Abstract
Propagation of intense femtosecond laser pulses (60 fs, 800 nm, 120 mJ, 6 × 1017 W/cm2 in vacuum) in supersonic (CD4)N and (D2)N cluster jets at different backing pressures was studied. Pump-probe interferometry is employed to investigate the propagation of laser beams in dense cluster jets by examining the electron density distribution of plasma channels. It was found that propagation effects, including ionization-induced defocusing and laser attenuation of incident pulses, are very different in the (CD4)N and (D2)N cluster jets. Different ionization states of CD4 and D2 molecules were observed by analyzing the transverse electron density profiles of the plasma channels and should be considered as a major reason for the differences in the propagation effects. Numerical simulations of the nonlinear propagation of femtosecond laser pulses in (CD4)N and (D2)N cluster jets were performed, and the results indicated a good reproduction of the experimental data.
Fang YD, Shi Y, Zhang YH, Gao BS, Wang SC, Zhou XH, Liu ML, Wang JG, Ma F, Guo YX, et al. Properties of the $\mathbit\ensuremathπh_11/2$ band in the stable nucleus $^\mathbit193$Ir. Phys. Rev. C [Internet]. 2011;83:054323. 访问链接
Fang YongDe, Zhang YuHu OTXFRSYZXHLMLGYXKKHMNSMY , journal cience Mechanics K} C-PH =, Astronomy. Properties of the pi h(9/2) circle times nu i(13/2) band in odd-odd Au-188. 2011;54.
Xia C, Deng A, Liu L, Wang W, Lu HY, Wang C, Liu JS. Proton Acceleration with Double-Layer Targets in the Radiation Pressure Dominant Regime. Chin. Phys. Lett. 2011;28:84101-4.Abstract
Acceleration of protons by a circularly polarized laser pulse irradiating on a double-layer target is investigated by a theoretical model and particle-in-cell simulations. The target is made up of a heavy ion layer coated with a proton layer on the rear surface. The results show that when the first layer is transparent induced by the hole-boring effect, the whole proton layer is accelerated by the transmitted laser pulse to high energy with low energy spread. The quality of the proton beam generated from a double-layer target is better than that from a single-layer target. The improvement is attributed to the flat top structure of the electrostatic field caused by the electrons injected into the second layer. It is easier to control the spectrum quality by using a double-layer target rather than using a single-layer one when the radiation pressure acceleration is dominant.
Wei Y-ming, Li S-X, Shi H-S, Ding Z-bo, Luo Y-xiao, Xue Y-X, Lu L, Yu C-xi. Protracted cocaine withdrawal produces circadian rhythmic alterations of phosphorylated GSK-3β in reward-related brain areas in rats. Behavioural Brain Research [Internet]. 2011;(1):228-233. 访问链接
Gong L, ZOU HENG‐FU. Public Expenditures, Taxes, Federal Transfers, and Endogenous Growth. Journal of Public Economic Theory. 2011.Abstract
This paper extends the Barro (1990) model with single aggregate government spending and one flat income tax to include public expenditures and taxes by multiple levels of government. It derives the rate of endogenous growth and, with both simulations and special examples, examines how that rate changes with respect to federal income tax, local taxes, and federal transfers. It also discusses the growth and welfare‐maximizing choices of taxes and federal transfers.
Wu R, Zhang Y, Yan S, Bian F, Wang W, Bai X, Lu X, Zhao J, Wang E. Purely coherent nonlinear optical response in solution dispersions of graphene sheets. Nano Letters [Internet]. 2011;(12):5159-5164. 访问链接
Zhao L, Wang J, Shi J, Zhang W, Liu H, Meng J, Liu G, Dong X, Zhang J, Lu W, et al. Quantitative determination of Eliashberg function and evidence of strong electron coupling with multiple phonon modes in heavily overdoped (Bi,Pb) 2Sr2CuO6+δ. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2011;(18).
Tse W-K, Qiao Z, Yao Y, MacDonald AH, Niu Q. Quantum anomalous Hall effect in single-layer and bilayer graphene. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2011;(15).
Li X-Z, Walker B, Michaelides A. Quantum nature of the hydrogen bond. 2011;(16):6369-6373.
Li X-Z, Walker B, Michaelides A. Quantum nature of the hydrogen bond. 2011;(16):6369-6373.
Mao L, Wu B. Quantum size effects in Friedel oscillations inside films. Surface Science. 2011;(13-14):1230-1235.
Cai Z, Wang L, Xie XC, Schollwöck U, Wang XR, Ventra DM, Wang Y. Quantum spinon oscillations in a finite one-dimensional transverse Ising model. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2011;(15).
Brochet DXP, Xie W, Yang D, Cheng H, Lederer JW. Quarky calcium release in the heart. Circulation Research [Internet]. 2011;(2):210-218. 访问链接
Luo G, Qian X, Liu H, Qin R, Zhou J, Li L, Gao Z, Wang E, Mei W-N, Lu J, et al. Quasiparticle energies and excitonic effects of the two-dimensional carbon allotrope graphdiyne: Theory and experiment. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2011;(7).
